Let's Go to Pet Safari!

We dropped by fun Pet Safari @ IKANO last weekend. It's been ages since our last visit and we always get a kick from seeing the new kittens and cool new products that just arrived. Plus, there's a computer game shop right across this huge pet store so you know what that means! A little sight-seeing and window shopping at Pet Safari followed by a quick stop at the game shop to get me some Casino Bonus PC games!

Pet owners like me love shopping for our beloved family friend at Pet Safari. The store is huge; filled with the fanciest pet accessories and pet wear you could possibly imagine.

Can you spot the pet stroller in the picture? Aren't they adorable? Imagine Lil' Pheebs taking a ride down the streets of my neighbourhood. That would be a hoot but oh so cute! I plan to get a nice bag for my kids as well. I'd need a huge bag for Benji though to fit all his fluffiness inside.

We stopped by the aquariums on our way out. As much as we'd love to have fish as pets, it's just not feasible at the moment thanks to our curious cats. I can already picture big Benji sticking his big fat paw inside the fish tank when we're not at home!

I got the kids some kitty snack instead of toys for they're still very much hooked on their Deluxe Activity Centre. Besides, we need to cut down on toy spending for now. Prices are going up everywhere and it's not like I'm a millionaire; well not yet anyway!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O
morning marzie!! i just woke up!!!!!
a good morning chop for me??
=-O =-O =-O
i brought buddy to this place once, marzie! he didn't wanna go back home!! Loook at those toys!!
yay! chop! :)
Recent blog post: A PHAT Post
hey ane!! Morning!! :) :)
Shemah!! I tot u went to zzzz edi Shemah! Meow 1! :)
Oh just woke up ha ha and it’s my turn to zzzzz pulak! Morning Shemah! :)
A very good morning chop for u Shemah! Meow! :)
"Imagine Lil' Pheebs taking a ride down the streets of my neighbourhood." ahaha
and imagine all mummys and daddys strolling down the street of your nieghboorhood doing the same. I am sure that will be such a merrier fiesta for the cats going .. "meow meow mew".. exchanging and catching up gossips. ho ho ho
Ane! Meow 2! :)
U chopped twice at my sites today ANe, thanks sweetie!
Congrats Ane, again.. :-D
Ha ha I can understand why Buddy tak nak balik Shemah, kids love it there kan? And soooooo many nice things for pets! Did Buddy see any cats there when u guys visited Pet safari? :)
Thanks Ane, waiting for meow 3 now!
Rizal! Meow 3!! :)
Thank you for chopping meows! Now can add points edi! :)
Hey Shem! good morning! :)
Yay for Meow 2! :-D
Yay! I'm glad I was able to chop Marzie! :)
hehe thanks again Rizal! :) and congrats to you too! :-D
U already have 5 points here Ane, good chop today! :)
Me too Ane, am finishing off my ec drops and then off to bed I go! :)
Ohh gosh!! so many toys. I wont be going there otherwise, i ll succumb to temptation. =-X =-X
Luckily, my place is far from Ikano. hehe :-D
Recent blog post: Ekspo Beli Barangan Malaysia Di KLCC dan Buku Kraf Rotan
Luckily my place is NEAR Rizal he he! Every day oso can go, gila pokai nanti beli cat toys! ;)
yeah marzie.. only slept for 2 and a half hours. half to pick up buds wuds.
Ooopss.. gotta go now!!
See ya Shemah, now my turn to zzzzzz but def more than 2 hours! :)
Really?? 5 points? Yay!! :-D
hi marzie! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Almond Biscotti
we love going to pet safari too!! :) so many stuffs over there la. :)
Recent blog post: Almond Biscotti
all also wanted to buy home. hehe.
Recent blog post: Almond Biscotti
i've seen the stroller but too expensive la. M said no need buy that one la. Wait until we got our own baby then only buy. :-P
Recent blog post: Almond Biscotti
sometimes, i wonder how ariel & brownies will response towards our babies. if they see me giving more attention to our baby, nanti jeles mereka. haha :-P :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Almond Biscotti
haha.. anyway, hving ariel & brownies in our life is one of the best thing. Just like hving chubbs, pheebs and benji in your life, rite! ;)
Recent blog post: Almond Biscotti
:* :* :* :*
i went there before Mariuca...there's a hotel indside :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: My passion for Art
Hi Mon! Am having my first coffee now! :)
i like to see those fanciest pet accessories! :-P :-P
Recent blog post: My passion for Art
Yeah Mon!!! The pet hotel is inside hahahha! This was where we got CHubbs actually, meow! :)
Hi Mariuca!! ohh u just woke up? :)
u mean u bought CHubbs from this place? ;)
I got up for real abt 2 hours ago Mon! Now having coffee while checking mails. :)
Yeah, this is Chubbs’ home, Mon! ;)
i feel lazy today not enough sleep maybe :-D
Chubbs� hometown! :-D
Yes Chubbs kampong halaman Mon he he!
Something wrong with my laptop adaptor la huhuhu, think must buy new one, checking online now!
I really need to visit this pet safari.. looks so much fun!!!
Recent blog post: Another Sick Kitty
Yes I see the stroller GP.. I would love to have one of those.. it would be hoot.. i think Aggie and Smokey would love it.. it cost like SGD200.. how much is it here??
Recent blog post: Another Sick Kitty
Yes dearie and u can bring ur meows there oso jalan2 it seems!
U see the stroller LJ? He he! Gila comel kalau I put Pheebs inside and take her for a walk hohoho!!! Not sure how much it costs here dearie, but 200SGD sounds just abt right. Sure ratusan oso here. ;)
Hi Mariuca! ;)
You got that right woman! I love having my three kinds around and they do cheer me up when I’m down, sayang! :)
Hey! Monica is here!!! :)
Sure our furry frens will be jelesi nanti Jean but I hope we can still shower them with the same amount of love so they won feel left out. Hugs Jean! :)
yeah! u didnt zzzzz sweetie??
Ha ha if I’m super duper rich, sure I’d get the stroller for my babies! Meow!
The pet clothes here are superb too Jean, a little pricey but so many variety!
Eh I zzzzz edi Mon! You oso right? Woke up earlier in the afternoon. :)
yeah i just woke up! hehe....got so many things to do today ;)
Do u bring ur kids to Pet Safari Jean? I see many ppl carry along their doggies when they visit. :)
Aloha Jean! :)
Yup, 5 points for u Ane! Meow!
Oh u just woke up ha ha! I got up earlier than u today he he! Me too so many things to do and it’s Fri so wan to finish everything so can relaxi taxi later! :)
yalor i must zzz 8 hrs mah! lol! TGIF sweetie ;)
TGIF Mon! Wait lemme count how many hours I slept just now…. Ok ok I slept for abt 7 hours, enuff la! :)
hahahaha enuff beauty zzzz lah! ;)
More than enuff kan? He he! Now thinking to go out for dinner or ask B to tapau only…hmmmmmm…..
so early dinner?
Not now la, I mean when he comes home from work later hahahah!
ohhhhh! i hvn't eaten anything yet just coffee! :-D
I had a hotdog bun Mon …and coffee of coz… :)
u made hotdog bun Mariuca?
HAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH to me MAKING hotdog bun hahah! Of coz not la! B got it for me from the bakery LOL!!!! :)
hahhahhahah! aiyoo coz it seems like u gals can cook anything mah :-D
i'm going to eat asam laksa now....cya :*!!!
Hahahah only mug cake I can make Monica, cause not using oven. Me got no oven to be making hot dog bun all hahahahhahahah!
Me oso got no oven Mariuca :-D
I got no space la for oven, so many other things in my kitchen!
I like go there but hubby not dont like smell
Oh hehehe yeah it smells like a zoo there TH, but it’s fun to see all the cute stuff and pets there right?
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