Cat Wound
The last time Benji was hospitalized, he got both B and me frantic with worry! Besides refusing to eat or drink, he was all wobbly when he walked. He was limping a little too but he wasn't suffering from a minor wound. We were certain of that because we checked him all over for any signs of cuts or bruise but didn't find any. So we put away our wound cleanser for cats and took him to the neighbourhood Vet instead.

When Benji still didn't show any signs of recovering, we immediately rushed him to Healing Rooms pet hospital in Subang Jaya for a second opinion. Apparently, Benji was suffering from a type of feline condition with a long weird name, which I can't recall. And if left untreated, he would not have made it another night!

See how adorable Benji looked with his neck collar? He's completely healed now of course but ever since that scary incident, we don't take chances with our cats any more. So whether it's a small cut or a hidden wound that our cats might be suffering from, we'd surely take them to the Vet for an immediate check-up. Better be safe than sorry! 

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
Yeah GP.. better be safe than sorry for sure.. I take no chances with my babies too!
wat happened to Benji's neck? :'( :'(
8-) 8-) 8-)
but yeah better be safe than sorry! :* :*
poor thing! hehe but he looked so cute with his neck collar! :)
poor Benji, he looks so cute here. I agree better safe than sorry :)
:* :* LJ Meow 1!
Must allocate funds for our cats kan? Sure mesti masuk hosp one of them, hugs for the kitties! :* :* :*
:* :* :* Monica Meow 2!
8-) 8-) 8-) And Bill Meow 3!
Thanks for da Benji chop, meow! :* :* :*
They had to put the neck collar so he won scratch and bite his paw..the drip was attached there u so cute! Hospitalized it seems Benji! =-X =-X :-D :-D
I know right? Sick oso Benji looked adorable, love Benji! :* :* :* :*
Meow Mariuca! :* :* :*
I'm glad you took care of that taking him for a second opinion or we may not be seeing anymore pics of how adorable he is! Trouble, wounded, or just having fun, he's adorable in every pic I've seen! ;) :)
I hear u Mon, must make sure meows healthy all the time! :* :* :*
LOL poor Benji indeed Bill, he gave us quite a scare and we're glad to have him home safe and sound now! :* :* :*
I love your comment David, for that ur geting a like comment click here from me! Love that u think Benji looks adorable in every pic, cause I think so too he he. Dis just makes me wanna giveBenji a huge hug after this! :* :* :* :* :*
Oh gosh he looks so cute, poor thing with his color on. And you are so right about taking them to the vet. If they quit eating or hide, they probably don't feel good and should be taken to the vet.
Thanks Angel! I think the SJ hosp has moved nearer to Subang Parade but I cant remember exactly where!
LOL poor thing indeed Marg and he does look cute right? He he he and he was so tiny back then but now Beni is a giant lol! :)
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