Fluffy Friday # 11 - Paws-Perous CNY! **
I am truly sorry for my tardiness this Fluffy Friday! Busy with work all week, I could not help but fall asleep early yesterday!

It will be Chinese New Year this Sunday and just like we do every year, B & I will be heading to MIL's hometown to celebrate CNY with our Chinese family and friends there. So in the spirit of CNY, my Fluffy Friday will feature this very chubby, very fluffy white meow on display in one of the shopping malls I visited over the week.
Have a PAWS-Perous New Year and safe drive or flight to your home. Let's be merry and may this CNY bring you and me more prosperity and joy! Happy Fluffy Friday!

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:* :* :* :*
Have a PAWS-Perous New Year Mariuca and B! :* :* :*
haha love dat huge meow! :-D
:* :* :* :* Monica SSG! Meow 1!
:* :* :*
Thanks sweetie, Happy CNY to u too.. going back tomo right? :* :* :*
gimme that ang pow meow! :-P :-P
hahaha me too, got this lady took pic oso, happily smiling when she saw the huge meow!! :* :* :* :*
=-O =-O :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ I bet it's a huge ang pow for such a hue meow! So cute ur comment Mon lol! :* :* :*
LJ Meow 2!! :* :* :*
Happy New Year to you and B dearie.. wah get angpao is it??
yeah tomo! My flight takes of at 2pm like dat :* :* :*
Thank you LJ! I will get angpows every yr yay but oso have to give angpows to ppl ho ho ho! :-$ :-$ :-$ :* :* :*
Have a safe flight sweetie, how long does it take to reach KK? Have a good time and will miss u for two whole weeks! :'( :'( 8-) 8-) 8-)
not KK la! Tawau! :-D :-D
3 hours Mariuca! >:o >:o
i will miss u too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'(
Ohhh sorry tawau lol.... never been to both KK or tawau he he... wahhhhh 3 hours quite long....sigh... so what u gonna do on the plane? ;) ;) ;) ;)
hehe i wan huge ang pow with huge amt :-$ :-$ :-$
yalor i don't like la 3 hrs flight >:o >:o i'm gonna sleep lor! :-P :-P
u go to KK la...and visit Mt.Kinabalu 8-) 8-)
lol it's ok! u know Amber Chia oso frm Tawau right? :-D :-D
ohhhh i didn know Amber chia from tawau!! who else from tawau, celebs i mean? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
WOW very impressive Mon, I've never visited Mt. Kinabalu of coz... scary... me afraid of heighst! :-E :-E :-E :-E :-E
aiyooooo heights la... not heighst hahaha... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Will u be getting another huge angpow from ur parents? He he! who knows... =-X =-X :-$ :-$
errr frm tawau, i only know amber chia and Angela Gan- Miss Universe Malaysia :-D
he he ohhhh ah see.... last time u followed or not that story abt amber chia having affair with someone's hubby? forgot the ending... :-P :-P :-P
no, u don't have to climb la LOL!! just go there jln2 cari makan and take pics 8-) 8-)
yeah of coz i'll be getting another huge angpow from my parents hehe! :-$ :-$ :-$
Ohh ahahhahaha ok o ok i tot u were gonna do some mountain climbing Monica, so adventurous esp since ur blogthings at david's said ur an adventure traveller right? ROTFLMAO! =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-D :-D :-D :-D
oh yes that guy quite handsome! his wife is a local actress.. quite pretty oso..got 2 kids and she looks hot!
WOW, so nice then! Got one huge angpow before CNY and another one when u balik kampung nanti! Can shop some more la wei! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
yeah dat guy... so what happened eh? that guy and local actress still together right? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
yeah that guy and his wife still together! the wife oso very pretty mah :-D
hahahha adventure traveller but not gonna climb mountain lor! half way sure pengsan one! hahahahha!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
i shopped edi mah no money edi LOL!!!!! :-$ :-$ :-$
I think the guy's wife prettier than amber! ;) ;) ;) sweeter looking...
:-D :-D :-D :-D who knows go back tawau then suddenly feel adventurous and back-to nature-... mon mountain climbing woo hoo! :-D :-D
I have to do last-min shopping tomo Monica! yest wanted to shop after dinner but bumped into old fren than started chatting, by that time late edi to shop! hopefully ppl balik kampung edi tomo so won be so crowded or jammish! :-D :-D :-$ :-$ :-$
u know the wife oso? eh R oso said the guy's wife prettier than amber haha! amber is sexy dat guy's wife is sweet! :)
hahaha but i'm going back to tawau mah...mt.kinabalu is in KK...i went there edi ast year! :-D :-D :-D
tomo sure very quiet edi coz all balik hometown! for chinese, tomo night's dinner very important! :-D :-D
How far from tawau to KK then? Every year go "mountain climbing" it seems LOL! :-D :-D
Dont forget ur shades lol! 8-) 8-)
YAY, i figured as much! Hope can get mah things then off I go on Sunday... lucky day trip only hehehehe..... ;) ;) ;)
from tawau to KK - 40 mins by flight! not every year la...last year, was the first time to mountain!! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Yay, finally your FF out oredi aunty Marzie :D
Wah, you put my link oredi :D Thank you so much aunty Marzie :D
Takpe even though you tertido, we all still support you r for FF :D
Happy Fluffy Friday and have a safe trip back with Uncle B :D Gong Xi Fa Cai.
HAPPY FLUFFY FRIDAY BACK TO YOU! Marzie! I feel like I'm following you on a tour around the blogosphere! I keep seeing your image on MyBlogLog... Sorry to bother you - just want to make you aware that I visited you, and dropped an entrecard, in REAL time. Sometimes you'll see me on your twitter or MyBlogLog widget - you WON'T SEE ME if I'm using the public library's computer (usually on weekends, somtimes on weekdays!.) ;)
eeehhh... huge meow so cute la. Paws-perous some more... how apt! :-D :-D
where is dis huge fluffy white meow ah?? which shopping mall... Ikano??
wah, nice juicy story.. tumpang baca only dis... hehehe
That is such a great picture of the Chinese cat I guess. Anyway, it makes a great floofy Fri. Have a great week end and a very Happy New Chinese Year.
:) :) :)
Hi Marzie,
I will be late to post FF this week, I've just taken the code and saved it at my post/create page. Later either late tonight, depend on the situation, if not sleepy sangat will post it tonight, otherwise, tomorrow since dah ambil simpan the code.
Hectic day today, too many phone calls, one of my niece in Singapore in critical condition due to breast cancer. My sis and nephew's and family from the Beach House dah pun bertolak ke Singapore. Now all we do is to doa banyak2. I baru dok masak nasi lemak kat dapor, belum lagi buat sambal tumis nya, this is going to be my late lunch dah jauh malam pun! Esok ada Tuition another 4 more students coming to join it seems that will be 8 altog. to begin with. I managed to contact one of my relatives in KL to help get a house for me, also chatting for quite a while tadi.
So FF will definitely appear but not sure when, now dok risau my niece tu, she is only 32 dah tak ada hope in life and not critical, kesian dia, I tak dapat ikut pun because nobody will take care of all these cats. Nasib baik she was here for holiday late last year, and I gave her so many hugzzz one after another bila aje jumpa dia and to promise to fight and challenge this disease. Most of her brothers dah pun baca yasin!
Sad lah! ;) 8-) :* :* :* :* :* :* :'( :'(
Hehehe.. hopefully you get more than you give lah..lol!
Happy CNY, Mariuca! :* :* :*
Once again, those emoticons are too funny especially the smiley on the chair!
Have a great weekend my friend! ;) :)
Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Chinese New year. With lots more to come. Have a great day.
8-) 8-) 8-)
cat, cute and fluffy! LOL. Happy CNY Marzie! enjoy your holiday!
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