Welcome to Meow Diaries! ****
Hello! It took me a while, but finally, my third blog is ready for viewing YAY! B and I spent quite some time thinking of the perfect name for my third baby here. The perfectionist in me simply could not decide on one that I was 100% happy with until one fine day when B popped his head into my office and said "I've got it! How about Meow Diaries?". And that was when I happily nodded in agreement, and Meow Diaries was born. Thank you very much to my supportive hubby B, who not only encouraged me to come up with a third blog, but also helped me in naming it to purr-fection!

So today, as my very first post here, I'd like to give a very special welcome to all my visitors and friends. With the official launch of my third blog, I hope to keep you entertained with the many silly and adorable antics of my precious darlings Chubbs, Benji and Phoebe! I am going to go with the flow with this new cat blog of mine, posting what I feel whenever I post here, with lotsa cat talk and pictures for your blogging and viewing pleasure, starting with a welcome picture from the youngest of my three adorable cats. Say hello to Lil' Pheebs!

Definitely Marzie, where will we be without our B's, eh? :-D
Site look great Marzie ;) ;)
Me too Shemah! :) can't wait for MD's badge! :)
Thank you marzieee!! :-) :-)
oohhh and look at those kitties waiting on the border for the FC linky love!!! TOO TOO CUTE LAHHH!!
Ha ha ha sabr ye, badge dah ada, Cuma belum letak je! Cant wait la to join ec and adgi woo hooo!
MEOW!!! :-D :-D
i totally agree Shem! so cute!! :-D :-D
I pun tgh set up MD in my outlook Shemah, padahal ada kerja nak buat ni LOL!!! Btw ladies, I put all ur main blogs here yeah, first post gitu! :)
Abaden, of coz la green, mah latest craze LOL!!!
Hola Marzie! I've missed you! I'm glad to be back. Got my connection back to normal now..phew! =-X =-X :* :*
Ha ha ha Ane! We and our Bs yay!! Oh hang on, am gonna add the TCm here, see if it works woo hoo! :)
Thanks Bill! And MEOW! :)
U're here Aunty A! :* :*
Thanks Shemah! 8-) 8-)
Ah finally I see Debbs! Welcome Debbs! :* :* :*
Woohoo!! Now EC kena wait for 5 posts kan?
YAY! I bekerja keras dengan my artist on the banner ni ha ha! Sape lagi la kan kalau bukan Emila and semestinya Chubbs paling shy here YAY! :* :* :-[
hahahah love the layout!! :)
heellooo tchel!! :)
Hug away Ane!! She's so small she can't move if u hold her tightly LOL!! :* :*
I hope she doesn't get angry if I hug her too tight! :)
Ane! Thank you for being MD’s first follower, love ya! My blogroll isn’t complete, I will add everyone in later woo hoo! :)
Welcome Shemah, thank you very much for attending my launch! :)
Ha ha ha tu la tak zzzzz tadi, cari divider la, edit settings la hah ah, so excited, thanks again you guys!!!
Twinks is here too! MEOW!!
Thanks Twinks, MD loves ya too! :)
Twinks!!! So glad to hear that sweetie, what was wrong with ur connection? Anyway thanks and welcome!! :)
Oh is it Shemah? Just 5 posts? How abt Adgi? :)
Debbs! Noticed Benji paling F kat sini? He he he he! Cute la Benji!
YAY, thanks Shemah!!! Fikir lama jugak tu nak template mana LOL! LJ did the background for me woo hoo! :)
Ha ha she won’t Ane! Pheebs is harmless!!!
It's fine with me!! Gorgeous lah all the ladies' badges up there! LOL!
YAY B! Puas kita back and forth thinking of a purr-fect name, so thanks to my darling for naming this one for me woo hoo!!! And I love la my color scheme Shemah! :* :* :*
I love the divider here the best!!!! :-) :-) :-)
Oh I think so too Shemah!!! Love seeing ur badges here on my very first post, thanks so much ladies! :)
Thank you for the hugs and kisses Aunty A! :* :*
Yay! Thanks Ane, i love my blog colour here too! :* :* :* :*
Aunty D!!!! You're here, I told you Master has been working hard on our new home! :* :*
Shem! I get my own comments! Lagi la weird.
Ha ha ha coms kan this divider! :)
I tgh masak tadi GP, that's why lambat sikit hehehe
Tu la I notice Chubbs with his pinkiest cheeks! Huggies Chubbs!
Yes Benji paling macho! Cannot say F afters F kitty syndrome lol!! Love ya Benjo!
I get my own comments from meow diaries!! LOL!
I so heart the layout..and the color! yay! :* :*
**** post and I didn't make it! >:o >:o >:o :'( :'(
Hey kiddoes, Aunty D is back with some treats! :* :* :*
And some toys for you while I'm at it! ;) ;) :-D :-D
Hmmmm pasal own comments tu, I pun dapat one time kat LJL but after a while it goes back to normal, so not to worry ladies! ;)
Uwahhhh masak apa Debbs? Im waiting for my NL ni lol!!!
Huggies Aunty D! Tenkiu for understanding my shyness here MEOW! :)
H ah ah a yeah la, I nak cakap chubbs tadi instead of F, but takut terkonpius dengan CHubbs-ter! ;)
YAY! Thank you Twinks, it took a while but I’m finally happy with everything, hence today’s launch! :)
Worry not Twinks, more posts coming up for u to chop away here woot! :)
YAY! Thank you Aunty D!!! We love kitty treats! :)
Yeah I know Pheebs! Great new home! Aunty D will come and bug you often! ;) And Benji and Chubbs too.
Goreng mi again lol!!
Lol Chubbs! Better start posing for photos more, ok?
Chubbster yg selim melim! ;)
Oooooh toys oso Debbs? Surely u are the kiddoes’ fave aunt la like dis, spoiling them! :)
Enjoy the treats and toys, kiddoes!
He he he you can come bug or hug us anytime u want Aunty D! Master would love that! ;)
Mmmmmmm sedapnya mee goreng!
Ok Aunty D! I always run away when I see Master coming with her camera but I will try to sit still for more cat poses for you MEOW!
Sure! 4 felt mice with catnip lol!
Thanks again Aunty D, we love ya! :)
Nice lah I love the background! :-)
So funny la you Chubbs, it's only Master with her camera lol!!
Oh yay! I'll come by all the time to visit! :)
Oh 4 felt mice!!! We love it Aunty D! Benji tamak ambik 2 LOL!
YAY, tenkiu Shemah! Cute kan ada paw-paw gitu!
He he he Aunty D! U don know Master, when she comes with her camera, she’ll be snapping away non stop! ;)
YAY! Come over with treats okay Aunty D? :)
Yay to Meow Diaries!! Hello Pheebs :* Look forward to reading your diary. Say hi to Marzie and oso to Chubbs and Benji!
YAY! Nessa is here too, thanks for coming over sweetie!!! Nanti nak drop for 3 blogs ni Nessa LOL! ;)
hi dear, BIG CONGRATS on the third blog launch! its green lagi! still ur current fav is it? :-D nice B came out with perfect name! ;) Happy to see the cats in action.. bdw, hi Phoebe!
MEOW Diya!!! Thanks dearie, hahaha gumbiranya I dapat jugak launch my third blog today LOL! Oh yeah, still very much into lime green ahaks! Hugs from the kids! :)
Haaa tu lah the paw paw tu yang cute tak tahan tu!! LOL!
Congrats congrats GP!!
Wah looks so cozy lah here!!
I loves!!!
Aunt LJ brought FF for all kitties and cookies for all your visitors!!!
Happy Launch Day Meow Diaries!!!!!
Wahhhh, Emila dah sapu FC, Marzie owns her a car. Cayalah. 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-D :-D :-$
I love cats! Oh, welcome to 900 drops! :D
ok, don't mind if I do hug phoebe really really tight! and kiss kiss kiss!
:* :*
don't worry about it Marzie.. :-D
Lil' Pheebs is very cute. Lovely cats you have Mariuca. I'm glad to tell you that my blog is ok now, no more problems with JS anymore. 8-)
I'm following you here too. :-D
Hi Marzie & Kitties....
I'm meowing my first comment over at this 3rd blog of yours ..... *meow* meow*
LJ helped you with the design? :)
I love the green here, its so pleasant to the eyes :)
I will add this new blog to my blogroll..... *meowing* out now..... cya :):)
Tahniah lancarkan blog baru..power ni...I selalu tengok ikan dalam akuarium kat umah ni je...
Hello Marzie!!! meows to pheebs, benji & chubss!! a week supplies of FF for my fave kitties in the net!!! :-D :-D
Congartulations on Meow Diaries! It's a perfect name! :) :* :*
oh, great color too!! It's yr fav lime green!! yay!! :-D :-D
ok, i'll add meow diaries to my blogroll first! :)
ok, i've folled MD! this will makes my visit alot easier! :)
ok, marzie! i've added MD to my blogroll! :-D
oh, congrates on yr own domain too!! everything starts off just great here!! Wishing you a plentiful of success & happi stories here at MD! *HUGZ* :) :* :* :*
helloo Shem! :):*
I wouldn't want to miss your blog launching Marzie! MEOW! ;);) I'm glad
to be here! yay!
Your lil pheebz is so cute mariuca, i like the colorand header of your blog. congrats and goodluck. ;)
There were some technical problems in our line Marzie. The technician
came over and thankfully, was able to fix it. I'm glad to be back and be
here. Just in time for your blog launching. yay! :):)
Hi Marzie,
Cool! Me and Miriam will love to read about your kids adventures.
Wish you all the luck for this new venture of yours.
By the way, the name is perfect!
Hugs xxx
the layout is so cute marzie and i love the title too...meow diaries!
yay! :):)
I forgot to put my name in the previous comment... it´s me, lol :):)
I can't wait to chop here Marzie! hehehe ;):)
congratz marzie... it's very cool! :) ;) :)
Hi, just dropping by your 3rd blog! Congrats!! So this blog won't be joining EC?
u're welcome Mariuca! I've added MD to my blogroll! :* :* :*
Thank you Monica meow meow! TUO is also on my blogroll YAY! Can’t wait to chop at TUO he he! :)
hello mariuca... as usual, the launch is a success! bilib na talaga ako sa iyo... grabe! hehe.
anyway, i love this new blog - the layout and especially the very cute cat on the photo. hihi. i am also a cat lover!
anyway, congratulations and i know many will surely love this blog and will support! :) :) :)
Recent blog post: Diet Slippers?
I just received all yr replies from MD! >.<
See, so slow la u receiving my replies, how come eh? :(
I don't know la Mariuca...the rest ok but replies from MD, I receive after a few hours!!
Oh no so sad! MEOW! :(
Hola Marzie! congrats. i look forward to reading more stories of your little kitties.
btw, i love your new layout. it's greenery, refreshing and pleasing to the eyes.
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