February Top 10 EC Meows *
My cat blog is turning one next month. Let me take this post to thank everyone who has shown much love and support for my fluffy blog here especially to my Top 10 EC Meows in February. I know I am late but better late than never. If you're like me with lots of credits to show for your daily drops, don't forget the 100,000 cap on credits will take effect at the end of the month. Get rid of your credits before the deadline...until then happy dropping everybody and have a terrific Thursday!

My Top EC Meow will receive 1 FOC Ad + 1000 EC Credits
The Ad Master 31
Marriage and Beyond 31
The Way I See It 31
Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 31
AsTheCrackerheadCrumbles 31
Cooking Japanese Style 31
Let's Jump Together 31
Funky Town Disco Music 31
Beyond Feron 31
Marriage and Beyond 31
The Way I See It 31
Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 31
AsTheCrackerheadCrumbles 31
Cooking Japanese Style 31
Let's Jump Together 31
Funky Town Disco Music 31
Beyond Feron 31

:* :* :* :*
woo hoo meow is turning one soon!! :* :*
congrats to yr TDs Mariuca! :)
so fast huh!? =-O =-O
:* :* :* :* Yay Monica FC!
Ha ha u broke the three-way tie between u, Elai and LJ with this chop, congrats Monica! :* :* :*
i didnt drop 300 yesd :-P :-P
Yeah dats why I oso have to renew my domain name soon, before it expires he he... haven renewed yet! =-X =-X *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Thanks sweetie, I am so late with my TD post this month, meow meow! :-[ :-[ :-[
Yay me!! :* :* :*
See... I just checked my email here...gone it seems grrr.. reinserting now... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O Alamak.... just perasan I didn post yesterday la!! Missed one day of daily posting oh no...totally forgot! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Yay indeed and ur badge is up, thanks Mon!
:-D :-D :-D :-D Unsangkarably fast!
I dropped 900 yest! But forgot to post! :'( :'(
:* :*
one month or one year GP? still sleepy is it? ehehe
missed the chop dearie.. just got up..
Eh I put one month ke??? Oh no lemme check now ahaks!
Eh betul la LJ, u ah made me panic only hahah.. It’s turn ONE next month….get it?
LOL So who is da sleepy one now LJ? Hahahhaha!
Morning LJ!
Missed it LJ and I forgot to post la yesterday dearie… busy farming sampai terforgot to post, so lost 100 Adgi points grrrr!
Thanks for the very honorable mention. It has been a pleasure!
Congratulations on your one year. That is terrific. Have a great day.
Hi Mariuca! :* :* :*
Congrats to all the top EC Meows! :)
Wow! you guys are really good. Congratulations to those listed for beng the 10 top droppers.
I am still struggling lah! You know lah, cats, cats, cats to take care nak hantar kat Shelter dok tanggoh sebab sekian mereka. Recently I managed to give away Ibu dan 2 kittens, before that kesian Tabby, Mother Teresa, Oscar's brother and another lost kitten.
Ni dok tunggu konon ada lagi orang nak view them but dok tunggu macam buah durian tak jatuh, fed up lah! Sorry cerita my masaalah kat you, maybe I should publish this to my blog. Insha Allah, when I publish I really need to concentrate without no interruption. Will try to do that maybe late night.
>:o >:o >:o >:o =-X =-X
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