New Game For a Rainy Sunday
Lately, I've not been receiving much work online for my cat blog so I've been killing time playing my fave Free Online Casino games. You can never go wrong with a little casino fun and some of the Best Online Casino games can easily help me forget any worries including not getting paid opportunities for my cat blog.

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Anyway, besides casino games, I am still very much into my addictive time-management games and am now hooked on Farm Frenzy 3 American Pie. If you're a Mariucan on Twitter, you probably noticed the tweets of me having some fun playing this game. I was a little sad when the game was coming to an end until a Twitter friend asked me if I've tried Farm Frenzy 3 Ice Age, which of course got me enticed!

I just checked out the game online and apparently I have NOT played this one. I can't believe I didn't know about this game sooner and I can't wait to start playing it tonight! Thanks to my Twitter friend who suggested this game to me and based on the pictures I saw online, I have a feeling I'm going to get hooked on this one as well! So if you don't see me around, that just means I'm busy playing my new game tonight. It's Sunday after all and it's raining here too ...what else is one to do on a wet weekend?

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :* :*
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i wanna play this too. LOL. :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* Elai Meow 1!
:* :* LJ Meow 2!
so many things can be done on a wet weekend GP.. one is them is GS!
it rained here awhile ago. it just stopped :( :( :(
:* :* :* :* Hahahahah I got my game edi Elai lol! I cant wait to playit tonight woo hoo! :* :* :*
It is still raining here Elai..enjoying the pitter-patter of the rain right now... :* :* :*
Hey LJ, Im so lazy tonight.. don wan to drop oso and haven prepared MM oh no! Just wanna play mah games lol! :-D :-D :-D :-D
you just DL it? can i find it in the link you gave me?
Yes u can Elai, and very fast too hehehehhhe!
I think it's going to rain today here, too. Boooooooo.
:'( :'( :'(
morning Mariuca! i zzzz early last nite! =-O =-O =-O
i went out during the weekend and i took lots pics again :-D :-D :-D
And ... Cute Meow 3! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Thanks for chopping meows, I've been playing FF3IA past few days .... have fun! :-D :-D :-D :-D
It hasn't rained today Cute but the sky is looking pretty dark right now, so I am hoping for some rain tonight... weather is just too hot to handle! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
:'( :'( :'( Monica!
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O How early dis u sleep last night Monica? I slept late.. casue playing dis game nonstop it seems.. aiyoo..... =-X =-X 8-) 8-) 8-)
*cause* :-[ :-[
Uwahhhhh I saw ur AIW pics edi, love da post! :* :* :*
i fell asleep at 11pm Mariuca! =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
So ura farmer girl now, Marzie? Aaaahchoo! :-P
LOL am hooked on FF3IA at the mo Roxy, my animals are hungry all da time he he! :)
Ini game you MT ke GP?
Abaden, sure la MT all da way LJ lol.. this is what I’ve been playing, best tu got Santa Claus some more for this versi, I love it!
Hahha.. email me the name of the game lah.. I see.. but on no.. if I addicted how.. got so much work ni!!
Ini pun dah distracted with WP
It’s Farm Frenzy 3 Ice Age, sure can find at u know where he he… I am dropping EC and watching DH now.. :)
Ok will do.. hahah..
DH? Dah kluar ke latest one?
Im finishing up S6, wah best la DH… ur up to date?
I’m up to date.. waiting for the continuation!! Cant wait!
I watched till late yest.. but haven finished yet, when S7 coming out eh? NT pun dah habis kan? I think sampai S6 ke 7 je…
No idea when coming out but will let you know when it does ok! Tak sabar ni.. season finale that time BEST
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