Uh-Oh, Benji is in BIG Trouble!
I need a vacation and I need it NOW!
Today, Benji peed on my very expensive, very hard-to-clean massage chair and it breaks my heart to see him do that! Contrary to what some might perceive, taking care of three very active and fluffy cats is no simple feat. Besides worrying about their health, food and overall well-being, there is also the matter of making sure they don't pee anywhere their heart desire, which was what Benji did today!

So now he's locked up inside the kitty condo as punishment! Chubbs, being the big brother will always keep Benji company when the latter is punished. See the picture?
Do you see why I am in dire need of a holiday now? A short simple one will do for me; I ain't fussy! I just need to get away from my home and my kids and enjoy a little RnR time to myself so I can rejuvenate and come home fresh and ready to fend for my kids again. 
I guess it's time for me to shop for Cheap Holidays online and I'm starting with ULookUBook. This site offers thousands of cheap holidays, discount hotels and last minute flights to bargain holiday destinations worldwide. I love that the choices are plenty and the prices reasonable. If you're fickle like me, worry not for this site also provides great travel guides with detailed tourist information on the most popular holiday countries and resorts to help you narrow down your holiday choice. Truly, it's a great site to visit for those of you in need of a short or a long break!
So a mini holiday is exactly what I need right now; a wonderful pick-me-up vacation to refresh my weary soul so I'd come home to my fluffy kitties all smiley once more. Meanwhile, Benji is still in big trouble for messing up my massage chair and inside the kitty condo he shall remain! Master is mad with Benji today, naughty boy!

I guess it's time for me to shop for Cheap Holidays online and I'm starting with ULookUBook. This site offers thousands of cheap holidays, discount hotels and last minute flights to bargain holiday destinations worldwide. I love that the choices are plenty and the prices reasonable. If you're fickle like me, worry not for this site also provides great travel guides with detailed tourist information on the most popular holiday countries and resorts to help you narrow down your holiday choice. Truly, it's a great site to visit for those of you in need of a short or a long break!

So a mini holiday is exactly what I need right now; a wonderful pick-me-up vacation to refresh my weary soul so I'd come home to my fluffy kitties all smiley once more. Meanwhile, Benji is still in big trouble for messing up my massage chair and inside the kitty condo he shall remain! Master is mad with Benji today, naughty boy!

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oh dear.. notty Benji..
Recent blog:=- Guarding Mommy's Diary
Aggie always pee on my welcome mat GP.. so whenever they come to the human room.. all the welcome mats gets hidden..
Recent blog:=- Guarding Mommy's Diary
oh why oh why must they like to pee suka hati kan?
Recent blog:=- Guarding Mommy's Diary
Now all the kitties are in the human room.. until NurKasih ends.. lol!!
Recent blog:=- Guarding Mommy's Diary
uh oh, somebody is in trouble!!
LJ SSG to da max! Meow 1! :)
Monica oso SSG! Meow 2! :)
Angers la me LJ! Benji still locked up, GRRRRRRRR!
alamak! Benji peed on the massage chair =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Organic weight loss plans
I think cats are no different than kids Marzie, I tried potty training Lucas last week, needless to say, I don't think he's ready yet, cause he never told me he needed to go and he peed whenever, wherever... he's back in diapers for now... :-D
Recent blog:=- Friday Frustrations: I'm a Slacker*
I don care if he pees on the mat LJ, but NOT MY EXPENSE massage chair, I feel like throwing out my massage chair u know, so tensi! :(
Tu la, I baru mengadu kat B, biar Benji kena marah lagi nanti! :(
I dah lama gila tak watch NurKasih dearie….dah nak habis ke?
Yay! Ane is here, Meow 3! :)
maybe Benji shud wear diapers! :)
Recent blog:=- Organic weight loss plans
Thanks for chopping meows, hugsy!
I tell u Ane, Benji is seriously in big trouble, even if he makes his sad face I won let him out just yet, cause still GRRRRR here! ;)
And not the first time too Mon, I dunno what to do edi… cover the chair with a throw oso won’t work! :(
Oh so glad to hear that Ane… this means I am practising well for when I do have real kids later he he! Oh no Lucas back to diapers, how old is he edi Ane? Still young right?
LOL @ Benji wearing diapers hahhahahahahhaa, if got sure I buy for the fella! Hahahaah Benji in diapers!
u mean they pee everywhere Mariuca? give toilet training a try!
hahahah yeah go and find diapers for them :-D
No not everywhere Mon, they pee inside their litter box but sometimes they will pee anywhere they like and they seem to have a soft spot for my massage chair… I don mind if I can wash the thing, but how to wash massage chair… some more damn heavy I cannot lug it to the cleaners now can I? :(
Don have la diapers hahahha but so cute if Benji wears diapers, like real baby cat then, meow! Now Benji merajuk inside the kitty condo don wan to face me, lol!
yalor how to wash massage chair!? :-D
yes so cute lah if Benji wears diapers!!! LOL merajuk some more!!
Dats why heartpain here Mon…. I told B I wan to throw the massage chair!!!! :(
what? you want to throw the massage chair.. eh tak leh clean ke?
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
i think got a few more episode kot.. but finishing already lah..
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
Seriously the fella merajuk, quiet only inside there, back facing us hahahhaa well that’s what u get for peeing on mah chair!!!!
First time ke? is he healthy.. or is he trying to tell you something?
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
Yeah LJ, cause fed up edi!!!! Susah payah I lug the damn chair out of my room so can put outside in the living room and now hancus!!! Dah la kena scratch, how not to get angry u tell me!!! :(
Tu la, I takleh follow… so nemind la… he he… wat u watching tonight?
NOT first time…. See this Benji, kalau litter box kotor sikit je tak nak pee there… and I haven cleaned the litter box today… so he peed on somewhere clean..my massage chair! :(
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
Recent blog:=- Doing the Pole Dance *
Testing amende tu?
Hmmmm testing twice LJ?
u cannot clean it kah??
haha... baru dapat.. dari tadi no notification email from MD .. so i thought
replies.. then i check.. got so many.. had to reply at the the site pulak..
I cleaned it the best I could sweetie, but still not properly cleaned, I have to get it professionally cleaned or maybe change the entire seat cover…. How much will that cost me? :(
testing? :-D
U ticked the notifikasi edi dearie? Test away! Dah makan ke tu?
LOL Mon oso confused to see LJ testing her heart out here, meow!
ohhh LJ didnt tick lol...
wah if leather.. must be expensive to replace the seat cover kan?
ok dah no need to test edi..
baru sudah makan.. goreng ayam jer.. alamak i pulak dah sniffling ni..
jangkit A!!
hahahah... test test no more!
Dat is why Lady Java…. Ingat I am OKB or what to be replacing seat cover all? :(
Going out for dinner shortly dearie, rest la no need to do graphics tonight!
Ok edi right with commenting here LJ? No need to test edi!
notty Benji!
resting soon.. want to watch nurkasih..hehhe
yeap.. ok ok ok edi.. lol!
Baru je keluar kitty condo ni LJ! Me still angry with him but B let him out! For dat, no wet food tonight!
Enjoy ur nur kasih dearie while I enjoy my dinner… :)
Don post while Im out LJ hahahha, wan to chop!
hahha.. ok ok!
hehe.. B tak sampai hati lah tu...
ok.. see you later GP!
Oh Benji ... not good!!
Recent blog:=- Featured Rescue - Sam the Schnauzer
I’m baaaaaack LJ, u can post away LOL!
hahah... eh me and A having a sneezing contest.. lol.. he spread the cold to
me lah.. now my nose all running away edi
Tu la sure jangkit punya kan? Poor LJ, makan Panadol cepat!
tulah.. now my eyes half close edi!! boohoo...
Oh no…. me on posting frenzy, how to chop if eyes closing edi? Wakey wakey!
oh yeke? posting frenzy2? alamak.. ok ok.. will put stick on mah eyes..
looks like junior there is going to be grounded for some time... but lucky the chair is leather right? Least it is easy to clean.
Using leather cleaner should do the trick no?
Recent blog:=- Birthday for Mommy - TGIF
Yeah lor…. Posting frenzy to da max!! U not on posting frenzy? :)
hahhahaha LJ u wanna put stick on yr eyes?!
Hey there LV! :) I dunno…. Cause the chair is in pretty bad shape now with all the scratches and what not, I need to get a whole new seat cover, that is the only solution I can see! :(
Meow meow Mon!
Hey there DDF! You are on my EC today, thanks so much! Benji is a naughty kitty today! ;)
yeah Mon.. so they will stay open..lol!!
LJ, u no longer drinking coffee right?
huh? eh drink.. am still drinking coffee? why lah?
huh? eh drink.. am still drinking coffee? why lah?
Oh I tot u trying to cut down and switching to tea…u mensi last time…anyway drink la coffee if sleepy weepy! :)
Some more B went out of his way to buy wet food for Benji tonight ish ish!! Favourite B dis benji!
Monica! I just chopped 1 PB at RM, go check!
what meow2 Mariuca? :-D
LJ no longer drinking coffee? why oh why?
oohh... no lah.. drinking coffee and tea ..lol.. this one not sleepy coz
sleepy but sleepy coz not feeling well... am i making sense? lol!
so did Benji get his wet food?
still drinking lah Mon.. lol!! i was trying to cut down but kenot lah.. lol!
i just checked Mariuca still 0 ..
Hahahahha so funny la u Monica…. I said meow meow to greet you, u tot got chop is it? Aiyo sorry to confuse you me LOL now hhahahaha!
hahahah i think u need to get some rest LJ coz it doesnt make sense LOL!!
Ohhh drowsy LJ? Ok maybe u shld rest then… buat apa tu? Watch la DVD…
Yeah! And then B marah Phoebe cause Phoebe was chasing the boys and causing chaos hahahah cian Pheebs kena marah hahaha!
hahhahaha... i think so too. lol!!
Not sure what I'm doing online also.. hahaha
hahahha.. wah dapat juga dia wet food eh? lol.. kalah B lah .. lol..
pheebs chase the boys? so cute lah.. today Awan kena marah coz asyik terkam
Aggie jer.. lol!
Ish better sleep la like dat LJ, we’ll miss you tho… :)
ohhhhh u said meow2 to greet me! yalor i tot got chop, mana tau no new post,
still Uh-Oh, Benji is in BIG Trouble! hahahahahahahh!!!
not yet.. still awake ni.. sat lagi kot.. i want to chop!!
LOL @ terkam Aggie!! Yeah sometimes hafta scold them when they get too rough kan, hehe so cute!
I'm oso not sure what im doing online now LOL!!
poor Aggie was crying as she ran.. lol.. i was scolding Awan but at same
time laughing away..ahahhahaha
ohhh u're trying to cut down! :-D hehe not easy right!
Hahahhaha I ter-LOL la when I saw ur comment cause I pictured u cutely asking me “wat meow2” sure confused dat time ROTFLMAO!
Ok ok working on post @ MPG ni…
hahahaha Mon..same same lah we all..lol..
acutally I'm arranging my image gallery.. come see..
Mariuca, u said the one Tekkaus is using can reply by email? how??
i know.. i mean what else is there to drink.. i hate horlicks.. i cant drink
Milo coz it will cause me to cough.. so must drink coffee or tea only lah
ROTFLMAO! confused to da max! hahahahahhhh!!!
wahhh u ve image gallery? kaming!!
Hahaha u online but still not dropping Mon hahah!
LOL @ Aggie crying away hahahha macam kartun la!
I cant cut down on coffee!!!!
Yeah can reply by email..I always reply by email… I dunno first time I commented there, immediately can reply by email… maybe must register, which I think I did way back then…
B likes Horlicks!
yelah.. she so chubby.. cute gils lari from Awan!!
Hahahha I oso didn realize it came out as a meow2 chop cause usually will buzz2 u at TUO hahahhahaha!
coz i m hungry Mariuca....so no mood to drop :-D
yelah.. i just did only.. lol!!
I cant swallow Horlicks lah.. too lemak!
hahahah i terus go to MD when i see meow2 LOL!!!!!!!!!
i like horlicks and Milo oso!! too lemak? :-D
LOL I like to see Benji run, mcm doggie…woof woof!
Oh no it’s about time for supper Mon! I’m having pemes amos cookies now…with coffee!
Tu la, sorry to confuse u Mon, hahahhaha didn’t mean to trick u like those hidden ec widgets LOL!
Milo oso B’s fave!
yelah MOn.. the horlicks too lemak for me
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
cuttie benji! =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
Hi my kawan!
Ayo.. naughtylah Benji macam juga my BlueBerry. Some cats prefers to pee on the sofa tau.So these days I always cover it with large plastic and if one of them pee there, then tak susah to waste, only wash the plastic aje dengan dettol and water, then spay some nice fagrant. Somethimes when cats do that because they have problem, maybe jealous with other cats, ada lah entah apa2 lagi yg tak kena tu ...
So normally, when my brother comes to visit me I will ask him to buy "Stop" a kind of srpay where you spray on the same spot where they pee, they wont pee there again! I think there is a better brand, perhaps you should shop around at the vet or any pet shop to check.
I think you ought to toilet train them if you have the time, it takes some times to do so but you will be happy and thanks yourself later when they know how to use toilet. I have so many Meows, if I have 3 like yous, I will definitely try to train them. Those Mat Salleh proved toilet trained to be workable. Mana tau, who knows one day all your Meows akan pandai pakai toilet. Hehehehe... good for you kan. Tak payah lagi empty all the litters, dah lah tu tak payah worry lagi mereka pee kat Massage Chair or their favourite spots, I think Benji tu nak book the Massage Chair for himself so that Meows lain tak boleh duduk situ, sebab tu lah dia buat his trademark tau, memang kuching macham tu, bila dia tak mau Meow-meow lain ambil alih tempatnya dia akan spay his pee, meaning his territory!
I'm having same problem with BlueBerry and sometimes I dont even know who is the other cuprit(s) when I grounded BlueBerry in the toilet with his warm container, no condo. At my living at night there are 7 cats, the rest 9 of my cats including the rescued from Terengganu in the Shelter behind my kitchen, can see them through my kitchen windows and 3 male cats in 2 cages plus 4 kittens in another cage, all a special place in the shelter.
Penat tau, the day when those people take some of these rescued cats and after the balance sent to SPCA, then only I will be left with my 17 cats, perhaps in KL to continue giving away some to good homes, then only I will be living my life to the fullest as a normal human being.
I am trying to do this to have back my life and I think I need it badly.
In your case, memang teruk lah kalau dah pee kat Massage chair tu, macam mana nak basuh, berat hendak keluarkan Massage Chair tu. If u can ask someone to take it out in the sun, pour hot water, then pour dettol, after that fabulaso, and then dah kering spray with nice fagrance spray like "Febreze", maybe it would work. :) ;) 8-) :* :*
You poor thing... sending you my hugzzzz then to cool you down.
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Kelly Clarkson with Already Gone
Aww... poor Benji. :(
aha.. i like that condo kitty..
sounds very posh spice.
Ehhh kondo kitty tuu mahal kan? nampak ajer besi tapi kalau beli atau tempah memang mahal tuuu..
tempat bawak boleh tarik kan? I still have that kondo kitty.
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
time for saturday rnr.
yeah mini vakasi mini terapi diperlukan..
alert! alert! alert! hoho
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Wiki OutDoor Fun
tengah meng adgi dan men"ee ci" dalam mod restnrileksing. hehehe
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Yay Rizal in da house! Yeah tempat bawah tu boleh tarik keluar!! Best kan kitty condo ni, I beli dat time RM300 but now ada yg besar sikit and more pricey.. then dat day I saw ada rumah kecik but for doggies! :)
I nak gi massage tangan today ni Rizal, tunggu B balik kerja dulu, today ada event kat Shah Alam, so he left this morning for work. :)
Ohhhh I dah siap dah Rizal, tunggu pukul 1 nanti baru boleh start again! :)
i like muka chubbs. memang nampak macam pengawal peribadi macam tu. hohoho.
cayaloh chubbs
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
wah siap ada massage tangan. cuba tengok tukar urut tuu terror tak? Tanya
dia, kalau you pandai, tgk tangan i ni, i selalu buat kerja apa? KAlau dia
boleh jawab.." You ni blogger yer selalu drop adgi dan EC..." ahak sure
Marzie kena bagi dia sket rewards. LoL
Yay!! Chubbs mmg responsible and paling well-behaved… org lain semua sepahkan bilik la, duduk atas katil la, but Chubbs tak… selalu tunggu I panggil dia baru dia masuk bilik, sayang Chubbs! :)
Hahhaha tu la sebab asyik drop and click ni yg nak try massage tangan, usually kaki je so I wanna try this new place at The Curve!! :)
Lil!!! I pernah letak plastic to cover but now that it’s inside my living room, not nice la when visitors come over and if I letak plastic, then kalau nak pakai the chair kena remove dulu every time.. so leceh jugak! I’ve been covering it with a throw but yesterday I basuh the throw and Benji took the chance to do his business there hohoho! Nak cakap mark territory dia dah sunat so no reason to ngada2 mark territory… and nak drag the chair outside, I duduk condo!! Mana ada garden nak jemur chair? Hahhaha! Thanks for your comment sweetie and I hope all is okay in ur meow world, hugs! :)
Meow meow GG!
LOL, poor Benji indeed! But that’s what u get for being a naughty kitty hehe! ;)
oh chubbs ni macam arwah Mufasa.. also good boy lah he... miss him so much..
his cemetery and Anja's dah tumbuh bunga dah..
Ohhh how nostalgic that sounds, dah tumbuh bunga, cian dia orang kan? Hugs!!!
tulah.. each time i to go my IL.. A and me would go... Anja... Mufasa....
buat apa tu?? hehhhe.. sedih gitu...miss them!!!
I dgr pun sedih ni…. :(
takper takper..depa dah happy dah.. yihaa.. happy happy balik ok!
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