Chubbs Hospitalized! **
Oh no! Chubbs was hospitalized yesterday evening! We took him to the vet as soon as B arrived home. Chubbs was getting weaker; extremely listless. It was worrying to see him not responding to my many calls. He hasn't eaten for two days too!

The vet examined Chubbs; checking for possible mouth ulcers, which could be the reason why he's refusing to eat but there were none. His temperature was also very low, on the verge of hypothermia, which our Vet attributed to him not eating or drinking. Chubbs appeared to be suffering from dehydration and our Vet insisted we leave him behind for observation. He will be put on a drip immediately and will be forced fed to ensure he gets at least some food in him.

Some tests are scheduled for my baby today including a blood test to determine if he's suffering from any poisoning, viruses or internal failure! Poor Chubbs looked so sad last night when I scratched his head and held his paw as I bid good bye to our oldest meow. Frankly, B and I are a little worried and we are hoping for some good news from the Vet later this afternoon. Oh this reminds me of the time Benji was hospitalized!

Baby Benji in the hospital


=-O =-O
Oh No!!!! I'm so distress now GP!
Did the vet say when he was going to call?? oh woman.. hugss!!!
LOL!!! I can imagine LJ cepat2 chop ha ha, congrats FC1!
=-O =-O
Ohh please get well Chubbs.. Aunt LJ now so sad for your master!!
Recent blog post: More Lap Time
I hope benji will feel better soon :(
Recent blog post: Music Monday
oh, no! poor chubbs! hope he'll get well soon!
Tu la LJ! I oso didn expect Chubbs to be hospitalized, then we went home all worried! Vet will call mid afternoon he said, but the good thing is that his vaccinations and what not are all up to date, so at least don have to worry abt that. Like last time masa Benji masuk hospital, still small so no vaccination yet, lagi dangerous. Anyway, I hope Chubbs will be okay, kesian dia duduk sorang2 kat hospital! :(
Hey Marzie can you check my site to see if you can pull it up. please thank you. :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday
i hope chubbs get better soon also.
Recent blog post: Music Monday
ELai FC2! :)
Thanks LJ, I am trying not to panic just yet, cause still got harapan and dia pun tak pernah sakit teruk know what I mean? But still, not out of the woods yet! :(
Hmmmm thanks Bill but it’s Chubbs that’s in the hospital, not Benji! ;)
hahah..mmg kalang kabut!! lol!
eh but best leave him at the least he gets him some liquid and food..poor chubbs.. how old is he GP?
Will do Bill!
Thanks Elai! I hope he can come home tonight, if all goes okay but I doubt it. :(
Ya .. pls don't panic yet.. I'm sure he'll be ok ya.. fever je kot..he needs
some TLC jer. I'm sure!!
Bill, no problems accessing your site at this add!
Benji is strong boy!!!
thanks Marzie ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday
Thank you Bill! Chubbs was in pretty bad condition when we left him at the vet yesterday! :(
Glad u got the chop here LJ, which blog today?
Poor Chubbs! I hope he gets well soon! :)
Hmm... LJL please :-)
Thanks dearie!
Of coz la cause I don know how to force feed CHubbs so I lega sikit leave him behind cause at least dapat water and food. He’s 3 only. :)
Tapi takde temperature Lj, as in fever temperature! So not fever it seems!
Benji that time the doctor pun nak menangis seeing small baby Benji sick!
Ohh so young and so strong lagi tu.don't worry ah.. with lots of love and
attention.. he's sure to be fine :-)
Hugs dearie!
Thank you Tere! I hope he comes home soon, we’re all missing him already! :(
OK LJL today! :)
No worries Bill! ;)
Hm.. perhaps sebab dia dah two days not eating kot.. that's why termperature
dia drop skit..
Yelah.. I see the picture of Benji also I want to cry!
Yes that’s the reason for the lo temp, but why is he not eating? Takut poisoning but poison apa kat sini?? :(
Tu la I am focusing on the good stuff, he’s still young and rarely sakit so god willing all okay. Or not…. :’(
Pas tu Baba kena shave his leg u know, to put the drip, so that means Chubbs pun kena shave paw la! :(
don't worry too much, marzie, chubbs is now in good hands, the vet will surely do all his best to cure chubbs of his illness
So sad for Chubbs :'( Hope he gets well soon. ((Hugs))
Perhaps virus jer kot.. in the air..or has he eaten anything strange
lately.. lizard ke??
InsyAllah.. ok lah tu.. they do have 9 nine lives dearie
I will be praying for dear Chubbs ok!
Oh yeah definitely..
Mufasa pun that time.. that's why when we took him.. he still had that
bandage.. but tak mao citer pasal Mufasa lah.. sedih.
Chubbs would be fine I'm sure!! Yeay!
Oh thank you Elai! Can’t help but worry, it feels weird having just two kids at home instead of 3. Hugs Elai! :)
Thank you Nessa, me too heartpain here, wondering what’s wrong! :(
Oh no not Mr L!!! But dat day ada kasi wet food baru, cause the usual one dah habis, and then he puked after dat! Told vet that edi. :(
I know u will dearie, thanks so much and here’s to 9 lives coming true!
I hope so LJ, lucky the vet is nearby so can go visit anytime. Masa Benji, he was at Subang Jaya, but still we went to visit him all the way from D’sara traffic all. ;)
Hah.. maybe that food that agree with him kot?!!
Good good..let the doctor know everything
Here's to Nine lives!!!
Of course.. we all pun visit our other cats gak when there were at UPM vet
ctr.. jauh tu. sayang punya pasal kan??
Yeah he asked a lot of questions, like ada tukar food tak, ada expose to insect repellent tak etc… so told him abt the wet food. It’s a new type but the other 2 okay so far. Kesian Benji takde fren! :(
Exactly! Sayang punya pasal sanggup redah trafik visit Benji, doctor oso happy to see our eagerness. MEOW!
Heheh..hugs for Benji!!!
Thanks for the hugs LJ, MEOW!
MEOWIES 4eva! ;)
Puurrrrrrr LOL
Purrrrrr BILL! ;)
oh noooo!! poor chubbs! I hope everything's okay.. just hang in there k, GP and B?? :( :(
Thank you Shemah! Tak expect dia masuk hospital but he was too weak so it’s best if we keep him there so the doc can feed him and put him on drip at least. Meow! :(
Kesiannye masuk spital, hope chubbs get well soon. I think you yodelled chubbs too much! =-X =-X =-X =-X
Thank you Bem Bem, mmg pity my baby la! No wonder la puked 2x that day and then no energy to move oso! I hope my Vet can do something abt Chubbs or not lagi kaut la I terpaksa menyodel di sini!
Yeah.. at least over there, he's in good hands and the doctors know what
they're doing.. Hugsy!! :-)
You know once Marzie, a vet lost one of my cats, my mom's fave lak tu.
Thank you Shemah, plus the vet is nearby so can easily visit Chubbs nanti. Tunggu B balik dulu. :)
What do u mean the vet lost ur cat Bem Bem??????? How????
Alamak, how does a cat get mouth ulcers la? Hope the little fellow recovers soon :D
Recent blog post: Crotch Grabbing!
dia nak cuci the cage, of course la the cat takut, then it ran away. Kesian
Lost your mom's cat bem? Like lost hilang or lost the life of your mom's
From Cat Yodelling
I dunno Spiffy, but they can get ulcers huhuhuhuh! Thanks for ur get well wishes here for my Chubbs! :)
Oh no! Ran away??? And then, u all tak mengamuk kat vet tu ke? Kalau I for sure dah throw HUGE tantrum!!!!!!!
Lost the cat. Smokey was the son to MY favourite cat, Juju.
Mengamuk, of course, kene sound semua dah, but of course, saddest bit is
seeing my mom cry. She loved that cat to bits. Sampai mimpi mimpi after
Alalaa.. kesian smokey. kesian ur mom, bem..
LJ’s cat oso is Smokey, but I call him Smokey the Bear MEOW!!!! ;)
Ish nak kena sue la that vet! If my vet hilangkan my cat/s, waaaaaatch me mengamuk satu Damansara LOL!!!!
Yalah kan.. how can like senang2 je nak lose people's cats!
Ooohhh.. juju dalam painting tu bem?? So cute lah juju and I like ur
painting of her..
Alalaaa.. mana tak termimpi-mimpi.. poor smokey.. mesti feels so lost trying
to go back home.. :-( :-( me pulak yang sedih..
Tu la, pas tu cakap sorry pun it won bring back the cat! So careless!
Ohhh..Marzie! poor little furry Chubbs... :( :(
I hope Chubbs is feeling better now... :(
lots of hugsy and MEOWin from A. Twinks sweetie Chubbs.. get well soon okay? so M.Marzie and M.B will not worry anymore..and also all your Aunts.. mwahugs! :* :*
yeah sorry doesn't work when its your family member involved
tu la kesian, mimpi bukan sebarang mimpi, mimpi smokey mati tu, ran over.
Hope it wasn't true, tah tah sihat lagi dia, rupe dia exactly like tom from
tom and jerry. Smokey tu selalu tinggal tikus or whatever dia hunt as a gift
kat depan my mom's room door. Its gross but it shows that dia memang sayang
betul kat my mom.
Alaaa.. dowan to read lah any more smokey stories.. makes me sooooo sad..
:-( :-(
ok ok last, tapi memang sedih kan, belum cite Juju lagi, Juju was sick pasal
dah tua and susah nak jalan, but on the day before she died, before I left
to go out, dia sungguh sungguh pergi kat I and gesel gesel, and manja, dah
lama gila tak buat camtu. I knew why the day after, it was a goodbye :(
Uwaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Bem. what did I ever do to you??? Either you want to make
me cryyy.. or you want to make me kempunan. uwaaaaaaaaa!!!
ala just sharing la, because I miss having cats around me, what to do can
share only.
Sharing is caring lah konon tu?? LOL! but serious, so sad lah smokey and
juju's cerits. huhuhu. oh ya! Bila u nak gi watch star trek? Bessssssssstos!
Best ke, ala but I need to buat hairstyle spock baru feel. maybe this
weekend kot, maybe tomorrow ke, terasa la best jadik 30
Ha'aahh kan.. turning 30 with a spock 'do!! :-) :-) coolness!! But I really
enjoyed it lah.. I wanna go again.. I think it's waaay better than
you sure ke shemah, don't la raise my hopes up high, wolverine pun i thought
it was biasa je isk... i'll take your word yeeeeee
Hahahahahaah.. don't pressure me lah! But memang lah I think wolverine
could've done much better lah.. quite disappointing in terms of the
character development. lacking sgt! But I'm puas hati lah with star trek. I
think even non trekkies will enjoy this one and convert to being trekkies..
and ohh.. the trekkies that were watching seemed really puas hati..
the trekkies kalau spock was the only one acting pun sure happy hahaha, ala
now you've made me
anxious to watch it. Well done, Shemah, you have racun-ed me just like the
"La La Chong Massacre"
Hahahahaha.. tit for tat! But seriously lah. you have to watch it!! I want
to discuss it with anyone pun cannot.. i think Zachary quinto made an
awesome spock.. *sighs dreamily*
dia ada nak curik siapa siapa punya superpower tak? hahahahahah live long
and prosperity burger betul la
Hahahahahahaha got!!! LOL! go see laaahh.. bukan pun ramai orang gi tgk.. if
weekend lagii lah.. but super tension lah yesterday, that there were these 2
girls, trekkies apparently, that were trying to tell the whole cinema that
they're trekkies.. belum lagi spock kata live long and prosper, dia dah nak
cakap! And the part yang space: the final frontier blablabla.. pun dia nak
ikut jugak.. KAMON LAAAAH!! LOL!
Hahahha I know how you feel, hahahahahah orang camtu so annoying man! you
should have SHHHHHh loudly or outtalk them.
=-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Mother's Day gift
oh no! :( :(
Recent blog post: Mother's Day gift
Get well soon Chubbs! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Mother's Day gift
how's the master doing? O:-) O:-)
Recent blog post: Mother's Day gift
Recent blog post: Mother's Day gift
Hahahaha.. memang annoying!! For all you know, they only started getting
interested in star trek after chris pine was signed on!! Hahahahaha
You know what, I think your statement might be true! The real trekkies
should be more geekier hahahaha
Hahahaha yeahhh.. definitely. the real trekkies were the ones sighing when
they first unveiled the enterprise.. LOL!
So sorry to hear about Chubbs, hope she recovers like real soon. Why not let us see Chubbs' pic after she's discharged from the vet? :)
OMG!!! =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
Marzie!!! How is Chubbs? I hope he's okay!!
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
Please keep me posted okay!
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
Hugs Marzie, I know you must be worried!
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
Hugs to Benji and Phoebe, I know they must be worried too!
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
Oh my, I hope Chubbs is okay.. :'( :'(
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
Benji is soo cute in that picture.. :) :)
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
I'm seating on the edge of my seat waiting for you to post results Marzie!
Recent blog post: A Quiet Day in the Blogosphere
Hey Bem, I'm a die hard Trekkie. You calling me a nerd? LOL!
Recent blog post: Crotch Grabbing!
Shemah - Sighed? I almost fainted when they revealed the new enterprise ... LOL!
Recent blog post: Crotch Grabbing!
Nope, I was very P.C, I called you a geek hahah
Spiff!! Yay!! Another trekkie who has seen the movie!! Hahahaha
hyperventilating lah mostly! I already cried during the intermission!! LOL!
I hope Chubbs gets well soon and is able to return home. I certainly know wha it's like to have a sick pet :'(
Recent blog post: Just a Quick Note and Many Thanks
Oh Poor Chubbs, get well soon buddy!
Recent blog post: Heading to Detroit
oh poor kitty! i wish Chubbs the best speedy recovery. you and B must have been worried sick about him. i hope he'll get better soon. i'll keep him in my prayers.
Recent blog post: Photo Hunt - In Memory
OMG, what bad news! Get well soon Chubbs!
Oh, Marzie, so sad to hear about Chubbs in hospital. Hope your little kitty comes home to you soon.
Recent blog post: Wordless Weekend: Happy Mother's Day
Came on over because I was happy to see your Entrecard on, but then saw the news that Chubbs isn't feeling well... I hope it turns out to be nothing serious, and something that he can get better from real soon!
I'll keep Chubbs (and you) in my thoughts. Please keep us updated. Cats are like children, and such a big part of our life. Get well soon, Chubbs!!
Recent blog post: Trashy Kitty
Wah.. nama dia smokey Bem
Alamak cian nya your mom!
Kalau I pun.. I sue for sure!
Oh dear.. cian nya your mom., kalau I pun mesti trauma !
Yeah.. smokey the bear.. and he's here with me right now
Hahah.. yelah GP.. ME TOO!!!
I pun sedih Shemah.. can you imagine him all scared !
uish lama dah ni
Alah Bem
Your story all so sad lah .. makes me all weepy now
Oh yay smokey the bear in da house! Meow!
it is sad lah..
Hear hear.. sue them all!!
Hey Bem!
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