Christmas Pressie from Adgi! **

Also the wonderful people at Adgitize presented us with an early Christmas present by rolling back to the initial price of US$14 for a 31-day ad on the Adgitize network! This piece of news has been well-received by all Adgitizers from around the blog world and I'd like to thank Adgitize for this wonderful gift. 
What's more, if you have an ad in the system today at the higher rates like yours truly who took up a 31-day ad at the new price of US$24, Adgitize will extend that ad for 22 days FREE of charge! I've clarified this matter with Ken from Adgi and yes, Meow Diaries will be receiving 22 days of ad exposure in the Adgitize network for free! Adgitize will bear the cost during those extra days and there will be NO reduction in publisher payouts with the extended ads, how awesome is that?

What's more, if you have an ad in the system today at the higher rates like yours truly who took up a 31-day ad at the new price of US$24, Adgitize will extend that ad for 22 days FREE of charge! I've clarified this matter with Ken from Adgi and yes, Meow Diaries will be receiving 22 days of ad exposure in the Adgitize network for free! Adgitize will bear the cost during those extra days and there will be NO reduction in publisher payouts with the extended ads, how awesome is that?

If you have NOT Adgitized your blog and would love to join me in reaping the wonderful benefits of traffic, exposure and a little side income with the #1 Blog Advertising network today, all you have to do is click here and start to Adgitize your Blog!
Remember, the price is back to US$14 now so there's absolutely no reason for you to miss out on this fantastic deal. Happy blogging and here's wishing you a Merry Christmas!
PS. If you want to read more on how Adgi works and Adgi Pays you can read my other posts here and here.
Remember, the price is back to US$14 now so there's absolutely no reason for you to miss out on this fantastic deal. Happy blogging and here's wishing you a Merry Christmas!

PS. If you want to read more on how Adgi works and Adgi Pays you can read my other posts here and here.

:* :* :* :*
Wah you got paid edi eh? so cool. mine still only 15 or so.. sigh...
:* :* :* :*
Mariuca i just came back! :-D :-D :-D
brb sweetie! :* :*
Hey, is this true? I'm not dreaming? I'm first again?
Wait ah...let me pinch myself. *pinch pinch* OUCH!! It's true!! OMG!
Yay! Broke record for the first time since I started blogging! No.1 on two of Mariuca's blogs within the span of er..... 1hour? 2 hours? Cannot remember lah!
Wait! let me do the dance here! Yeah!!!! :)
All thanks to Twitter. Luckily saw your tweets, cepat cepat come here. Don't even dare to breathe! Haha!
ok i'm back! :-D :-D :-D oh mine $12.20 only huhuhuh :-P :-P
Wow! Not bad eh Adgi? I must really look into being more active with Adgi! Hardly click Adgi. Wait let me click your Adgi :)
hmm i think u're dreaming Foong :-D :-D :-D
How's your ROI on your ads with Adgi? Good or not?
Hahahahahahahahah so cute ur comment here Mon, I clicked Like hahahahaha! :* :* :* :*
That's why I signed up for them. I'm going to be getting my own ads on there, too.
Glad you enjoy it and that they have scaled back the pricing! :* :)
errrr which comment so cute Mariuca? LOL! :* :* :* :*
This is really irritating at the moment :) It's the payout from November @Monica & @LadyJava
I think the next payout for December will be in two weeks. And i think Mariuca will top the actual earnings easily in January :)
Have fun with Adgitize! No more worries about price increases yahoo!
wow congratz! I have placed an ad on adgitize since rollback and hoping to receive my first payment before my ad expires :-D
btw, ur static toolbar is cool, where did you get it? or how did you do it?
Congrats, as always it's good earning.
Bet this month is way higher :-D :-D :-D
I am red!
Hope you're feeling better. Happy long weekend! :)
Oh this one should go to your other blog!
I'm opening MD and WOAFS at the same time, oops :-[ :-[ :-[
Meow meow LJ, Meow 1! :* :* :* :*
LJ, dis one for last month mah... dis month punya of coz belum get paid...but I am hopeful of making back my 24 bucks yeeeha! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
:* :* :* :* Monica Meow 2!
Thanks for the chop meows, happy Adgitizing today! :-D :-D :-D
:* :*
Welcome back Mon and Merry Christmas! :* :* :*
More like third la Foong he he he he.... :-[ :-[ :-[
LOL so cute la u Foong dreaming here hahahhaah! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Dis comment here Mon LOL!!
"hmm i think u're dreaming Foong :-D :-D :-D"
in response to Foong's
"Hey, is this true? I'm not dreaming? I'm first again?"
Aiyo poor Foong piched himself for nothing hahahaha so cute you made me ROTFLMAO!! :* :* :* :*
LOL thanks so much for ur enthusiasm here Foong, chop again next time kay? :-D :-D :-D
Dancing some more aiyoooo so funny hahahahaha! Thanks for entertaining me Foong! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Thanks to Twitter, I oso can see ur new posts YAY! :* :* :*
12.20 is great Mon, specially since u didn advertise so no money in, good job! :* :* :* :*
Thanks for clicking my Adgi Foong and you can read more @ my links... I love Adgi, u should spend more time there, it's just awesome! :* :* :* :*
Good la Foong, see my older posts on my earnings with Adgi... def worth it to advertise mah... :-D :-D :-D :-D
I love Adgi David and I see u got ur ad up already, that's great! We only have to click 51 ads yay! :* :* :* :*
Yeah, this is my earnings for Nov Martin! This month won't be so good Martin, cause many of my refs didn not advertise... so we'll see... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Thanks Glitter, good to hear ur back on board and here's wishing both of us the best of luck this month!
I think ur referring to my Wibiya toolbar, yes? You can check it out here, have fun! :* :* :* :*
Thanks sweetie! I hope u did just as well last month and good luck for Dec yeah? :* :* :* :*
He he thanks for playing my Blogthings quiz and wow, you too red!! :-D :-D :-D
LOL no worries Evan's Mom, it happens to me too sometimes! :* :* :*
Come on Mariuca, you're heading towards 30$ earnings without referrals at the moment (this weekend/week will be the best earnings for active members). Perhaps i can top 50$ depending how much Ken pays for the First time bonus (as he makes now different payments depending on the length of the first time ad).
My referrals are back Martin woo hoo, thanks to Adgi for going back to 14 bucks! :)
Aiyo! So I'm not first! Now only I know! Marzie, I think your comment system sucks lah! Haha!
How come don't show earlier comments? Thought I was first. Happy for nothing! Some more, dancing for nothing! >:o
Some more pinch myself for nothing! Boo hoo!
LOL angry it seems Foong… biasa la JS that time u and the ladies were all chopping at the same time, that’s why must refresh to see if u made the chop…before u start dancing and celebrating hahahaha! Anyway, thanks yeah? :)
So funny u pinched urself Foong, don be sad! :)
What to do Foong…. Got no choice but to stick to JS for now… :(
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