What Big Cat Are You? **
Have you ever wondered what type of big cat that's lurking beneath you? I have, especially with 3 fluffy cats in da house so I took this Blogthings quiz and here is my result! What do you think?
You Are a Snow Leopard |
You have learned that you must rely on yourself, and yourself alone, to live a happy life. - Oh so true! If I want anything done right, I have to do it myself. You understand the world better than most people you know. You are very perceptive and intuitive. - I see what others might neglect, things that are small are the most meaningful to me. You need lots of space to think. If you don't get the space you need, you're likely to bite someone's head off. - I need my space sometimes so back off! Because you are so thoughtful and solitary, people find you to be intense and mysterious. You're even seen as intimidating. - Some people dare not approach me but I'm already used to it and if you approach me once and I like what I see, you're my friend for life! |
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:( :( :( :( :(
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chop dulu baca later... arrrghhhhh =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
tak sempat nak CHOP ni
whaaaaaaaaaaaat? leopard? LOL! =-O
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
did i chop!?
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
so fast.. lol :-P :-P :-P :-D ;) :) :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
rasanya sempat bro.. hehehe :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
:-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Heheheh GG!!! Meow 1!! :)
am just a MILLISECOND earlier than you abang!wohooooooooooo! =-O
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
9 points on the lead! :)
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
GG chop after shower woo hoo!
And Rizal Meow 2! :)
Minta jasa baik teman-teman di sini untuk KLIK http://bit.ly/2UCOPI untuk menyumbang kepada projek beli lap top untuk Kak Yong
Congrats meows!!! Happy Saturday and have fun with the quiz! :)
arf arf!
GP is a leopard! :-P
katanya : Incik RnR ini :
You Are a Black Panther
You see through people. You understand others' motives and plans.
You have a knack for predicting the future. You just know what people are going to do.
People are attracted to you. You are naturally able to influence other people's thoughts.
You have the charisma to be a beloved guru or dictator. It's all about how you handle it.
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
i haven had shower yet! :-D
Ala cian DH!!! Next one u CHOP cepat2 okay? Happy weekend! :)
il be back GP! need to shower now!
:* :* :* :* :*
i must shout CHOP!lol!
ROAR!!!! U scared of me the snow leopard GG? :)
U got it GG, which blog u wan?
LOL! panther! watch mine!
ohh la la...
rooarrrrrr - ehhh tu macam singa..
eeegghrroorrrrrr - aha baru betul macam black phanter - balck panter = harimau kumbang? ehh ada harimau kumbang ke?
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
Fuyoooooooooo a millisec faster than Abang Rizal ahaks!
Wah nobody can stop u from chopping this month GG, u are so in da lead!!
Projek beli lap top??? Ok nanti I datang tgk DH, thanks for leaving the link here! :)
Meow meow!
Faster la do the quiz GG, I wan to see what big meow u are!!
You Are a Black Panther
You see through people. You understand others' motives and plans.
You have a knack for predicting the future. You just know what people are going to do.
People are attracted to you. You are naturally able to influence other people's thoughts.
You have the charisma to be a beloved guru or dictator. It's all about how you handle it.
yer dah tolong tweet juga. nanti sumbang sket boleh .. :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
orait marzie... later... nak rnr...
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D waaaaaaaaaaah! hhahahah!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
weeeeeeeeeeeeeh! as in a very MILLISECOND!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Uwahhhhhhhh Black Panther! So sleek!!! Wow Rizal can predict the future it seems, so magical gitu hehehe! Oh yeah you do have the charisma Rizal, sebab tu la boleh influence ppl to relaxi taxi when we visit RnR! Thanks for playing Rizal, love ur answer! :) Although black panther scares me yowzaaa!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
done edi GP!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
missin Pheeeeeeeeeeebs! :-P
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Ohhhh ni yg kena bayar kalau nak join tu ke DH? Mahal la dia punya pakej, ekonomi meleset sekarang huhuhuhuhu!
lovin pheeeeeeeeebs fluff than benji. :-D
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Oh haven showered yet….ho ho ho!
Ok GG, see u in a few!
WNP GP! thankie! :-P
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
:-D :-D :-D :-D were u scared!hahah!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
LOL shout la CHOP louder GG, I can’t hear you!
Me scared of panther cause black colour and fierce!!!
ROTFLMAO eeeeeggghrroorrrrrr mcm bunyi Yeeeehaw je Rizal hahaha… I’m not sure la harimau kumbang is which one Rizal, but I pernah mimpi jumpa black panther sekali…tu yg takut sampai sekarang, very real the dream! :(
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Wah!!!! GG same like Rizal!!! U too can predict the future GG? Can u tell me if I’m gonna be a millionaire any time soon or not??? Thanks for sharing sweetie! :)
Ok Rizal, enjoy ur yummy lunch… hungry hippo thinking abt ur sotong!
GG so fast and unstoppable, just like a sleek black panther!!
Thanks GG, now u can go shower (mandi)! :)
Pheebs missing Tita GG too! :)
Hahhahaha Pheebs fluff than Benji? Hohoho! I have to send all three for grooming already GG, now too fluffy, fur flying everywhere!
Wokay, lemme add badge and points now, thanks for chopping Abang and Adik LOL!
I was scared GG, me scared of panther!!
Welcome GG, come chop again later after ur hospital visit!
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
whats mandi? *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
LJ!!!!!!! Baru bangun ke tu??? Morning dearie! :)
I am a....
You Are a Black Panther
You see through people. You understand others' motives and plans.
You have a knack for predicting the future. You just know what people are going to do.
People are attracted to you. You are naturally able to influence other people's thoughts.
You have the charisma to be a beloved guru or dictator. It's all about how you handle it.
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
yayks! am allergic to those but i more love pheeeeeeeeb's coz same color with mah mum's.weeeeeeeeeh! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
:( :( :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
yeah! :(
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
sure! wait for me lah! :-P
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
I love the Snow Leopard dearie.. so beautiful and unique.. but I love Black Pather too... so me.. lah.. lol!!
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
Mandi = shower/bathe! :)
PPle used to think I'm snobbish and dont approach me either.. lol!!
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
I just woke up ni.. spllitting headache now!!
Recent blog:=- Guarding Mommy's Diary
oh no! =-O
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
LJ u oso Black Panther????? Wah everybody black panther ni!!! Pray tell, what lies ahead for me in the future LJ, u predictor u!! He he thanks for playing sweetie, meow meow! :)
thankie GP!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Same colour with ur mom’s cat is it? Ur mum got meow GG?
He he hhe faster go hospital Doc GG!
ill be the first to be millionaire GP.. :-P
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
ill just share to u mine so you cud be millionaire too!LOL!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
I am afraid of black panther as in the physical look of one…cause black and then kurus semacam but very garang like dat LJ! I love ur answer too LJ, same la u and GG and Rizal! Semua can predict stuff it seems LOL!
Ppl still think I’m snobbish…heheheh what to do… he he!
Oh no, I hate waking up to a splitting headache, u going to see Doc today? A getting better or not?
:-D :-D :-D :-D doctors are pinging me now!damn! :-P
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
yayks! knew it edi!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Wahhhh u don forget me when u become millionaire okay?
i mean,d 1 who died.nope,not yet GP :( :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Awwww ur so sweet, thanks sweetie! $$$$$$$
shower me first..gimme 5 mins to mandi! LOL!
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
did i used the word correctly? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
Paging Doctor GG, Doctor GG pls report to Emergency room STAT! ;)
Ohhhhhh okay, maybe can get new meow then eh?
:* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
sure! ill give pheeeeeeeeebs, chubbbster and benji a full whole year fluffy shower 24/7!LOL! :-P
Recent blog:=- What is OVERTON WINDOW?
wahahah!LOL! GP!
Haha GG learned a new word today, go mandi!
Yes u did GG, correct!
Yay free fluffy shower whole year from Doctor GG! Thanks!
yeap.. i ter-bangun actually... ingat nak snuggle lagi. then remember the
kids blum makan..
I predict great wealth and success for you dearie.. lol!! billionaire tu!
B kerja today it seems, ada event at Shah Alam, so me home alone with the kids now!
You Are a Lynx
You are a quiet observer of the world around you. Your wisdom comes from listening carefully.
You've always been extra sensitive and aware. And it's made it difficult for you to fit in.
You see past people's outward personas. You are able to penetrate a stranger's soul.
What you've learned about people is both beautiful and ugly. And you keep these secrets to yourself.
Recent blog:=- Birthday for Mommy - TGIF
FUyooooooooo Billionaire lagi, I wan I wan!!! Cepat la money come to me! Tired edi ni waiting and hoping ha ha!
Yay! LV in da house meow meow! Finally we have a different answer than Black Panther, thanks for playing dear! So are u extra sensitive? You sound secretive too LV, what do u think of ur result?? :)
oohhh the Black Pather is majectic in my eyes GP.. cantik but garang.. see
no touch.. lol!!! macam raja raja gitu..hahahahehehehehahhahah
hahahahahaha...still eh? lol!
that's why lah.. not lah nyuttt. nyuttt.. like that.. A is not getting
better but you know he lah.. so tak suka gi doctor.. i think i wait till
monday.. if tak baik gak.. i will go doc..
GG.. is you life anything like Grey's Anatomy? Got McDreamy or not? lol!
hahahaahah .. STAT!!! GG someone need a consult!!
Yes I agree majestic but garang, cause I dreamt abt a black panther once LJ and it was so real…since then scaredy cat mah!
A sounds like me, malas jumpa Doctor. Suruh dia jumpa Doctor GG je la hahahhaha!
Tu la, dah kena page still lingering here dis GG tak mandi2 lagi hahhahaha!
is Benji in the cat condo? the kids are out in the human room again.. am
doing my laundry..
hhahahaha... come money come.. come to GP and me..lol!
hahahhahahhahah.... cute nya you mimpi panther..hehhe
hahahha... Dr GG... paging Dr GG...lol!
I just put Benji inside the kitty condo cause trying to jump out the window again!! :(
We wan money, we wan money!
Amende cute??? Scary I tell u the dream even tho the panther didn harm me but he was staring at me…yowzaaaa!
haha..notty lah Benji nowadays.. what's up with that? is he bored??
hahhahahah... why on earth were you dreaming of a black panther anyway?
my bro is tiger I mean born yr
Dia saja je mengada tu Benji!! He he now Chubbs teman dia again sitting on top of the kitty condo!
I have absolutely no idea LJ!!!!!!!!! I oso don wan to dream of black panther!!!
LOL TH!!! Come take the test sweetie!
ggod boy lah chubbs.. sayang dia
Ah tu la kan, sayang Chubbs!!!
lol... or is chubbs only being stone fire ah? lol!!
Eh no la where got chubbs being stone fire, poor thing oso looking sad now that hid bro is locked inside kitty condo , meow meow!
hahahhaahah.... cian Chubbs.. no friend.. what is pheebs doing?
Pheebs jual mahal tidur sorang2 heheheh!
yeah i ll predict you akan dapat banyak lagi wang besar wang besar. hehehe
:) :) :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
ye laaa.. tuu bunyi black phanter
gendang gendut tali kecapi
kenyang perut makan sotong tadi, abaden suka hati.. LOL
tuu fasal bunginya macam yeeehaawww..
Oiiiii yohhh, mimpi hantu.
Last dalam minggu lepas, mimpi pontianak cakar2 my face. Ehhh Incik RnR kerap mimpi hantu lately, orang kata ada jin dekat2 rumah.
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-X =-X =-X :) :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
oohh.. lol!
Woo hoo wang besar wang besar, come to me today!!
OMG mimpi hantu cakar2 face???????? Now that is scary!!! ABADEN!!! :)
Marzie!! I took the quiz!! :) :) I'm a snow leopard too!! :)
Recent blog:=- Food Friday #1
Oh yay!!! Got fren snowy leopard heheh! Dat day we got werewolf together-gether, now dis Shemah, thanks for playing! :)
my result:
You Are a White Tiger
You have a strong individualistic streak. You are unique and outspoken.
You have firm ideas of right and wrong. You will stand up for your unpopular beliefs with pride.
You believe that learning the truth is important. Even if it's ugly, uncomfortable, or awkward.
You give it to people straight, and you expect them to do the same. You can't stand ambiguity of any kind.
Recent blog:=- Organic weight loss plans
Recent blog:=- Organic weight loss plans
Yay Mon u got White Tiger!!! Unique and outspoken…hence the WTF without a care in da world heheheheh! Monica means business, don play2! Thanks for playing sweetie!
Morning Mon!
LOL @ WTF without a care in da world!! hahahahhaah!!! takkan lah sikit2 WTF
meh LOL!!
actually i memang love White Tiger! :-D
Eh sure la sikit2 must WTF…only way to become pemes!! LOL! Yay u got ur fave white tiger Mon, cool or not blogthings? :)
The characteristics of being a leopard is great!
haha hi hi!
yea looks like you had a lot of black panther! :P
extra sensitive? hmm depens on what it is I guess hehe. But I fit in quite ok :). But like I said it depends on the situation and environment.
well, me secretive? Towards myself possible... towards other beauty and ugly mabe... it all depends :). Don't you think? ;).
have i penetrated your soul yet? hahaha!
:-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Johnny Delgado Died from Cancer
hhhahah! i want him! :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Johnny Delgado Died from Cancer
weeeeeeeeeeeeh! lovin it! :-P
Recent blog:=- Johnny Delgado Died from Cancer
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Johnny Delgado Died from Cancer
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Chipmunks sang for me!
you're welcome!!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Chipmunks sang for me!
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Chipmunks sang for me!
Recent blog:=- Chipmunks sang for me!
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Chipmunks sang for me!
Ha ha u can give this one a try too if u like Bloghob! ;) ;) ;)
Hey GG! :-P :-P :-P
now present in your city
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