Pay Up Please!

I wonder if Master's client is short of cash and that's why he's avoiding paying her. Maybe the client can look into getting a payday loan from ePayday. To apply for a payday loan is simple and fast. Just fill in a simple application form and answer a few questions. There is also no hassle of a credit check so it sounds purr-fect for anyone in need of a little extra cash for emergencies such as the case of Master's client.

Are you in need of extra cash to tide you over until pay day? Please visit ePayday to find out how you can borrow short-term money in a simple speedy manner. All the information you need to get started is provided so you can rest easy tonight knowing that emergency money is possible - if you fit the bill of course!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:-D :-D :-D :-D
:-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
oh no what happened to Master :(
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
oh no what happened to Master :(
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
ohh client has not paid Master!! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
Chubbster, ask this client go get a payday loan and pay Master!! :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
Meow Chop Meow
Monica Meow 1! :)
Small RM PB he he.. :)
Master is Mad!!! :(
Angry or not for me Mon? I have to remind over and over again, how many times edi!! :(:(
LOL @ Mon using Chubbs’ full name, hugsy! :)
LOL! Bill Meow 2! :)
Yay Meow 1! thanks ;)
glam down Master!! :)
of coz angry for u Mariuca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe! :-P :-P
Welcome Mon, chop some more later! ;)
8-) 8-) 8-)
Meow Meow hate it when comments are missing meow >:o >:o
Hahahahhaah Master was so GALM la just now, venting away on TF! I wrote angry email to my client lolz…
Master maybe should find a goood lawyer to help hahahahhaaha ;)
ROTFLMAO, thanks Mon…some more several times edi this client did this to me…fed up, enuff is enuff, no more Ms. Nice gal! :(
Hey Bill, what are u up to tonight?
Hahahahhahahah MCS is it bill? SO cute the way u put it, hugs Bill! And thanks so much for coming over to chop despite stupid MCS! :(
opps! typo error!! LOL :-D
Did you get my tweets on twitter *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Heheheh Master got no money to hire lawyer!
U or me typo???
Which tweet Bill? Lemme check….
me lah typo! :-P :-P haha
it looks like masters claws coming out know LOL :)
Lucky typo cop not around feel free to typo everywhere lol!
hahah yeah lucky no typo cop! doing my ec round now ;)
Happy dropping Mon, I finished edi…before midnite too! :)
me always last min!! :-D
At least u still drop so good for u.. :)
wahhhh i feel good to hear that haha!! ;)
Of coz Mon lol…sometimes I oso drop last min…so long as we drop right? :)
right! so long as i drop 300 at the end of the day ;)
Uh oh... I hate when that happens! :(
Recent blog:=- This Dog is a Pool Shark!
How many u dropped edi? Go Mon Go!
50 only! LOL!
Hey Cute, you are my third commenter here yay! Oh tell me abt it, hope I don’t have to face this client again! :(
It's so funny how they always want the work now, but don't want to pay "now"... =-X
Recent blog:=- This Dog is a Pool Shark!
that sounds awful. hope the client will pay up soon. :-$ :-$
awwww, Chubbs obviously doesn't look happy here. I can understand how upset and angry your Master is. >:o O:-) :'(
poor kitty, hope she doesn't vent all her frustration on you. :'( :(
here's more hugs and lots of love to you, Chubbs. :* :) ;) 8-)
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins (2) **
So far.. only one client fled with partial payment GP for me.. gerams gak and I totally know how you feel.. Hugs dearie
I lost connection last night.. gerams also!!
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins (2) **
Ohhhh, tell your master that I can go ray gun those useless clients ... LOL!
Agencies are the worst paymasters la Marzie.
Recent blog:=- Damn Those Selangor Folks!
You turned debt collector!? :P
Recent blog:=- Yummy Eats at Kampong Glam Bazaar - WW
Dats why I’m angry ECL! Not my job to bug ppl for payment!!!! :(
=-O =-O =-O =-O
i remember the days when we ran our company and how frustrating it is to have to keep calling and calling to get your money!!
I hope you get it!! wow 6 months is a long time!! Don't give up and stay after them. Tell them you have people from all over the world that will help you..if they don;t pay up!! ;) ;)
We’ll see what happens next week Jackie, I hate having to throw another tantrum, but I might have to if he doesn’t pay up! :(
You said it Jackie, why do we have to call and call to get what’s rightfully ours? :(
Hola Jackie! :)
He he really Spiffy? Be my guest, so angry la last week now angry again thinking about it ha ha ha! :(
Sorry u lost ur connection LJ, how about now? Hugs. :)
Thanks LJ! :)
Thank you for the hugs LR! :)
He he don worry LR, Master was angry with her client not us, meow! :)
Chubbs was upset for me too LR, good kitty! :)
I hope so too LR, poor me.. :(
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