Missing Chubbs! **
Poor Master! She has been crying ever since she found out Chubbs has kidney infection! Chubbs is still in the hospital and Master and B have been visiting him every day. They will be off to visit our brother again today and we hope for some good news. So far, there has not been much change in his condition. Chubbs still refuses to eat or drink and is more listless than ever. 
Master cried when she saw Chubbs looking very weak and depressed yesterday. She didn't want the Vet to see her tears so she kept her shades on the whole time, but we know better. We know Master was sad and tears rolled down her cheeks nonstop!
Right now Chubbs is being treated with saline drip, which the doctor said will help remove any toxins from his system. He is also being fed daily doses of vitamins to boost his appetite. And antibiotics too.
It has been three days since Chubbs went to the hospital and we miss him so very much. Phoebe and I are waiting and hoping for some positive feedback from the doctor today. It might take weeks before Chubbs recovers, even then the doctor can't give Master a definite answer. Every time Master asks him, the doctor says it is not good news but he will do all he can to help Chubbs. Poor Chubbs can't even walk or move now. He has no energy because he hasn't been eating.
Everyone at home misses Chubbs especially Master. Every time she starts thinking of poor Chubbs, she will cry. We miss you Chubbs and we love you and everyone here is praying for you so please get well and come home to us soon.

Master cried when she saw Chubbs looking very weak and depressed yesterday. She didn't want the Vet to see her tears so she kept her shades on the whole time, but we know better. We know Master was sad and tears rolled down her cheeks nonstop!

Right now Chubbs is being treated with saline drip, which the doctor said will help remove any toxins from his system. He is also being fed daily doses of vitamins to boost his appetite. And antibiotics too.
It has been three days since Chubbs went to the hospital and we miss him so very much. Phoebe and I are waiting and hoping for some positive feedback from the doctor today. It might take weeks before Chubbs recovers, even then the doctor can't give Master a definite answer. Every time Master asks him, the doctor says it is not good news but he will do all he can to help Chubbs. Poor Chubbs can't even walk or move now. He has no energy because he hasn't been eating.

Everyone at home misses Chubbs especially Master. Every time she starts thinking of poor Chubbs, she will cry. We miss you Chubbs and we love you and everyone here is praying for you so please get well and come home to us soon.


:-[ :-[ :-[
Ohh poor poor Chubbs... I do hope he recovers soon kids.. I'm sure your Master need all the love you kids can give to her ya :)
Hugs for you two..
i see LJ already here LOL :-P
Recent blog post: Friday Fill in
OH GP!! I'm so sorry to hear about Chubbs dearie.. He's still not eating? Poor Poor Chubbs.. so it's kidney infection? Oh I'm so depressed now dearie!!
hope chubbs will recover soon! master misses him so much!
Hugs for you, B and the two kiddies!! Me and A would pray for Chubbs.. be strong ya :) :'( :'(
Cry if you need to dearie.. it would make you stronger.. i didn't control my tears at all when I was last at the hospital.. and the Vet understood :)
Recent blog post: My Make Believe Tiara
Vote vote vote!!!
gd luck kitties!!
Here with more hugs (aaaahchooo!) and best wishes for Chubbs and vote vote vote for Meow Diaries in big BOTB!
Recent blog post: Wordless Weekend: Happy Mother's Day
Good luck to you... I never have the nerve to take on that beautiful Baking and Books blogs in the big battles. I chickened out and joined baby battle.
Recent blog post: If You Build It, They Will Come
Hope you'll stop by to read all about the yummy Mother's Day Brunch we have planned at the Limestone Cafe
Recent blog post: If You Build It, They Will Come
Aw... so sorry to hear about Chubbs. Sending you good thoughts and happy vibes.
And, it might not be much, but here's a little something to hopefully add a little smile: Cute has given you an award! Come on over to pick it up... :)
Recent blog post: Cute Got an Award!
awwww ... big hugs from Speedy. Wishing Mariuca (and cats) all the best.
Recent blog post: Camera Phone Uploads
Hope Chubbs gets well soon, Marzie.
:'( :'( Don't cry ya, Marzie.. Chubbs is still around and I'm sure he wants to see his mommy happy as ever. Wishing Chubbs all the best and hope he gets well soon. All of you are in my prayers.. :* :*
Recent blog post: Times Warehouse Sale*
I see you won your BOTB... hope that will bring Chubbs some good luck... more hugs!
Recent blog post: Join Roxy for Mother's Day Brunch at the Limestone Cafe, Then Off to NJPAC for Alvin Ailey
Oh my, cats also got kidney infection ka? The new things I learn about cats from this blog of yours is amazing, first it was mouth ulcers, now kidney infection. I do hope the poor fellow gets well soon though :D
Get well soon Chubbs, we're waiting for you to go back home. :)
Recent blog post: Friday - updates, pics
omg! a kidney infection Marzie? poor cuddy furr Chubbs.... hope he gets well soon...sooner.... :* :*
lots of hugs and kisses for Chubbs!!! :* :*
ohhh..look at B and P...so sad..missing C much for sure... :( :(
Don't worry too much Marzie...C will be up and running soon... :* :*
Be strong Marzie. i bet Chubbs will get back on track in good time. my best wishes to Chubbs. lots of hugs and kisses from LR.
Recent blog post: Happy Mother's Day
Mother's Day Sunday morning and here I am smiling (and sneezing) out from your EntreCard widget. Thanks for the thoughtful box of tissues and Benadryl...hugs for you and Chubbs...
Recent blog post: Join Roxy for Mother's Day Brunch at the Limestone Cafe, Then Off to NJPAC for Alvin Ailey
Made it into the top meows...yay!
Recent blog post: Join Roxy for Mother's Day Brunch at the Limestone Cafe, Then Off to NJPAC for Alvin Ailey
Hope Chubbs get well soon Marzie. I am sure he will be ok real soon.
ohh keep your chins up Phoebe and Benji...
here are some flowers for Chubbs :* :*
oh Mariuca! *HUGSSSS*
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Top Three!
poor Chubbs! :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Top Three!
please get well Chubbs!!!!
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: Top Three!
:'( :'( :'( :'(
:) Elai! Chubbs is back! :)
Thank you Mon, Chubbs is feeling so much better now! Hugs!
:( poor thing right? So kesian don wan to eat or drink or move, just sit there and stare into space! Hugs for Chubbs! :)
Thanks for the hugs Monica! :)
Thank you for the lovely flowers Kim, you’re so sweet!
Thank you Ane! :)
LOL! U did make it into the Top 10 Meows, Roxy ha ha and hey, 1 point too on the SB, good job! meow :)
Thanks for the hugs for me and for Chubbs, Roxy! I hope u had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. Hugs! :)
Hey LR, thank you for ur kind words here and I am so happy that Chubbs is back home safe and sound with us. Love and hugs! :)
I was pretty worried Twinks, glad the nightmare is over. Meow! :)
Benji and Phoebe did miss Chubbs a lot, I’m glad my kids are back together again, Twinks! :)
Twinks! Thanks for all your hugs and kisses for my baby Chubbs! :)
Yeah Twinks, it was a kidney infection, which scared B and me to bits! :( So glad our vet managed to nurse Chubbs back to health! :)
Thanks for dropping by too JL, your well wishes here for my baby helped! Meow! :)
Hey Spiffy! Sure, cats can also get sick, poor thing la Chubbs! And I’m glad you’re learning new cat stuff from my meow blog he he! :)
Thanks for voting for MD, Roxy, we won! MEOW! :)
Thanks so much Shemah, I was really depresi thinking abt poor Chubbs. Sigh….just couldn’t stop crying dat time so I’m glad it’s all over now. Hope Chubbs won fall sick again, so worrying la! Hugs Shemah! :)
Tenkiu Bem Bem for ur well wishes here! :)
meow! Speedy is here too, thank you very much for coming over to drop off ur well wishes for me and my cats. Everything’s back to normal now Eric so MEOW MEOW MEOW! :)
Hi Your Daily Cute! Thank you so much for all your well wishes and comment love here, you rock! And I so love the award! It’s our very first one and we are all so proud, thanks a million for thinking of MD with this one! MEOWIES! :)
Thanks for stopping by Roxy, enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)
I won I won Roxy, thanks so much for the vote! Feel a new BOTB coming on! ;)
Roxy! Thank you for your well wishes for Chubbs here too, you and ur allergies but still hopping over here meant the world to me, love ya! :)
Thanks for the vote LJ meow! :)
I do hope Chubbs is on the mend. My thoughts are with you all.
Recent blog:=- Monday Morning update
Thank you so much Guest and the good news is that Chubbs is doing a-okay right now! He’s gained back some weight and his fur is back so he’s just as fluffy as ever yay! :)
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