The Missing Book
I was busy reading the paper when I heard Master moving boxes in her office. Curious, I peeked inside her office and I saw Master turning her book shelves upside down. It seems that she was looking for one of her old college books and it's nowhere to be found. 

I quickly jumped in to help Master look for her old college book. I used her step stool to look for it behind the storage boxes but there was nothing behind the boxes. Master has so many books so I'm not surprised she can't find the one she was looking for.
Master no longer uses her college books but she still likes to keep them in her office. Maybe she can sell some of her books to It is the student's #1 marketplace to buy cheap textbooks for college and to sell used textbooks back. offers the best prices online for students looking to buy cheaper used textbooks. There is an online sell back program, which students can use to sell their textbooks once the semester is over so it's really a handy site.
Master no longer uses her college books but she still likes to keep them in her office. Maybe she can sell some of her books to It is the student's #1 marketplace to buy cheap textbooks for college and to sell used textbooks back. offers the best prices online for students looking to buy cheaper used textbooks. There is an online sell back program, which students can use to sell their textbooks once the semester is over so it's really a handy site.

It took Master the whole afternoon but she finally found the book she was looking for. I was so tired by then and fell asleep at my favorite spot. Good night! 

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O =-O
=-O =-O =-O
Meows! :* :* :*
haha so cute lah! helped Master to look for her book. :) :)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Nobody Knows by Tony Rich Project
:* :* :*
nite nte Phoebe! ;) :)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Nobody Knows by Tony Rich Project
haha.. pheebs.. you're so smart .. you can read the newspaper upside down.. lol!!
and so helpful lagi.. no wonder your master loves you sooo much!!!
hugs and gomoiz you Pheebs... hahahahah
8-) 8-)
meows really on PB frenzy! :-$ :-$ :-$ :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Debt Management Works!
Monica Meow 1! :)
meow meow working hard with PBs it seems!
LJ Meow 2! :)
He he he… Phoebe curious it seems and very helpful! :)
Nite nite Aunty Monica, so tired helping Master just now, meow! :)
Hehehhe sure la can read paper upside down Aunty LJ, I have special skills meow! :)
I try to help Master when I can Aunty LJ, we love Master! ;)
Such a helpful kitty :-D
Gomoiz u back Aunty LJ! meow meow! :)
And Bill Meow 3! :)
Thank you for chopping meows! Adding points now.. ;)
Hahhahahaahha dats why la, suddenly only meows on PB frenzy Mon, but over edi… nothing else for meows to chop huhuhuuh! ;)
He he Phoebe is my helper Bill, ain’t she adorable? :)
alamak?!! sempat tak?
Recent blog:=- Weblog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
hahahahha how abt woafs and mpg?
owh tidak sempat. Laju sungguh Bill MengecHop. hehe
Congrats Bill for becoming the 3rd FC : D
Recent blog:=- Weblog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
Rizal, sempat cakap nite nite kat Pheebs he he!
Aha, Marzie, this is funny.
Cute. Phoebe was reading newspaper checking out the traffic for Master. I am sure Phoebe wanted Master to have a smooth ride going to Bazaar. Smooth ride, Bazaar Ramadhan, Happy satisfied Master, probably some goodies for Phoebe. :-D I think maybe that was on Phoebe's mind.
Recent blog:=- Weblog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
MPG nothing this month Mon, so sad! I have one more to do for WOAFS from SR and then no more PBs for real! You?
Hahahhahahahah Bill kan top chopper here last month Rizal LOL! ;)
Oh no!! Phoebe was busy digging some research for Master Paid Post.
Ho Ho Ho. I Like it.
Recent blog:=- Weblog Popular 1Malaysia :Does Your Blog Have What It Takes To Win RM1000?
Hugsy MPG! I've 2 PBs; one from RM another one LW!
Hahahhaha clever tak Phoebe research PB for Master? That’s why la Master sayang, thanks Rizal! :)
Wahhhhh nothing for me at RM or LW Mon! Come to me PBs…… $$$
How adorable Rizal! Tu la, cute kan Phoebe tolong Master, baca paper lagi tu! She so deserves a new baju for Raya nanti, wait for it Phoebe! :)
i chopped these a few days ago but havnt done yet :-D
Ok I hope to get some new RM PBs soon….few days edi quiet only…
yeah these few days like nothing to chop...0!
RM very quiet this month…last month oso not many chops kan? :(
yeah last mth not even 10! :(
Silly RM not giving us PBs ROTFLMAO!
so cute
Oh my gosh! Look at that face!! It is just the cutest!!
I could look at that face all day!!
Well, no, I would have to hug and squeeze that precious kitty too!!
Lucky You!!
Take care,
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - All The Single Ladies
lovely to see you are such a great helper Phoebe :*
sweet dreams O:-)
Mariuca, buzz2!!!;)
phoebe is so cute reading the newspaper upside down :) :) :)
Recent blog:=- MM: Livin On A Prayer
i wanna hug phoebe so tight ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- MM: Livin On A Prayer
Phoebe is such an adorable helper. i wanna cuddle her tightly. ;) :) :*
those are great series of pics especially the last shot, absolutely gorgeous! 8-)
sleep tight Phoebe and sweet dreams! MEOW!!! :* ;) :)
Vote, vote, vote!
Recent blog:=- Get Back to School and Clean Out Your Closets: It’s Time for the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) Rummage Sale in Far Hills, NJ
Hi MAriuca! ;)
Hey Mon! :)
Thanks for voting Roxy and congrats on winning ur botb! :)
hey sweetie i just sent u email ;)
Sweet dreams to you too LR, Phoebe is fast asleep right now! meow! :)
Yay glad u enjoyed my pics LR, I love the last one too LOL! :)
He he got the email Mon, hope it works okay for u. :)
thanks again Mariuca! :* :* :*
replying comments and dropping now :-D
You too wanna cuddle my baby LR? Cuddle away, she’s hard to resist! :)
No worries Mon, still up and abt to reply emails and what not.. :)
yay luckily u're still up! ;)
hey i just chopped one RM PB and one LW PB! go check yrs!!
He he I chopped 3 RM Pbs earlier Mon but all small ones… nothing for me at LW… :)
ohhhh okok! ;) mine oso small one :-D
I got two big ones from SR Mon he he.. :)
wahh two big ones...congrats! ;)
Yeah lorrrr just simply bid and then got it seems, have u been bidding there?
no lah i hardly login to SR :-P
I hardly login too but they send me email notifications when there’s a new opps so I usually bid if got interesting ones he he… try la!
ok thanks sweetie i'll try! ;) but for this one, they give u how many days
to write ah?
Hmmmmm I think 5 days but try and do it earlier, they don like it if u wait till last minute to complete a review apparently.. ;)
they told u they dont like it is it??
LOL!!! They didn’t tell me per se la but it’s written at their blog, u can see at the homepage, some blog posts written on SR and one of them is to not wait till last minute to do ur PB! :)
ohhhh hahahhahahah!! okok i got it!
Hehhehe dats why I always try to do SR PBs a day after receiving, priority PB! :)
ohhh so this one is SR PB?
The bored post is the SR one Mon, u try la bid for that one..some more 50 words only lol…
u mean big one just for 50 words?
Yes! But of coz I wrote more than 50 la ha ha… but 50 words only for big PB yeeha! :)
yeah u wrote more than 50! :-D wahhh so good huh big PB some more!!!!
Dats why must do SR PBs first lol.. :)
another 4 PBs oso from SR kah?
No just one more from SR and the rest all from RM..small PBs… hope they give some big PBs soon. :)
yeah hope they give BIG PB like the other day! :)
Tell me abt it, that huge PB was like once in a very blue moon kan? :)
yalor! so happy dat time hahahaha
Got one more at RM for me to chop but I think I’ll pass…. Same topic la as the one I chopped earlier..
why abt gaming is it?
LOL no abt web hosting…I chopped 2 edi, one for woafs and one for meows, takkan la wan to chop again right? LOL!!!
ohhh mine is abt debt mgnt which i wrote edi! so i don wan to chop again...
later my readers oso fed up LOL!!
Exactly… some topics I won take if I don like… that oral chelation one now increase price edi lol but still I don wanna take! Ha ha…
oral chelation? wht's that? :-D
Remember I told u abt this opp? I oso don know what oral chelation is all about and lazy to find out he he he!
ohhh and now increase price edi huh! LOL!
Yeah enticing me it seems Mon hahhaaha 20 bucks!
hahahah chop first lah if u don like no need to write oso no prob right??
Scared la if I don write then they blacklist me or something….anyway I will wait first cause I have others to do now. $$$
really? then do others first! :)
I think I wanna do the SR one…very interesting la the PB! :)
u mean the oral something??
The oral something? Hahahhaha! Me not taking the oral PB lol!
hahahhahha i m confused edi coz suddenly oral something suddenly debt mngt
Some more taking abt it at two diff blogs, me oso confused!
hahahahhhhaha yakah? we talked abt it at two diff blogs? LOL!!!!!
Hahahha yeah lor at MD and at WOAFS! Posting again at WOAFS soon! ;)
ok WOAFS! ;)
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