Off to The Lodge!
MEOW! Master is going to Gamblers Lodge! I helped her pack her overnight bag and she will be gone for a day or so. I heard her telling B this new place is the best online casino portal today and she is as curious as a cat to see what's there. Besides the many reviews on the best casinos to visit, Master is also very interested to check out the latest strategy tips to help her win when she plays her casino games.

I really want to tag along but Master said no pets are allowed at Gamblers Lodge. Even adorable fluffy cats like me will be given the boot if I'm seen. The place is only for gamers and gamblers who would love to hang out with other people who share the same interest. Here you can find any information and tips on everything interesting to players including the best promotions, online casino ratings and reviews, industry news, and the latest warnings about which casinos to stay clear from!
Master said she loves this new place she discovered and she can't wait to go. I hope Master comes home with lots of money. I want a new kitty toy so good luck Master and have fun!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O =-O =-O
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
shocked! =-O =-O =-O =-O
8-) 8-) 8-)
Mariuca! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
:-P :-P :-P :-P
:-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
so cute lah meow! Chubbster?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
yayks! i made a chop! :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
even while studying!LOL!
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
missin you pheebs! :* hugsy from tita GG!
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
so cute lah eyes! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
YAY Monica Meow 1! :)
GG Meow 2! :)
opps! it's Phoebe!! :-[ :-[ :-[
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
Eh why shocked?????
And Bill Meow 3! :)
Tita GG will be back Pheebs! need lah study now! be good, ayt? :*
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
Thanks for the morning meow meow chop peeps, hugs all around! :)
Great picture Marzie now i want a kitty LOL :)
Recent blog:=- Time For A Break
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
wasn thinking if i cud chop coz lotsa alive! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Hehehe morning for real Monica! :)
lovin' it! 8 points for me! :-P :-P :-P
LOL te mon!
YAY thanks Mariuca! :)
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
Hugsy! :* :*
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
Tita GG!!!!! Good luck for ur exam!!
Chubbster??? Hohohohoho this is Phoebe Mon, see she signed the post? Hehehhe!
thankie Pheeeeeeeeeebs! :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
GG oso in da lead here,meow meow!
gagay laughed at me! :-D
Yay for chopping while studying GG, u rock!
Hugs for Tita GG, fluffly fluff!
He he thank you GG, Phoebe loves getting compliments, meow! :)
i didn't notice dat Mariuca :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Peace te mon! :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
Hahahaha yeah lor sweetie, dis one is Phoebe, Monica confused again lol!
i know GP,,am a rock! LOL! stone! =-O =-O =-O =-O LOL!
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
Ok Tita GG< I will continue help Master pack, go study! :)
Peace gagay! hahahhah!!
yalor long time no see now confused again! LOL!!
He he thanks Bill and u should so get a kitty cat for urself, go for it! :)
what is Tita??
Thanks for the hugsy GG, meow!
LOL @ lotsa alive!!!!
Welcome sweetie!
Ha ha 8 points edi, so fast u chop this month GG!
Welcome Monica, come chop again later woo hoo! :)
me so slow this mth huhuhuhuu!
Hahahahhahaah tu la GG LOL at Monica!! GG, u can recognize mah cats or not?
i love cat but i a allergic :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Time For A Break
He he it’s okay Mon… now u know dis one Phoebe!! Still a little confused eh? meow! :)
GG is a pinky rock! ;)
yeah still a little confused but now i know dis one Phoebe!! :-P
Long time no see it seems… YAYKS!!! Follow GG’s style YAYKS!!! Hahahaha!
Tita is Aunty/Sister I think, right GG?
YAYKS sounds like yucks pulak :-D
Mon in second place, go Mon go! :)
Ohhhhhhh then cats are a no-no for u Bill, that’s really too bad cause they make great companions..and oh so cute! :)
He he…imagine if I get another meow, u will be even more confused Mon! :)
LOL, it sounds cute to me like GG is screaming YAYKS!!
yay Mon in second place :* :*
unless if the new meow is diff colour Mariuca! :-P
LOL @ YAY Mon in second place ha ha ha… got new post at TUo or not? Wan to chop before I zzzzz! :)
no wor Mariuca....i'm still dropping like a mad panda :(
But Chubbs and Pheebs diff kaler Mon! :) If I get a new meow, I wan a white fluffy flat-face meow, don care!!! So cute la white meows but hard to find really cute ones.. and the ones yg ada so expensive…no money mah… ;)
CHubbs is white, Pheebs is brown right?? u mean those not cute meows are
Ohhh still dropping like a mad panda… ok ok… try and complete 300 today yeah? How many edi?
dropped 100+ only alamak!!!!!!!!!!
LOL @ those not cute meows hahhahahahahahha!!!!! The Persian exotic ones are more pricey and those are the types I like. The biasa ones not so expensive but I don like cause not fluffy-fluff! :) Chubbs is GREY!!!!! Hahahahahahah aiyooooo LOL!!!
Hahahaha some more 100 only aiyooo 200 to go! Kamon Mon, sure can do it!
ohhh Chubbs is GREY!!!!! hahahahh aiyoooo i said white pulak LOL! Pheebs is
brown right??
Pheebs is brown and Benji is brown/cream! :)
So cute la Pheebs brown kaler hahahahah!
eh i tot Benji is white!
yeah so cute and she is the smallest one hehe....
Hahahaha Benji got white on him oso, esp the tummy part, he’s a light shade of beige like dat Mon but not pure white! :)
Yeah, she won get bigger cause her breed mmg small size it seems, dats why la she’s so cute cause always look like small baby cat, meow meow! :)
ah see.. maybe i saw Benji's tummy...dat's why i said white :-D
He he maybe u saw the one with his legs up in da air, tummy so fluffy and white! :)
Mariuca, i cannot stop LOL now coz of the twitter thingy hahahahhahahahah!!!
He he he which twitter thingy Mon? Heheh I dunno which one but laughing edi hehehhe…
all lah Mariuca! i m confused until dunno how to reply LOL!
yeah i saw the one with his legs up in da air! so cuteeeee lah!!
He he forever sleeping with legs up in da air Mon! Then I’ll kacau him and rub rub his tummy tum! :)
nite2 Mariuca! i wan to go zzzzz oso!! :-D
Yay let’s zzzzz together-gether then, sweet dreams Monica! :)
hahahahah zzzzz together-gether!! okok sweet dreams Mariuca!
LOL see ya, don forget to send out ur last TL message before u zzzz..for the draw mah! :)
thanks sweetie i tweet edi lol!!
He he I saw it, good job! I just activated my magpie, all this while it was off, no wonder la haven been seeing magpie ads lately tsk tsk tsk!!
What an ADORABLE picture! Meow!
Recent blog:=- Have You Seen My Cell Phone?
yeheeeeeeeeeeeey 8 points for me! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
weeeeeeeeeee. i mean ONLINE :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
peace te mon! you call pheeebs as chubbs! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
off cuz i can! :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
yayks is like an excitement..but yaks is far diff..iw! :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
i cud somehow recognize them GP :-P
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
:-E :-E :-E :-E :-E
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
wohooooooooooo! am leading! =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
can't imagine myself screaming! LOL! =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Who is Nina Muschallik?
cutey kitty! :)
hi dear! droppin' EC and adgitizing. :)
have a splendid day!
Recent blog:=- ☺ I Am a Scholar ☺
i m very confused wz magpie ads Mariuca...
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
hahah.. really GP? You're going to a casino? awesome!!!
Recent blog:=- Guarding Mommy's Diary
Oh Pheebss.. never mind.. B would keep you company I'm sure :)
Recent blog:=- What A Long Tongue I Have..*
such cute cat! I can't be around cats too long unfrotunately :(. But I love dogs more anyway :P Sorry cat lover >.<;
Recent blog:=- Birthday for Mommy - TGIF
Hola!! Enjoy your little trip and hope you have a lodge of luck! :-D Okay I won't quit my day job to become a comedian hehe
Recent blog:=- It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Thanks Cute, I love dis pic too! :-D :-D
Thanks for dropping and clicking Sunshine, have a good one! :-D :-D :-D
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) LJ!
He he hehe casino in mah dreams LJ!!!! =-O =-O :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Pheebs manja with me LJ, sure tak nak ngan B he he! :* :* :*
I am afraid of doggies LV!!! Gimme a cat any day! :* :* :*
Thanks GK, always need some luck when I'm off "playing ka-ching games" he he! :* :* :*
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