June Top EC Meows **
meow! It's time to give thanks to my Top EC Meows here at Meow Diaries and all three kitties are so happy to see a marked improvement in the number of daily drops we received last month. Thank you to everyone who dropped by and commented; leaving all sorts of sweet and funny words for our amusement here. We love you guys and we hope to see everyone back here in July! Until then, happy dropping and have a great weekend!

My Top EC Meow will receive 1 FOC Ad + 1000 EC Credits
A Simple Life 31
Mommy's Little Corner 31
Mumblings 31
Life's sweets and spices 31
Spiff, The Spaceman 31
The Modern Mom 31
Beyond Feron 31
moms..... check nyo 31
Yummy-as-can-be 31
Photography by KML 30
Mommy's Little Corner 31
Mumblings 31
Life's sweets and spices 31
Spiff, The Spaceman 31
The Modern Mom 31
Beyond Feron 31
moms..... check nyo 31
Yummy-as-can-be 31
Photography by KML 30


is it true? =-O =-O =-O =-O
:-[ :-[ :-[
=-O =-O =-O
hahaha Rizal!! :-D :-D
Monica, the experience is Surreal Lah. I am still terkedip-kedip mata ni mcam tak percaya.
Orait rizal.. now it is time tuu gelak guling tepuk tangan.. heheh
:-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
Hahhahaha wah wah wah Rizal!! Syabas! Meow 1! :)
LOL! Pestaim chop kat MD Rizal, meow! :)
Congrats to yr Top EC Meows!! :) ;)
Mariuca! :* :*
And Mon! Meow2! :)
Congrats meows, will add ur badges and points now woo hoo! :)
Marzie, great to hear that Meow Meow is doing awesome.
Congrats too to all top droppers of Meow Diaries.
p/s : i was about to buy Makanan Kucing when i saw A Chopping was Announced on Twitter, thus, i dropped everything and ran here.. Lol!! :-D
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
I know, macam tak percaya jerr..
Feels like bulan jatuh ke riba if i can be the first one on either Lj, Debbie or Marzie's blog. hoho.
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
Thanks for chopping Monica!
hahahhaha so funny lah Rizal!! :-D :-D :-D
ROTFLMAO @ Rizal, so happy got to chop Rizal! Thanks to TF! :)
oh no Mariuca! now lagi cannot stop lol :-D :-D
RRTP and Rizal's comment...ROTFLMAO!
Recent blog post: Looking forward to the weekend!
Thank you Monica! Hope to see u on the list next month sweetie. Meow! :)
Meow Monica! Another chop for u here!
Alamak comelnye Rizal dropped everything to chop ha ha ha! Nak beli makanan kucing lak taim tu, memang sesuai la u got Meow 1 here YAY! :)
Tak sempat! :( I was reading New Moon!
Congrats everyone! :*
He he byk lagi nak post here this weekend Rizal, tonight sure got some more chops, sila datang mengechop nanti okay? :)
tu laa fasal.. maybe the magik of subscribing to your blog.. and of course.. musti sebab kitten n Cat POWERS.. Purrrrrrr... !! whoaho!!
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
I agree Rizal is hilarious! Hugsy Rizal!
Marzie.. mustilah happy..
Ehh, where is Shemah.. selalunya dia ada jer.. Shemahh..ohhh shemmahhhh? (jerit panggil). where are you?..why so late..? hehe.. whoaho..
Hari ni jer boleh eksyen sebab dapat first. lol.
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
maybe kesan makan kuey teow goreng kat mid Valley kot. tuu lambat sket.
hehehe.. congrats debbie jadik ke tiga. :)
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
u're welcome Mariuca :*
Meow! meow! yes.. memang terkujat dapat no.1
Bak orang putih kata.
Puuurrrrrrrrfeect!! Meow Meow! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
I'm #12 lah Mariuca! hahahhahhaha :-D
Hahahahhahahahahah come we ROTFLMAO together-gether Mon ha ha ha!!
Hugsy Debbs! Still got 3 points here edi meow meow!
Thanks cutie, happy dropping to you.. :)
HA HA! Abaden! Mesti la magik kitty power, u kan bapak kucing gitu Rizal meow meow meow! :)
Thanks so much for subscribing to meows, Rizal!
LOL @ Rizal nak tunjuk eksyen kat Shemah ahaks! Shemah gi besday parti it seems Rizal! :)
He he sedap tu CKT!
Mon in the lead with Debbs, 3 points!
Purrrrrrfecto chop indeed Rizal and RnR is in da house, finally! :)
Yay!! thanks Mariuca :* :*
Recent blog post: Looking forward to the weekend!
Hahahhahah tu la me and my false alarms right? No 12 jadi no 10 meow it seems ROTFLMAO!
You’re welcome Monica! :)
hahhahahah yalor some more im so happy...who knows #12 lah!! :-D
Hahahhaha sorry la Mon, will try not to give false alarms anymore ROTFLMAO!!!
hahahaahah it's OK Mariuca!!! no worries :* :*
He he, always over excited la me LOL!
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