I Won, I Won!
Did you know there are no casinos in Japan? In fact many forms of gambling are not allowed and though there are discussions to legalize gambling in Japan, nothing has been made certain. The first time B and I visited Tokyo about 3 years ago, we were both excited at the thought of checking out a fancy casino or two while we were visiting. We felt so silly when we discovered there were actually no casinos in Japan!

Instead, there are many Pachinko Parlours and entertainment centres with the latter offering plenty of fun in the form of games especially the famous UFO catcher. And today, I am taking you to this very cool entertainment centre we visited in Akihabara. B and I spent quite some time playing all sorts of games here and trust me; there were plenty to keep us busy!

Let me win something!
This is my favourite game, which I call the Perfume Machine! Check out the many different perfumes I stand to WIN! Depending on the prizes and the type of game, it costs 100 yen for 1 to 3 tries and 500 yen will get you 3 to 5 tries. You are supposed to manipulate a joystick that controls the claw, allowing it to move back and forth and sideways. Once you have your claw position set, it will descend and attempt to grip the prizes in the display case. If you're lucky, the claw successfully grips and drops your prize into the hatch for you to happily collect!

My favourite Perfume Machine
It sounds easy but it's really not; there were many frustrated moments when I almost won but the prize fell off the claw at the last minute. Let's not even discuss how much I spent playing these games!

This one here is another perfume machine and it's easier to play compared to the UFO catcher. Basically I just have to press the stop button at the right time, in hopes of having the perfumes (and not the plush toys) pushed down into the hatch. Check out the short video clip of Mariuca losing! 

In the end, we did WIN a few cool items and B won one miniature perfume for me so it was really a lot of fun! It might not be the bestusaonlinecasinos.org we were hoping to visit but it was still very exciting. The thrill of winning something was what we came for and that much we certainly got! Oh and we were lucky enough to catch the famous Rilakkuma Bear who happened to be around that day. I quickly grabbed him in a bear hug and so did B!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
:-D :-D :-D
=-O =-O
i just reached home!!!! tak letak beg lagi ni!! i terus saw the tweet and chop!!
=-O =-O =-O
so cute lah u and B!! 8-) 8-)
im late! >:o
Kawaii no Rilakkuma! Suki desu! :)
lama nvr join FC, sudah karat la me. hahaa :-D :-D
congrates, mon!
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Anata mo kawaii desu, Mariuca san! :)
awww.. hahahaha!! looks like so much fun, marzie!!! :) :) i can feel the excitement + anxiety + panic watching you play that game!! LOL!
Recent blog post: Shop Smart with Coupons!
So nice all the games, Marzie!!! geramnya! :) :*
Monica! Meow 1! :)
Yay, thanks for chopping Mon! :)
I also want to bear hug the Rilakkuma bear!!!
Recent blog post: Shop Smart with Coupons!
Awoo hoo! Shemah Meow 2! :)
hahahaahah debbs speaking!!!
LOL @ jeanie being karat!!! LOL!
Recent blog post: Shop Smart with Coupons!
Konnichiwa Monica san! :-D
congrats mon!!!
Recent blog post: Shop Smart with Coupons!
Konnichiwa Jean san! :)
Konnichiwa Shemah san! :)
Hahahahhahahah tak letak beg lagi kelam-kabut chop it seems Shemah!!! Nasib J tak Nampak hahahaha!
YAY! Debbs Meow 3! :)
yay me!!! Meowwwwwwwwwwwwww CHOP!!! congrats me!!! :)
Thanks for chopping ladies, lemme add ur points before anything else! :)
congrats debbie san!! LOL!
i love the perfume machine too!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
and the what kuma bear is so cute!! love it!! :* :-D
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
macam best kan debbs??? jom pi!!!!
Recent blog post: Shop Smart with Coupons!
congrats Shemah! :-D :-D :-D
COngrats Debbs! :-D :-D :-D
:'( :'( :'( I'm too late again!
He he he thanks Mon! Must hug the bear of coz, bila lagi ada chance? LOL!!!
OKB OKB!! :-$ :-$
Jean!!! :)
wah Debbs can speak JPnese! :) ;)
Ur late but am so happy to see u chopping Jean, so long u never chopped here or at WOAFS and MPG! Hugs Jean! :)
Amende tu suki desu, he he hehe cutenye bear ni Debbs! :)
hahahaha J nampak and just geleng his head at me. buka kasut, masuk pintu, check my tweetdeck and kelam kabut chop!!! THEN only i help him bring the stuff inside!! LOL!
Recent blog post: Shop Smart with Coupons!
Oh Jean, don worry sure ul get the hang of it again in no time at all! :)
Hahahhahahah thanks for watching my short video clip Shemah! Mmg la excited cause almost got the perfume okay? Aiyoooo kalah besar but still so much fun!! :)
I like the Perfume Machine! 8-) 8-)
LOL @ Shemah!!! hahhahahah so cute lah u kelam-kabut chop! :-D :-D :-D
Ha ha tell me abt it Debbs! Takleh duduk diam I, asyik nak main “game” je hahahahhahahah!!!! Mmg best! I was hoping to win a digicam, but so difficult la that one! :(
Yay, Shemah speaking Japanese! :)
Hahahhahahah u oso wan to hug the Rilakkuma Bear Shemah? Oh so cute!!! Tu la, dah la taim tu kalah and then I spotted the bear, terus forgot abt my loss and ran to the fella hahahhahaha! SO nice to hug him, lucky he came the same time we were there woo hoo! :)
Hahahahaha bestnya!!!! Like B also panic like that!!! LOL!
Arigato gozaimasu, Monica san. :-D
Recent blog post: Mom & Gold
Tu la I pun tak paham Debbs speaking ni!!
He he konnichiwa Debbs!
Meowie! Yay to me chopping here finally! :*
Recent blog post: Kuching, Here I Come!
Hahahah terrer lah you speak jpnese, debbs. My SIL is half Japanese but she
never teach me anything.. :-(
Suki desu is I like! :*
Little bit only la Mon haha...last time learn basic Japanese. Now karat edi! :)
Arigato gozaimasu = TQ?? :-D
I oso want to hug Rilakkuma! So adorable! :)
Congrats Shemah! And again u’ve put urself in the running to be my TFC2! Both tied at 3 points! Meow!
Hahahaha me too Jean!!! I can play it all day… and night!!!
LOL @ what kuma bear! You are as cute as the bear Jean! ;)
Hahahah mmg best pun Shemah, pi la Japan!!!
Cool Blog! O:-)
Ter-ibble Lil KnuckleHeads, Life, & Everything Else
Ane! U always miss my chop and tweets sweetie, hugsy! :)
Just chopped this one this morning Ane, yay for RM casino PBs LOL!!!
Hahahhahahahhahah I can imagine J geleng kepala kat u Shemah! Sometimes B oso thinks I’m crazy when I suddenly tune him out to CHOP while talking to him hahahhahahah! Cian our hubby LOL!!!
hehe coz u must practice Debbs! ;)
Yay Mon! Of coz the Perfume Machine is the best! But quite hard to find the perfume machine, only 2 places got the machine, so of coz played at both places…and lost! ROTFLMAO!! ;)
Oh memang pemes is it, the Rilakkuma bear?? Nanti if I ever go there one
day, I also want to find him!! Or her!! LOL!
haha, of coz karat la, shemah! but watch me all speedy again in no time! haha! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
i sure hope so, marzie! :) :-D
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
Hahahahahahha dua2 panic la , so farnee la we two and then some more can influence another guy (who tak pernah main the games) to join in the fun hahahahhahahha!
aww.. that's a great comfort, marzie! it nice to be part of the late comer! haha! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
konnichiwa debbs san! ;)
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
marzie!! :*
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
Finally is the word Debbs, pestaim chop for u at MD and on the last day of the month! :)
haha! cute as bear? :-[ :-D
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
My MIL can speak Japanese, she worked there last time. So we got some of the important necessary phrases from her before we left, which I gotta say did come in handy! ;)
Arigato gozaimas!!
oh i am so gonna go to japan one day! must play this perfume machine! :)
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
congrates, shem!
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
yes, mon! it means TQ!
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
Oooops both here referring to u and Mon, Shemah!
congrates, debbs!
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
He he he takpe, I hugged Rilakkuma edi on ur behalf Debbs lol! :)
Hi Guest! Thanks and welcome to Meow Diaries! :)
Pemes gila the Rilakkuma bear, semua org rushed to snap pictures with him, I oso had to kelam-kabut hug and take pic LOL!
That’s the spirit Jean! :)
Sure Jean, I have faith in you!
Yay! Don worry Jean, new month starting soon, then can start fresh with ur chopping! :)
Yeah la cause u donno his name, pakai bantai je he hehhehe!
Hahahahah u guys are making me LOL today, thanks peeps! Now Jean wants to go to japan and play the perfume machine hahahahahha, of coz u have to Jean, so syiok I tell u! :)
wow. so much fun! =-X
I wan play oso
Aloha Miss Y! Wah long time never say that to u woman!!
Hey TH! Sure la fun, ha ha got perfume machine and bear how not to have fun LOL!!!
LOL!!! U oso TH, oh u should go to Japan with hubby and Sean! :)
Hahahahahaaha a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!! Memang kesian lah..
but it's like reflex when I see a chop tweet! LOL!
Wuaaahhh speedy jeanie!!! Takut lah like this!! LOL!
me and Shemah? why Mariuca? I'm lost :-D
LOL! U and Shemah tied for TFC2 with 3 points each Mon! ;)
ohhhhh TFC2! hahahha okok :-D
Ha ha yay for TFC2! :)
Hahahaahah me and mon tied at TFC2?? LOL! suddenly an image of those little
kids' lari ikat kaki comes to mind!! LOL!
Yayyyy! btw i'm doing my ec round now....:-D
LOL @ lari ikat kaki!!! hahhahahah:-D
Im not doing my ec although I should cause it’s the last day huhuhu!
connection quite fast so I want to finish it asap Mariuca! :-D
Oh no im left behind today huhuhu 900 to drop aiyo!
haha still have plenty of time to drop lah :-D
I am trying to drop some before I zzzz oh no haven zzzz!
hahhaha yelah u haven zzzz! :-D
Dats why haven zzzzz now happily dropping ec it seems LOL!!
oh tonight 12am don forget to take down yr TC and TD :-D
Ha ha thanks for reminding sweetie and I must take down for LJ oso! :)
where is LJ? :)
Oh ya!! Thanks for reminding marzie, mon! I also totally forgot what date it
was.. if not.. no TC and TD like this!! LOL!
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
wah.. you won that big stuff toy! awesome!!! my internet can go anytime now.. now.. so just making full use of it before it goes!!
Lj got no connection edi at her old house, terminated cause moving soon, so she got no internet! ;)
Don forget to check on TD oso peeps! Sure I tak full 31 days!
Oh yay you’re edi here, just sent u email dearie! Don worry, TCM and TCO capture tonight he he! :)
LJ!!!!! U mean the Rillakuma Bear??? Hhahahahahahhaha mana ada I menang tu LJ? Hahahhahahhahaha oh bestnye kalau I menang tu!
Reminds me of the machine in the arcade where you put tokens to push sweets into your slot! But this one is obviously better cos can win perfume! :-D :-D :-D
Teddy bear! *hugs* :* :*
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Also dropped on EC too! :) :) :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Power Station: Rainbow (动力火车:彩虹)
hello meows!! Aunty Jean has just voted for you at BE!! All the best!! :) :*
Jean!!! I just woke up ha ha, thanks for voting sweetie, up against my bes fren castaway it seems!! meow!
wah the toy so big!
must be expert! lol.. at genting last time play no such big toy oso
perfume machine some more...:) so cool.. here where got
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not enough money spend can't go
Recent blog post: Poor baby with swollen face
The bear u mean TH? He he, of coz la big, somebody’s inside the bear suit LOL!!!
The big “toy” is for show la TH, obviously I can’t win the bear hahahahha, I wish though!!!
Dat’s why la TH, here where got perfume machine…otherwise, sure I’ll be playing every day hahahhaha! :)
Sure can scrape enough funds to travel to Japan one day TH, really fun and such a cool place I tell you! :)
Another battle GP??
Hahah.. yelah.. human size tu!!! Bestnya!
Thanks for the screen capture GP!!! Muahs!!
Hahah.. yeah. But it seems still got till now.. I really hope nothing is
U asking me to go on one LJ? He he BOTB!
Mmg best to hug LJ! Tak nak lepas lol!
Welcome dearie! Hugs! :)
What still got LJ? MCS??????
Hmm.. still got what eh? Internet kot!!
Ahhaha. if you go on.. I vote lah.. just now I saw Jean say she voted.
that's why I ask
I’m back dearie! Why la suddenly hehehehe!
Hahha.. must be laughing at one of the comment lah.. lol!!
Eh I suspense ni.. my connection is still on.. seriously hope they wont
delay in the reconnection later at new home.. ish I got jobs to do lah.. now
want to do cannot.. coz any time can disconnect kan?
Tu la… I hari tu pi DU punya branch to terminate and they terminated immediately.. Cuma nak reconnect tu je yg buat hal. Buat la sikit sikit LJ while u still have connection!
LJ, I just got paid from RM, lemme see got deduksi at PP or not! ;)
Yay no deduksi for RM! :)
GP! My MIL also speaks Japanese.. she took course coz my FIL got business with Japanese and too lazy to took the coures.. lol!
Makeover cannot do skit skit dearie. Takut nanti dah take job.. took too
long to finish kan.
Ok.. let me know.. but I don't think RM got deduction.. they absorb kot
Yeay.. payu also that day no deduction
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: We Are The World.
congrats GP that you;ve won! :*
Recent blog post: We Are The World.
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