Gold For My Kitty?
Check out these cool gold cat pendants; aren't they meow-licious? I remember visiting a friend's boyfriend with her many years ago and he had two huge Persian cats at home. They were both so very fluffy; each one proudly donning a gold chain and gold pendant, the spoiled darlings! I don't know if my cats will mind having a gold pendant around their neck. It could be too fancy for them and as it is, they don't even wear collars or any sort of chain. 

The closest thing to a collar that my kids actually don't mind wearing is a scarf. And they usually come home for our favourite groomer with a cute scarf tied around their necks. Even then, they don't seem to like it much but since Master loves seeing her kids wearing scarves, they have no say in the matter and just have to bear with me! 

While on the subject of gold, here's a great site for those interested in finding out more about gold and ways to sell 14k gold by the karat. If you happen to be a gold investor or collector keen on tips and resources to sell your gold for cash, this is the site you want.
Gold buyers are still very much into gold and they continue buying at the highest prices. If you're looking to turn your carats into cash during these tough times, find out the right steps to properly guide you on the best way to do this. For safer online transactions, Cash4Gold advises sellers to be cautious of look-alikes. Check out the online Cash4Gold profile for more details on how to spot the fakers.
Have a good weekend!
Gold buyers are still very much into gold and they continue buying at the highest prices. If you're looking to turn your carats into cash during these tough times, find out the right steps to properly guide you on the best way to do this. For safer online transactions, Cash4Gold advises sellers to be cautious of look-alikes. Check out the online Cash4Gold profile for more details on how to spot the fakers.
Have a good weekend!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

I was just about to leave office, and thank god I checked my tweetdeck one last time. lolz. Hugz Marzie. And they really look cute in the scarf. But you know you're filthy rich once you start buying gold stuff for your cats, or blog about gold and cats at the same post :D
Gniteeee, going home now. hugzzzzz.
:* :* :*
Gosh, you're so cute, Pheebs!!!
Hugsy hugsy fluffy Phoebe!! :* :* :*
=-O =-O
shooooooooo cute!!!!!
Hi Shem! :):)
Cute! Love that pinkish tongue :)
Recent blog post: PHOTO HUNTERS – PINK
Hi Kitties :) I have something for you guys :)
Tag your it :) check it out here :)
:) enjoy :) xoxo
Recent blog post: Empty Streets Special: We Are The World Meme
Chop Sandman! Meow 1! :)
2 points for u here Sandman, awesome! :)
Woo hoo! You’re getting the hang of it Sandman, happy chopping! :)
LOL Sandman! ;)
Oh working late on a Friday night? Ha ha hugz Sandman, thanks for chopping. And for the cute compliment for lil Pheebs. Yeah, as long as I am their Master, surely I’d want to see them all adorable decked in scarves and what not ha ha! LOL to me starting buying gold stuff for my cats hahahahahha! HUGS! :)
Debbs! Meow 2! :)
Meow meow! Tenkiu Aunty D! You are cute too! :)
Yay for saying I’m fluffy Aunty D! Hugsy! :)
And Shemah! Meow 3! :)
Thank you meows, for chopping! Will add ur points now, have a terrific day! :)
Yay me, chopping my meowies heart out here meow!!
Meow meow!! I just wanna huggles you, Pheebs!
And you look so adorable wearing those pinky hearts scarf! :):)
LOL! U are in the lead at all three blogs actually Debbs, meow!
Huggle wuggle me Aunty D! ;)
He he Master loves this pink scarf, I think that’s the reason she sends us to Diva 9 even tho expense cause she wants us to wear scarves when we get home! :)
Thank you Shemah! He he comel!
Lol all THREE?? :O
The boys wear pinky heart scarves too, Pheebs?
All three what eh? He he forgot edi what I said!
Ohhh all three blogs, yeah all three!!!
Oh no! The boys wear green and blue boy scarves Aunty D! ;)
I wasnt working late because I am dedicated to work :-) I was working late because its monsoon season here in Mumbai, so its pouring phoebes and dogs, hence am not in a mood to party anywhere. Hence the reason I work late these days :D
Recent blog post: Chp 249. MM: Krypteria – The Night all Angels cry
You said I top FC at your three blogs so far hehe...
Lol! It would be hilarious seeing Benjo and Chubbsy in pink scarves, right Pheebs? Lol!!!
I bet Benji will look cute in a pink scarf Aunty D! He he!
Oh yeah la, still Top here Debbs! ;)
I see! I wish it would rain phoebes and dogs here Sandman, still oh so hot at the mo… hey enjoy your late nights! Better chance at chopping perhaps? :)
Hey Metz! I think I tagged you with the WATM meme? I’ll come see anyway, thanks so much! :)
Hi Criz Lai! Meow meow and welcome to Meow Diaries! Oh I love that pink tongue too he he! :)
Wah I forgot to update my FCSB for this post! Debbs, u 8 points edi wow! =-O :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Big Blue Sport-brella
thank you for the information provided, we are waiting for the next info
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