What's Your Shade of Green? ***
Since I love Blogthings so much, how about kicking off another brand new day at Meow Diaries with a cool colour test! This one tells me just what type of green I am; fitting with my current lime green phase and colour scheme here don't you think? Just answer a few easy questions to find out your true shade of green.

Apparently I am Apple Green! Hmmm I love that I supposedly have all this positive energy surrounding me but charmingly assertive? Let's just say that when I set my mind on something, I know how to work around any problems that may arise to get to that finish line smoothly and smugly!

Care to share with me your personal shade of green? Have fun with this quiz peeps and happy Wednesday!

You Are Apple Green |
![]() You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you. And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive. You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way. Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life. |

=-O =-O
:* :* :* :*
perfect color for you marzie!!
8-) 8-) 8-)
i don't know how accurate this is, marzie but I'm TEAL GREEN!!
You are a one of a kind, original person. There's no one even close to being like you.
Expressive and creative, you have a knack for making the impossible possible.
While you are a bit offbeat, you don't scare people away with your quirks.
Your warm personality nicely counteracts and strange habits you may have.
Recent blog post: There You'll Be (Faith Hill)***
:) Shemah!!!
And Monica!! Congrats ladies! So speedy la u all today ha ha!
Yayy!!! I did it, Marzie!! just in time to pick buds from school!! :) :)
It’s you sweetie, what link u want here today yeah? I letak JPP yest cause u zzzzz edi! :)
Ha ha ha I think so too SHemah, bestnye apple green ni! :)
hahahah strange habits?? hmmmm *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: There You'll Be (Faith Hill)***
thanks for doing that marzie!! I love JPP here.. but today can i have NES??? ;)
Mariuca!! LOL coz there's no traffic jam here!
:-D :-D :-D yay! :-D :-D
Oh no Ane!!!!! You were changing Lucas sweetie?
Hugs Ane, ut don worry cause I’m also posting at MPG!!! Make sure u get that chop okay? :)
Marzie, look who's stalking MD! :-D
Recent blog post: A New Domain for ANEtv
Wow teal green! So cool Shemah and I think the last part abt u having a warm personality is true, so yay! Thanks for sharing dear! :)
Just in time Shemah woo hoo! Now go pick up Gollibud! ;)
Strange habits like stalking and chopping at odd hours of the day and night Shemah? LOL!
Sure! One NES coming up for u Shemah ha ha! :)
YAY! Here so fast to load my page eh, not many widgets yet ha ha!
Yay! I am apple green too Marzie! :)
Recent blog post: A New Domain for ANEtv
Ane u were stalking?? Oh nevermind dear, I’ll link u up here too, for stalking! Congrats sweetie! :)
Hang on yeah, lemme add u ladies here first! :)
remember I told you my old room was painted apple/lime green? kinda like your background.. :)
Recent blog post: A New Domain for ANEtv
Ane! I’ll put up ANE here yeah, since the last chop was LATM? :)
YAY!!! Ane, we are both apple green hahahahha! Awesome! :)
Yeah!!! I remember that Ane, so how cool that ur green shade is apple green! :)
my line suddenly disconnected >:o
yeah so fast lah to load yr page..I love it! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
Oh no, but good u got back online Mon! :)
Me too loving this fast loading here Mon! So now 3 posts edi, 2 more before can apply for EC lol!
Mariuca!!! I AM Apple Green! hohohohohohoho...
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
MD got a cute stalker eh! :-D :-D
Yay u can apply EC soon! :-D
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
:'( :'( :'(
congrats to all FCs... :-D :-D :-D
doing the quiz now marzie.. =-X =-X
Recent blog post: Twinks Is So Glad To Be Back Online
Awww.. thanks marzie!! :-) although there were so many answers to really
choose from marzie!! Hard to decide which ones I want! I think I'm multiple
greens!! LOL!
Hohohohohoho indeed Monica!!!! You, me and Ane all in one gang woo hoo! Group hug! :)
Yay!! If I was a minute later in picking up buddy.. it would have rained!
The moment we stepped into the building shade, it started raining!! So
thanks for posting on time!! YAYY!!
Twinks! You missed the chop sweetie, now keep a look out at MPG okay? Posting there next LOL!!
Hahahaha true true!!! Those are strange habits indeed marzie!! LOL!
hehe Okay Marzie.. :) Thanks sweetie.. Actually, Chakai was stalking while I was changing Lucas' diaper, then Lucas and I took over, do you see the pic? :-D :-D
Recent blog post: A New Domain for ANEtv
I hope so Mon, and wan to apply for Adgi and BE too! :)
Super cool Marzie! :) :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: A New Domain for ANEtv
I'm Apple Green too marzie! MEOW! =-O =-O :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Twinks Is So Glad To Be Back Online
=-O *group hugsssssssss*!!!!!
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
Okay Twinks, lemme know ur result!
Thanks!! So proud to have MSE, NES and JPP feauted here!! MEOW!!!
of coz must apply for Adgi too! what's BE? oh no traffic jam! LOL!!!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
Ultra cool ladies! :)
Wah bestnye hujan kat sana Shemah, no sign of rain here. :)
I haven’t seen the pic Ane, u left it in my comment box??Oh so cute la chakai stalking for u, so happy that u got FC3 then! Kissy Chakai! :)
MEOW MEOW Twinks!!! You too apple green? WOW, that’s 4 of us so far! Shemah’s Teal green! :)
Ha haha only tinggal fashionista yg u tak update dah berapa minggu Shemah?
Blog Explosion Mon! U joined edi yes?
Ha ha no worries Shemah, I like this one too. So ready to chop at MPG? LOL!!!! Crazy la me posting nonstop one after another ha ha!
Hugs Twinks!
ohhh! ya I joined Blog Explosion edi but I hardly login to BE :-D
Recent blog post: Beat the heat
He he he not to mention stalking paid post programs and chopping there too Shemah! :)
Almost everyday Im battling on BE Mon ha ha! :)
I don't know what can i do there Mariuca ....lol!
So many things Mon! Can play blog lottery, go on blog battles, join blog rocket lol!!
Alaa.. malu2 plak the hujan here, marzie.. now.. it stopped already!!
Hahaha tu lah.. I'm going to have an update frenzy there and backdate some
of the posts.. kesian dia. if tak update for 3 weeks, they cancel your
Hahahaah of course have to stalk there.. if not.. how to get $$$$
Sini bright and sunny Shemah, langsung tak cloudy! :(
Stalk where to get $$$ Shemah? Oh paid programs haha ha ! yeahla but today 3p nothing for me, so must stalk again later tonight lol! Kita ni asyik stalk everywhere LOL!
You're really on a posting frenzy marzie!! LOL!
It's hot and humid and VERY smoggy here.. I wish I was in baguio with ane!!
It sounds soooo nice there!
I am I am Shemah, somebody stop me edi, cause supposed to be zzzz ni hahaha!
Oh me too, it sounds so cool and breezy where Ane is right now! :)
Oh is it? Strict ye today tu? Ok ok better update soon!
Yoohoo I'm home! ;) Meow!
Recent blog post: Saturday Outing At Central Market
I'm Apple Green too, Marzie! :* :* :*
This newly launched blog of yours so fast has 3 posts already..... !! >:o
Marzie, you are doing so well lah. I mean your time management !! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: WW : My little Mr Cool ... ...
Hola Marzie, Chubbs, Pheebs and Benji!
I am apple green too :-D
I got apple green too Mariuca! 8-)
Recent blog post: JS-Kit Comments and my blog
:'( :'( :'( I'm so NOT SSG anymore..lol!!
Mine is Apple Green too!!! High five sista!
Recent blog post: Mufasa Crossed the Rainbow Bridge
This nice color template. Where did u get it? Thanks on advance.
Recent blog post: Anjana Sukhani Hottest Wallpapers
I missed the chop at MPG as well Marzie...huhuhu.. I was out... LOL!
Cheers to being Apple Green! yay! LOL!
Hugsy Marzie!
Mariuca, ready to chop? :-D
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