Master and her Games!
Meow! We are all so excited here at Meow Diaries and do you want to know why? Well Kim, Master's very special friend from Australia, sent her a lovely surprise message here last week. Thanks to Master's constant EC advertising and lovely friendship with the beautiful and talented Kim, Master will receive a FREE mini portrait of any picture she chooses!

Master is thrilled at the thought of a very famous artist sending her a lovely present all the way from Australia and she's just so excited! She will write more about Kim's contest at her perfume blog but for now she needs to choose the best picture in her collection and send it over to Kim.
I need to remind Master about the picture cause right now, she's just too busy playing games! Master just bought 2 new games last weekend and she's currently hooked on this new casino game, which I also think looks pretty cool! I like to keep Master company while she's playing her game and this one sure looks interesting, especially with the little mouse running around on her laptop screen while she plays!

Even though she doesn't go for the real thing, Master loves casino games especially slots. She found a real interesting one online and you can read the site's review by clicking the link here. There are more than 10 Jackpot Slots and plenty of Blackjack and Roulette action. Master also loves playing roulette by the way. She never fails to bet on her favourite number 29 if she plays that game! Good luck Master. Have fun and don't forget to send over the picture to Kim! meow

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

ahhaha.. benji looks soo cute!!! lol!!!
:* :* :* :*
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
oh thank god no MCS!!!
LJ! :* :*
Mariuca! :-D :-D :-D
>:o >:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'(
>:o >:o >:o >:o
Monica Meow 1! :)
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Come I cry with you, Ane! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
LJ Meow 2! :)
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Hi speedy choppers! :)
Hi benji! Hugsy2 kissy2 from Aunty D! So fluffy la you! :* :* :* :* :*
is that Benji? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
LOL! Fatty watty kan Benj in this pic? So huggable! :)
it's weird, i did a lot of casino opps for LATM and Mr. G still loves her.. he hates ANE! :'( :'(
Yay for no MCS dearie! :)
Monica! My first PB here la ha ha!
Yay Ane Meow 3! :)
Thanks for chopping ladies, will add ur points now! Meow! :)
yes yes it's Benji!!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: My first time eating conch!
Yay first PB!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: My first time eating conch!
Ane! Ur first chop here this month, yay! :)
Hugs Ane, FC3! No need tears! :)
LOL why la more tears from Ane! ;)
Oh Debbs! Debbs deserves to cry, hugsy Debbs! :)
Still no point for Debbs here! :(
Meow Aunty D! Long time no see u, I miss! Come pat my fluffiness Aunty D! :)
Oh suddenly only ANE is angers here! GALM down ANE! LOL! PR2 is still excellent Ane! Hugs! :)
Yup! This is Benji, Mon! LOL!
Mr. G hates MPG too Ane, no update there at all! Kamon la Mr. G!
ANE didn't do casino opps?
Ha ha! Benji blogs today Mon!
Shhhhhhhh to first PB, hahahahhaha hopefully ok la doing PB here Mon, scared Mr. G punish me!
hehe they all look the same lah Mariuca...
Recent blog post: My first time eating conch!
I think ANE just got accepted into RM right Ane?
Eh where got they all look the same Mon? Hahhahahahhahahahahhahahaha!!! Hmmm, I must put pic of all three meows so u can see the difference LOL!!
hahahhah! shhhhhhhhhhh.... i oso scared Mr. G punish meowsss!
Shoooooo cute!!!! come aunty shemah rub rub tummy first!! LOL! gomoizzzzzzzzz
hey marzie!!! yay!! is this MD's first PB or what?? :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: The Accident!*
yayyyy to RM PB.. that game looks fun lah marzie.. I have sworn off all these games for 2 months. LOL! but i am still sticking to my minesweeper! LOL!
Recent blog post: The Accident!*
That’s why la, how can Mr. G punish my cute meows right? Kamon Mr. G! Leave my meows alone! ;)
hello Benji :)
so wonderful to see you looking so well....
now I expect you kitties to pick out at least 3 photos of Master to send to me... that way the mini portrait can still be a bit of a surprise for her...
I hope she is having fun playing the casino games ;) ;)
Recent blog post: the only constant is change...
Meow Aunty S!!! Rub rub my tummy, I love! :)
Ahaah.. Mon.. where got same.. so cute lah you!
:* :* :* for such a lovely post are so sweet :* :* :*
Recent blog post: the only constant is change...
Yeah Shemah! MD’s first PB, now scared Mr. G will punish me! ;)
Ehhhhh I oso like minesweeper u know? Oh this game is very good for relaxi taxi purposes, just click and enjoy bonus round and jump up and down when I win the jackpot! :)
hahahhahahhahhaha! yes yes put pic of all three meows!! I wanna see :-D
Meow Kim! Thanks so much for checking on me, I do feel better already and Master is so thrilled with her gift! And what? 3 photos? MEOW MEOW MEOW!!!! Master is rolling on the ground now laughing in glee, thanks so much Kim! BIG HUGS! :):):)
hahhaha LJ! i still cannot recognize them :-D
I think we cat lovers can tell the difference LJ he he, some more Mon is scared of meows LOL!
Sure Mon! Will put a pic of all three meows and ask u to guess which one is Benji, Pheebs and Chubbs! LOL!
That's why lah. yeay for cat lovers.. nevermind Mon.. you can guess ok :-)
I think if you see often enuff you can differentiate them Mon
LOL!!! ok put a pic and lemme guess :-D
Ha ha!!! Guessing game with Mon, yeah!!! Im so gonna post and then u guess okay?
okay! :-D but I scared lah if i guess wrongly! hahhahhaha........
ok LJ! :* :* :*
Finally! I got a point here Marzie! :) Meow!!
thanks for crying with me Debbs!
Nope Mon, ANE has no opps from RM yet and the she has only done Direct tv
opps from BV and yet Mr. G gave her a PR2!
Yay to MD's 1st ever PB! :) $15 RM Opp Marzie??
Ane! That’s what Im afraid of, cause when I did my very first PB from smorty for MPG, she dropped from 4 to 2! The very next day too huhuhuhuhuhu! :(
Give us a break Mr. G! :(
lol Benji...
give Master a big hug from me for letting me know about my PR 3....I've been so busy I would never have noticed =-O
dropped from 4 to 2 the very next day Mariuca? i tot they update every 3
The very next day Mon! LJ was around to witness it too huhuhuhuhuh!
maybe Mr G doesn't like PB from smorty ...
Meow! :) Cat's got your tongue??!!
Recent blog post: Every Blogger Needs a Sexy (Sleeping) Partner
Fuyooh... Benji!! Like pillow la... fluffy and gebunyerrr :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Posting Frenzy
have a sunny day Kitties... hugs to Master too :* :* :*
Recent blog post: the only constant is change...
Hahah Ane.
MrG needs a life indeed!
MRG no like PB Ane!
I really need to change categories at RM.. lol!
Kamon la Mr. G!
Change je LJ, letak Games LOL!
Will do that.. I've changed in the last 30days so need to wait. :-(
Ok LJ, will keep that in mind, must decide to be a grandma or not! :(
OK, letak la gaming for ur pr3 blogs he he can get 15 bucks PB!
Hhahaha.. grandma GP. hahahah
So far for RM only LLP jer yg lepas.. geram i!
Mon.. MRG is frisky and fickle minded
Yes I was Mon.. so sad day it was!
Hahahah. can just imagine Master rolling around.. lol!!
LLP PR what now LJ? How abt CT and money blog? Edi in RM?
LLP still 0 lah and CT and MMO not on RM.. I can't even remember when I sign
up and they got rejected! Booo hooo!
Yelah Ane.. LJL and LLP and BW are all PR0!!! Only CT is 3, LJC is 4, MMO is
3, and LFP is 2.. or last I look lah.. oh no.. got changes is it?
EH u shld add CT and MMO to RM then, try la! RM gives good jobs to PR3 blogs. :)
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