Benji Unwell *
Oh no! Poor Benji is sick! We brought the kids home from the Pet Hotel on Saturday night and they all seemed okay. We missed our baby cats while on vacation last week so it was good to see them healthy and clean. I made sure the kids got their Diva Bath before coming home and they smell sweet and fresh right now.
I noticed Benji started throwing up yesterday morning and it seems his condition has not changed. Each time he eats, he will throw up the food right back. His appetite is still good and he's not listless or anything like that but he's just throwing up for no apparent reason.
We will take Benji to the Doctor this evening if he continues throwing up. Poor Benji, I hope it's just a minor bug and nothing major. meow!

I noticed Benji started throwing up yesterday morning and it seems his condition has not changed. Each time he eats, he will throw up the food right back. His appetite is still good and he's not listless or anything like that but he's just throwing up for no apparent reason.

We will take Benji to the Doctor this evening if he continues throwing up. Poor Benji, I hope it's just a minor bug and nothing major. meow!


kesian Benji, wonder what's bugging him...
Hahhahahahahah speedy gonzales la Bem today woo hoo!
Take care dear benji. I hope he gets well soon. Do take him to the vet as soon as possible. He really does look sick :(
Tu la kesian Benji, now sitting quietly on my desk, teman I buat kerja, dia tgh manja ni cause sakit poor thing! :(
Which blog today Bem? :)
Oh no, he looks really sick Sandman?!!! Now there’s more reason for me to panic, will surely bring him to the vet tonight meow! :(
otak3pagi yay thanks
apa sebab throw up ek, something wrong with the stomach kot.
03P it is Bem Bem! Wait seminit…..
Okay badge is up and point counted, thanks for chopping Bem, maybe ul make it a hattrick if I post at WOAFS later! ;)
Dunno cause usually okay je Benji… some more we gave the pet hotel his usual food so they will eat while boarding, dunno why! His fave wet food pun dia throw up hmmmm! :(
hola benji!
poor benji!!
yay thanks, hat trick? kenot lah, i doubt it :D
Hola Aunty Emila! I’m sick! Meow!
Tu la ni risau pulak Emila, hopefully demam sikit je Baba! :(
Whassamatter Bem…. Shy to chop some more ke? He he he! KAMON!
not shy, its impossible hahah
Nothing is impossible Bem kamon have a little faith in ur King status!
Oh poor Benji! Get well soon. :)
Recent blog post: Rainy Sunday and another Crazy Dream.
Oh no. Not again... is there a kitty virus going around?? :( :( :( :(
Get well soon Benji!!
Recent blog post: Seven Zero Six
=-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Something every little one needs
=-O =-O =-O
meow! :* :* :*
which one is Benji? the one in front right? :-[ :-[ :-[
must take him to the Doctor Mariuca..
Monica! :)
U missed the chop Mon! Sleeping is it? He he…
Meow Mon!
Thanks Nessa, cian Benji always so chubby and healthy now sickish it seems sigh…. Will update his condition if he gets better, hopefully la!
Thanks so much Mara, Benji sends his love and a big fat hug! :)
Sick la Benji Mon! Now oso just sleeping huhuhu!
Yes Benji is the big one in front, that’s Pheebs behind he he! :)
Mariuca!!! ;)
Surely must take him see Dr. Chan Mon, oso worried here! :(
yelah i was Zzzzzzz sweetie....hahahhahahaha!
poor Benji!! :(
Monica! U missed my chop at MPG oso sweetie but hey, u’re in the lead there with Nessa! :)
I'm at MPG now sweetie! ;)
don't worry least his appetite is still good O:-)
Recent blog post: Something every little one needs
ohh ok Benji is the big one! yeah he looks sick lah :(
Recent blog post: Something every little one needs
still 0 here?! :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Something every little one needs
I hope Benji is alright Marzie!
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
Could it be he has hair balls that's why he's throwing up?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
I hope it's nothing serious Marzie!
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
give him lotsa hugs and kisses from Aunty Ane okay? *DONT_KNOW* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
Phoebe is looking oh so cute in that picture, all snuggly in the corner.. :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
Ooh Bem, the chopping king also!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
i'm not the chopping king lah, turns out the queens were unavailable hehehe
oh I do hope Benji feels better... I have had Charlotte sick in bed today and it is very worrying when your loved ones are not the best ...
kisses to the Kitties ...they must be so happy to have Master back :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
I'm glad you're back too Mariuca ;) :*
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
oh there you go again humble huy Bem!
OH NO!!!!!
Hurry GP.. send to clinic... aiyoo.. so stressful lah kan.. our kids all sakit like this..
Recent blog post: Family Tree
I had an early morning at the new place today.. got home at 5pm.. slept and woke up at 10pm! Boleh?! lol!!
Recent blog post: Family Tree
Get well soon Benji
Here's a big hug from Aunt LJ!! and some nice FF too to whet your appetite ya!
Recent blog post: Family Tree
meow benji! i hope all is well!!
i hope so too marzie!
Recent blog post: Lazy Sunday
Awww... I hope Benji feels better soon. I'm sure they're glad to have you back home. :)
Recent blog post: Meow-Meow Massage Special!
i hope benji gets better soon. He's so cute!
i hope benji gets feel better soon Marzie. Needs a lot of TLC. ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday
my MM is up! ;)
Hiya GP!
How's Benji today dearie??
that's awful. i wish Benji the best speedy recovery.
:* :* :* buzz2!
Buzz buzz! :)
Thanks LR, hugs. :)
Hi dearie! Benj is okay so far, still monitoring his situasi… thanks for asking! :)
No MM for me this week Monica he he… ;)
Thanks Bill! Benji is def getting extra TLC from B especially meow! :)
next week lah Mariuca....or else bottom
But now cannot see Mr Linky edi or what? Last week MPG not bottom three though YAY! :)
Benji thanks you for the cute compliment Ayie, meow! :)
yeah cannot see Mr Linky! :-D last week u're fast ;)
I had to quickly prepare all my scheduled posts in less than a day Mon, cause flight moved a day earlier! Rushing la dat time he he! :)
Hey YDC, thanks so much and yes my kids are so happy to be home. Just like me..meow! :)
so rush huh ..and u gtg to salon and do hair some more :-)
u Buzz buzz Mariuca?
Dats why la!!! Last minute we found out, my plans all had to be cramped into one day instead of 2! Aiya…packing also few hours before leaving lol!! I forgot to bring my toner lagi cause was rushing.. ;)
Aunty LJ! Thanks for the hug and the FF, my fave! Meow! :)
No u buzz2 me la Mon, so I replied by buzz2-ing u back ROTFLMAO!! :)
ohhhh i tot u buzz2! hahahahahahah......
Hehehhehehe I buzz2 u at TUO only he he! ;)
ok....hehe! ;)
Yay, thanks Kim! :)
Why u wan me to buzz2 you now? Hahahhahahahahah! ;)
u buzz2 me now Mariuca? coming! hahahahhahahah
Eh wait!!! Hahahahaha slow la uploading video at meow!
buzz2!!! ;)
I hope Benji is feeling better today :* :*
have a lovely day Mariuca and Kitties :* :*
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
Poor Benji must be missing Master so much !! *hugs*.... hope you get well soon :):)
Recent blog post: Transformers : Meet & Greet Session
Hi Marzie,
Dropping by to check out what is new over at your site :) Hope things are well and that you are stress free :) Stay healthy and safe always :) xoxo
Hey Marzie, hope Benji is feeling better today.. :*
Recent blog post: Random Tuesday Thoughts: Tired and Disturbed**
Hi Mariuca,
I hope benji gets well fast!
Me and Miriam are great Phoebe fans :) She´s looks so relaxed in pics... a real Garfield attitude, lol.
Good Friday!
Recent blog post: Day Off at the Beach
good to hear that Benji is going ok Mariuca ...
big hugs to all the Kitties :* :* :*
MD is on all my blogs !!!!
how cool is that 8-) 8-) 8-)
I think your master deserves a FREE mini portrait :-P for being an EC ad guru and fantastic friend...
tell her to send photos and hopefully I'll get one done next month after my sister's murals are out of the way :) :)
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
Hope Benjy gets well soon ...
Recent blog post: The Spaceman Is Down ...
Hope Benji is all better now.
Oh no, I hope Benji feels much better, and you didn't have to take him to the vet!!
Best of luck!
Hi Mariuca,
So you are back from your vacation. Poor Benji, both cats in pic. look so cute.
;) :) :*
Recent blog post: GOOD HEALTH
hello Kitties
trying a new sign in to see if I can comment at Mariuca's :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
trying with open id :)
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
Ahhh...they are so darn sweet.
I hope things get better soon:)
Checking out my EC ad... ah, yes it's there alright... hehe
Eh, how's Benji oredi? OK or not?
Recent blog post: The Great Escape
meow meow :* :* :*
Meow meow Mon! :)
Benji is doing fine Nessa, thanks so much for asking and for the ad here today meow! :)
The message left:
meow meow :* :* :*
Meow meow LJ! Me just got up!
Meow meow LJ!
Thank you Dorothy, it’s nice to see u here too. :)
Hi Kim! :)
You still can’t comment at Mariuca, Kim? I don’t know what’s wrong and am actually experiencing problems with my JS commenting system. :( But thanks so much for trying to comment sweetie, hugs! :)
Hi Lil!! Long time no see kan? Sibuk sikit, so many things to catch up after vakasi…how are ur cats? All 30+ of them! The other cat here is Phoebe he he… :)
im so sry to hear abt this, marzie! u must hv worried sick abt benji. *HUGZ* glad it's all okay now! *HUGZ* for benji!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Friendship Chain Tag
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