Counting Cash
One dollar, two dollars, three dollars ... instead of happily sleeping with Phoebe, I am sadly counting my money right now! 
You see, I just only transferred some funds from my PayPal into my bank account and in my haste to get my hard-earned cash, I totally forgot that I have to renew my domain name for Meow Diaries soon! So now I have less than 7 bucks in my PayPal, which is insufficient to renew my domain name.
Usually I'd ensure enough funds in my PayPal account to finance my monthly blogging needs like advertising on Adgitize or paying for the service of a new widget. But lately I have been so distracted by the seemingly endless blog issues affecting my other two blogs that it totally slipped my mind to leave some money in my PayPal account for my domain name renewal.
The good news however is that I am not using paid or dedicated hosting for my blog so I don't have to allocate funds for that purpose. I am still depending on Blogger to host my blog for free so all I need to do every year is renew my domain name. Speaking of domain renewal and web hosting, are you looking for a new web hosting service? If you would like to explore other options than what you're currently subscribed to, do check out Web Hosting Geeks. Here you can find the most comprehensive independent reviews of the best web hosting providers available in the market today.
All web hosting and domain hosting plans include at least one free domain name registration and 30 day money back guarantee. Browse through the many cheap professional web site hosting services (less than $10 a month), make your comparisons and most importantly, count your money properly before making that final purchase. Do not be hasty and take your time to decide before paying. Otherwise you might just end up like me with a few bucks short for your other blogging needs!

You see, I just only transferred some funds from my PayPal into my bank account and in my haste to get my hard-earned cash, I totally forgot that I have to renew my domain name for Meow Diaries soon! So now I have less than 7 bucks in my PayPal, which is insufficient to renew my domain name.
Usually I'd ensure enough funds in my PayPal account to finance my monthly blogging needs like advertising on Adgitize or paying for the service of a new widget. But lately I have been so distracted by the seemingly endless blog issues affecting my other two blogs that it totally slipped my mind to leave some money in my PayPal account for my domain name renewal.

The good news however is that I am not using paid or dedicated hosting for my blog so I don't have to allocate funds for that purpose. I am still depending on Blogger to host my blog for free so all I need to do every year is renew my domain name. Speaking of domain renewal and web hosting, are you looking for a new web hosting service? If you would like to explore other options than what you're currently subscribed to, do check out Web Hosting Geeks. Here you can find the most comprehensive independent reviews of the best web hosting providers available in the market today.
All web hosting and domain hosting plans include at least one free domain name registration and 30 day money back guarantee. Browse through the many cheap professional web site hosting services (less than $10 a month), make your comparisons and most importantly, count your money properly before making that final purchase. Do not be hasty and take your time to decide before paying. Otherwise you might just end up like me with a few bucks short for your other blogging needs!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
syabas meows for PB.. ;)
Hi Marzie! Same thing happened to me as well when my domain expired last year. I totally forgot that I needed to renew 'em and withdrew all my money. Luckily Debbs came to my rescue!! LOL! :* :* :*
ohhh! dun worry GP!!! $$$ will get back so sooon!!! me too, i just withdraw $$$ for Didong and Didang's pressie..heheh!!i only have less than 10..yesterday,,good thing BV and PPP sent $$$ this morning..haha!! ;)
see? u have this PB oso, ayt? ;)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
oh yeah! i forgot to renew my adgi! >:o >:o >:o >:o
:( :( :( :( :(
ill be back on Friday night to blog!heheh!! and have my posting frenzy that night oso!heheh!! chop meows!!! :-P
:* :* :* :*
went out for lunch Mariuca! :)
same here dollar, two dollars, three dollars ... :'( :'( :'(
>:o >:o >:o
:'( :'(
alamak.. so how? got enuff money or not? need a loan from me first?
i wanted to move to web hosting.......but then i dropped the's too hectic i think ....or i don't have time for it......but soon i'll surely move towards it.....
am late :'( :'( :'( :'(
yay! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
I have no funds on my paypal at all Marzie! :-P withdrew it all for an emergency.. :'(
I want to host my blogs somewhere else too, but not now.. maybe in a couple more years.. :-P
am also thinking of hosting... but still undecided. i dunno if i can do it :) :) :)
okay okay.. now i have to check my paypal.. ok ok enough enough..
Owh, my domain will expire in July, hmmm...
speaking of domain, marzie, hang ambil ka ya protection "who is".. i think next time i renew, i want to take it, since not fun to know that people can see our address and full name.. LOL..
I love WP..
but after much thoughts, no.. i will not go for self-hosted WP. I dont think i wanna learn new things when it comes to blogging.. dont mind upgrading my knowledge.. but learning another new things for the sake of hosting..
M A L A S =-O =-O =-O :-D :-D :-D
I would rather spend my time learning something new on offline world. hehe
GG Meow 1! :* :* :*
Thanks GG, SR PB dis one! :-$ :-$ :-$
Hey Shemah Meow 2! :* :* :*
Getting old and forgetful la me huuhuhu but all is not lost, I have some BV funds coming my way so still sempat to renew on time I hope! :-D :-D *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Hahaha u too less than 10 bucks GG? Hi-five lol! ANyway I hope to build up my PP funds again, need to buy pressies oso GG lol! :-D :-D :-D
Yeah but then one RM got cancelled today GG! Big one some more! :'( :'(
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) U still rejecting PBs, GG? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-P :-P
Ohhhh no wonder I haven seen Bees on Adgi lately! >:o >:o >:o >:o
:( :( :( :( :( I guess u too have to wait for funds before renewing GG, hugs! :* :* :*
LOL Fri night is tonight GG! I will sleep soon and wake up later, ready to chop away, thanks cutie! 8-) 8-) 8-)
:* :* :* :* And Monica Meow 3!
Thanks for chopping meows, TGIF! :* :* :*
Hope u had a nice lunch Mon, what did u have? :-P :-P :-P
=-O =-O =-O Hahahah u oso counting money Mon? So slow la PBs dis month... Ihope can get few more PBs before the month ends! O:-) O:-) O:-) :-$ :-$ :-$
>:o >:o >:o Elai!
:'( :'( :'( Good morning Elai, I posted this early...for me at least lol and I think u were still zzzzzz! =-O =-O *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ Thanks Elai, meows second PB of the month only dis one! :'( :'(
*DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* TGIF Elai, thanks for stopping by!
:'( :'( LJ!
Awwwww thanks dearie... nemind sure cukup kumpul money nanti when BV pays me he he... thanks for offering though LJ, ur da best! :* :* :* :*
Hey Hitesh! So u do have plans to move later on eh? That's good.. as for me.. I'm just too fickle to make up my mind ha ha.. so will be sticking to free hosting.. for now! =-X =-X :-D :-D
Oh no what emergency Ane? Hope u got things settled and thank goodness for our PP funds! :-D :-D :-$ :-$ :-$
Ha ha ha I like the sound of couple more years, that should give me plenty of time to decide lol! =-X =-X :-[ :-[
I know what u mean Elai, it is scary in a way I guess.. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Uwahhh lama lagi tu Rizal, rasa mcm sekejap je MD dah one yr old, syabas meows lol! Apa proteksi "who is" to Rizal and kena bayar ekstra ke mcm mana??? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$ :-$
I hear u Rizal...I would love to learn WP one day but maybe when I'm not distracted or "takde mood" like right now...and you're right.. to learn WP for hosting purposes alone is not enuff to entice me.. just yet.. lain la kalau I dah pandai WP then maybe can start considering self-hosting.. happy weekend Rizal.. rasa nak lepak kat rumah je and relax..tak nak fikir benda2 yg stress! :* :* :* :*
Mariuca i fell asleep again last nite! u there??
yeah me oso counting money...need to pay my credit cardsss soon =-O =-O
=-O:-$ :-$ :-$
No probs GP.. anytime!
I haven paid my credit cards this month… but only because the bills haven arrived.. sigh… more bills to pay and more counting money for me this weekend I guess LOL!
Morning GG!
Morning Monica! I fell asleep at 10 am hohohohoho!! I’m here now and I missed ur chop! :(
yalor u missed the chop! :( that PB due today leh....
Is dat the DPB Mon? Saw or not my comment at WOAFS? RM cancelled my big Pb Monica!!! Wtf… :(
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