New Cat Toy!
I felt a little guilty for being in Game Mode these past few weeks so I got my kids a game of their own! It's been a while since we bought them a new toy and cats too need to have their own fun and games right? While Master is happily in her own little Casino Online world, you guys can have some fun as well okay?

After much discussion, B and I decided on the new Deluxe Activity Centre, which is basically a grooming toy. You add in a little catnip into the provided slots to naturally entice your cat. Known for its behavioural effects on cats, the catnip will drive your cat "crazy" and you may see them purr and roll over in glee, pawing at the toy; chewing and biting the brushes where the delicious catnip is hidden from sight. In doing so, your cats will enjoy the fun they find in the catnip whilst getting their fur brushed and groomed at the same time! Pretty cool right? It's a toy and a groomer all in one!

Stop it Benji!
Benji was the most excited and could not wait to get his paws on the new toy. He kept on getting in the way of me assembling it! 

We love our new toy! meow
I'm happy to see that my kitties obviously love their new toy; it was a hilarious seeing them gone wild trying to find the cat nip! Thanks to this new fun and entertaining cat toy, I won't feel so guilty when I check into my casino games. The one I'm playing has a whole new range of roulette tables; come on lucky number 29! 

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O
today it took ages to load the page.. i wonder why..
=-O =-O
wuaaahhh bestnya!!!!!!! Pheebs, Benji and chubbs all enjoying their new toy!! the things people come up with are certainly amazing to see.. especially for people without any pets. LOL!
=-O =-O
that's me! I was guest!! :-[ :-[
hey ane!! :) :)
Yay! A New toy for the cuties!
chop dulu..
terlambat sikit dgn rizal..uhuu
i seminit je lambat from u
i want new toys too...hehehehehe
oppsss...i'm not the cat but want to play with benji and chubbs ;)
your kitties are so cute.. I'm thinking maybe when Lucas and chakai are older we're going to get a cat, so I can still baby someone.. :)
They’re so enjoying their new toy Shemah, good buy indeed! Some more less than RM50, which is not so expense kan? LOL at cat toys entertaining ppl without pets! :)
Oh hahahha, how come u have to log in each time u comment Ane? Anyway Meow 2! :)
And it took ages for me to receive these comments in my gmail! :(
Yay Ane! Meow 2! :)
Shemah! Meow 1! :)
Guest! ????
Woo hoo! Rizal Meow 3! :)
They wanna have some fun too Ane! Meow! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps, adding score now! :)
Alamak Marvic, termiss sikit je!! Hugs! :)
thats why la..but never mind... :)
Penting tu seminit, lucky not sesaat, lagi sakit hati! Meow!
Ha ha ha so cute Marvic wants to play with my cats, meow! :)
LOL Marvic!!! Eh marvic, I gave u some awards at Mariuca, blm sempat hantar message! Pls come by to accept ur awards sweetie!
I wonder if they have that for babies.. Hmm.. I want to get one for Lucas so
he can go play by himself long enough for me to actually do some work
online.. :)
Because I had to clear my private data so I can log in to EC Marzie, cause
whenever I log out as me, I need to clear my private data to sign in as B
and then have to clear again to sign back in as me.. hehe
That is a great idea, Ane! Your kids will surely find a cat oh so entertaining, hugs! :)
Kitties are so lucky to have a caring and loving master like you Marzie! :)
I wish Lucas is old enough, and I think he likes cats, cause everytime he
sees your kitties he doesn't want to look away.. :-D
Yay for meow 2! :-D wooHoo! :)
Hey Shem! :)
hehehe sori laaa marvic.. mana tahu main bukak jerr dah ada. huhuhu
Recent blog post: WeBlog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
kitties all look so happy playing with. MAster plays game, now meow2 also can play game.
Recent blog post: WeBlog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
Oh yeke less than rm50 marzie?? Wuaahh.. I tot it would be more expense..
something like rm79.90 or something like that! LOL!
OMG! So cute! Haha.. The toy is very innovative. I never seen any of this kind. :-D :-D :-D
omg. cats also have such complicated toys??!! i want to be a house cat in my next life!
Hi Marzie,
It´s my day off and I´m online doing drops too. Just saw yours.
Great toy, never saw one of those. I´m sure the kids will have loads of fun with it.
Two days ago, I brought home another furfriend I found on the street, a little furgirl that was abandoned. Couldn´t resist her, she´s so sweet. I haven´t posted about it but I will, soon.
Good rest of weekend, Hugs xx
ah she seems to like it. she is so sweet and fluffy!
I'm starting to love cats...
the fur.... it's gonna give me a biiig achoooo!lol
oooh I think you Kitties are spoilt !!!! ;) 8-) ;) :*
Recent blog post: a sad sad Music Monday..
:* :* :*
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Morning meowsss!! :*
Recent blog post: Friday Fill-Ins: Casino games, Envy, Movie!
wah new toy!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Friday Fill-Ins: Casino games, Envy, Movie!
This would really be an amazing toy for the kitties.
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Garbage
Luckily my cats kat rumah tak reti-reti ngan menda hip hop nii semua..
my cats kan kucing kampung. ahak ahak ahak
Jimat duit empunya dia.. kekeke
Recent blog post: WeBlog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
Hahahahahah menda hip-hop hahahah! Tu la Rizal, kucing I ni manja gila, semua benda pun I nak belikan for them cause oh so cute! Kenot tahan! ;)
It is a great fun toy LR and it was a good buy on our end. The kitties are happy and so is Master! :)
It is a great fun toy LR and it was a good buy on our end. The kitties are happy and so is Master! :)
New toy for meows, Mon! :)
Morning Monica!!! Hope u had a good sleep. :)
Monica! :)
Hehehehhehe Master spoils us Kim, she can’t help herself!! Meow! :)
Ha ha u shld love cats moongoddesslei! They’re adorable and so fluffy meow! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
Tina!! So good to see u here sweetie! Thanks for dropping by, meow! :)
hahah.. i love this toy GP.. two in one eh.. how much how much.. everything is so expensive now.. must really budget lah... heheh
Recent blog post: Another Sick Kitty
This one murah je LJ, about RM50… but very useful to keep them entertained, excellent buy! :)
Yeah, less than RM50 I think...this is one of the "cheaper" toys Shemah.. :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Cool 37-Question Tag! ***
That's so true Rizal, Master and kitties both must have games to enjoy! :-[ :-[
Recent blog:=- Frugal Friday ***
Ha ha so many cool cat toys are available now Blue, thanks! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- I Feel Like Spring, How About You? *
LOL Renaye! Of coz, cats wanna have fun too, meow! :* :*
Recent blog:=- I Feel Like Spring, How About You? *
Hi Mize!! I'm so glad u have a new fur friend to keep u and Miriam company. How is Nina doing btw? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- I Feel Like Spring, How About You? *
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