Fluffy Friday # 12 - Benji and Master **
Of my three cats, big and fluffy Benji is the most affectionate and friendly. Chubbs is a scaredy-cat and if he is not familiar with you, he will run a mile and hide if you happen to come over for a visit. Phoebe is indifferent. She doesn't mind strangers petting or rubbing her head but that's not to say she welcomes it either. She only loves it when B or Master carries her around for a fluffy hug.
Benji however, is a whole different story. Stranger or not, he will happily bound like a doggie and sniff your feet before dropping his whole weight on them; begging for some snuggles! I love this picture of Benji giving me a wet kiss and trust me; it ain't easy getting a shot of him in action!
Happy Fluffy Friday everybody!
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>:o >:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:( :( :(
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
so cutie la benji!!! :-P
Benji, did Tita GG make the chop? *DONT_KNOW*
bohoooooooo! i wan a kiss from Benji oso! :(
a real one, btw! :( :( :( :( :(
and oso from Chubbs and Pheebs! :-P
>:o >:o >:o >:o GG Meow 1!
and oh, GP, can i hav PMD here? terima kasih! ;)
:'( :'(
my internet connection is so freaking slow tonight!! :'(
happy FF Benji! ;)
Good morning GG! :* :* :* :* :*
hugsy from Tita GG! ;)
meow meow! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
mornin too GP! ;)
ate ane!! you FC2! :-D
:( :( :( no need to be sedih (sad)! :-D :-D :-D
:-D :-D :-D Yay thanks GG, Benji so happy now!
:* :* :* Yes u did Tita GG, which blog u wan here today? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
LOL! Benji always kissy kissy Tito B!!! ;) ;) ;)
:'( :'( Ane Meow 2! :-P :-P
Thats so cool Benji giving you loving :)
Thanks for chopping ladies, Happy FLuffy Friday! :* :* :* :*
Mine is not too bad tonight, dropping like a hurricane! Which blog today Ane? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
LOL so cute wishing Benji! Happy FF Tita GG! 8-) 8-) 8-)
oh, Benji is so cute! :) Looking gorgeous Marzie! :)
oh I am! Yay! :)
U sleeping edi or got work to do GG? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
He he Benji sends u a flying kiss! :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) Yay Ane!
Happy Friday Marzie! :)
and happy Friday Kitties! :*
Hey Bill! I gotta savour the moment when he does this affectionate kissy bit! meow! :* :* :*
=-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-[ Hehehehhe thanks sweetie! And Benji is beaming too! 8-) 8-) 8-)
havent slept yet..yeah,be posting soon. ;)
yayks! ill smile now! :-P
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
wohoooooo! ;)
can i have PMD here Benji? ;)
i wan hugsy oso from Benji!
thankie Benji! ;)
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o MEOW MEOW GG!
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Oh no!!! Which blog? Want to stalk! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Yay! Good chop GG! ;) ;)
More fluffy hugs and kisses just for Tita GG! Phoebe sleeping now, tired it seems... :-D :-D
Ok PMD coming up GG! :) :)
:* :*
Hugsy Tita GG, love ya! :* :*
Have a good one sweetie, thanks for coming by today... 8-) 8-)
Yay thanks Aunty Ane, send our fluffy hugs to Lucas and Chakai too! :* :* :*
Yeah same here! Just now he was hugging Tito B and I just grabbed him and hugged him, GP jealous Benji no wan hug me hehehhehe! =-O =-O :* :* :*
Aww.. that is so sweet Benji..
Nina is like chubbs.. she run a mile whenever pple come to house BUT once she warms up to you.. she would roll around on your leg too
PMD up edi, woohoooo! ;) ;)
Mufasa loves people and laps.. and he was the first one to climb on guest's lap.. lol!
Up edi Tita GG! Master stalking ur blogs now, meow! =-X =-X
Takde hal Tita GG! =-O =-O ;) ;) benji speaking malay lol!
:* :* LJ!
Once in a blue moon tu Benji nak kiss Master, meow! :* :* :*
Awww I wan Mufasa to rub-dub his head on my lap! :-D :-D :-D
Chubbs only rolls around on my legs or B! Visitors jgn harap lol!! :-D :-D :-D
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
Yes, it is definitely tough to get good pics of cats. But this one was a great shot of him giving you a kiss! Benji is a sweet cat! ;) :)
Yay thanks a lot David, I was happy this one turned a-okay, good boy Benji! :* :* :*
mewo meow too GP!
TLB! ;)
yayks! great GG!LOL!
yayks!can see PMD here!terima kasih! ;)
chop now GP!
waaaaaaaaaah! GP jealous at Tito B! so cute! :-P
yayks!!! Benji like Tita GG speaking Malay..how la meow meow in Malay?LOL
Benji, wake Pheebs up..tel Tita GG is here!LOL!
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
hugsy too Benji!! hug me to Pheebs and Chubbs oso!
What a cute photo of you and Benji! He's furry handsome!
Vote, vote, vote... aaaahchoo!
Hello Marzie,
All your three cats are cute and fluffy. Happy Fluffy Friday. Pagi tadi ada class, 6 students, jadi lah. Will catch with u later, I am here to pitch your FF code, Insha' Allah will post my FF post tonight, then I will alert you dear. Love to see all your kitties, so fluffy lah!!! :) ;) 8-) :* :* :*
Marzie, ala hai, pandai nya your kitty tu dok pi cium you pulak, soooooo loving gi tu!
Cute lah, patut suruh B buat video hantar kat YouTube lah, like this post, very unique!!!! :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Sorry I'm late Aunty Marzie but Happy Fluffy Friday :D
I was out grooming today so no time to drop by until now ...
Benji sounds like me la. I will also go and sniff everyone who comes visiting and jump all over them ... hehehe ...
Happy Fluffy Friday Aunty Marzie :D
OMG!! Benji so cute and adorable lah!! I'm so jealous!! I want a cat!!! urghhhh.. i'm so angry at my nose! It's my nose's fault that I can't have cats! :'( :'( :'( :'( hahahah but at least i have one kan?
Tell Chubbs be careful!! If i see her, i will chase and catch and gomoiz her!! LMAO!
Cute pic you have there with your cat kissing you! Mariposa's Friday Fill-ins
i could feel the tongue...LOL
:* :* :* :*
so sweet of benji kissing his master :-D :-D :-D
love this kind of shot Marzie, how priceless! it's so sweet and heartwarming. :)
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