April Top 10 EC Meows *
Goodbye April and hello May! Thank you very much to my Top 10 EC Meows who dropped by here daily to say meow meow to Master, Chubbs, Benji and Phoebe. We hope you had a wonderful stay and we enjoyed seeing your EC cards inside our EC Inbox so do come again!

My Top EC Meow will receive 1 FOC Ad + 1000 EC Credits
One World Realty 31
The Modern Mom 31
A Simple Life 31
A Little Boy's Blog 31
Mommy's Little Corner 31
AsTheCrackerheadCrumbles 31
Funky Town Disco Music 31
my kids are my world 31
moms..... check nyo 31
The Modern Mom 31
A Simple Life 31
A Little Boy's Blog 31
Mommy's Little Corner 31
AsTheCrackerheadCrumbles 31
Funky Town Disco Music 31
my kids are my world 31
moms..... check nyo 31

:* :* :*
congrats to ur TDs Mariuca! 8-)
i just came back frm dinner...feel sleepy la :-D :-D
oh i email u the link edi :)
Monica FC! :* :* :*
Thanks Monica, Maria is oso ur TD at TUO kan? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :) :)
I'm sickish Monica, so no mood to eat or do anything, slept whole day... :) :) :-E :-E
Thanks Mon, haven rec yet! :* :* :*
Ok just arrived, thanks! Restoring now... 8-) 8-)
oh u're not feeling well Mariuca? :((
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Echo <
ok no prob 8-) 8-)
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Echo <
Yeah 2 days feverish Monica, dats why MIA... :-E :-E :-E
hahahha yes Maria is oso my TD!! :-D :-D
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Echo <
Yeah thanks cause lost all my links and password...so many PW cant remember ha ha... =-X =-X
ohh no wonder la... get more rest, and drink more water k!
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:22 PM, Echo <
Maria has been dropping like a mad panda it seems, congrats Maria LOL! :* :* :* :*
so u're not using pinky now?
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Echo <
i 've not been dropping like a mad panda it seems haha!
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Echo <
I am using her today but have to install everything again and lost some pics and files too! So all my PW saved gone, must recall each one...still installing stuff... :-E :-E ;) ;)
Yeah some more dat time no Pinky, lagi la got no mood..been eating soupy stuff only, thanks sweetie! :* :* :*
Same here la, April was a terrible panda month for me! :(
=-O =-O =-O
:* :*
Aiyoo. missed the chop.. was out at FIL and then dinner just now.. just reading your email..
well done to all the droppers!
:* :* :* :*
Wah I'm on your TD list! Surprise surprise :-D :-D :-D
Been late to start my droppings lately so I thought I couldn't make to the top. So glad to see my blog there :* :*
Thanks for the link dear and congrats to others too 8-) 8-)
congrats to all the top droppers for april.. cheers!
have a great day Mariuca and happy blogging
i'd never make to you TD's :( :( :(
congrats to all who made it to your list :-D :-D :-D :-D
Congrats to all the top droppers.. i haven't been much active dropping nowadays.. huhu.. but will try to see if my name can appear here next month..
Meeee aaaa ooowwwwwwww (meow in singing mode) hohoho :-D :-D :-D
Congrats to all top droppers. cant drop EC for the past few days.. ohhh :(
Good Bye April .. and hello May.. now May.. May you bring sunshine to all of us. Whaoho!! :-D :-D
Blackie is no longer here :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
I think i want to adopt a new cat. Now... if anybody want to kacau my new cat.. i am ready with my new penumbuk (yeah i had a training session with DB so i am stronger now :-D :-D :-D )
I am strongerrrr than yesterday (ehhh ada suara latar BS berkumandang) hahaha..
Happy Thursday :-D :-D
meow meow!
Oh oh! Why am I not included here, Sweetie? Huhuhu! I will try harder next time, hehe! :-)
Rizal.. what exactly happened to Blackie.. until now also I don’t know…
=-O =-O =-O
:* :* :* :* Hi Elai!
I've yet to make ur TD too I think Elai! :'( :'( *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Thanks for all ur drops here too ELai... :-D :-D
:* :* LJ!
Thanks for replying my email dearie.... mmg takde mood to do much nowadays... thanks for checking on me too, hugs! :* :*
Thanks for all ur drops here too LJ, meow... :* :*
LOL I am happy to see u too here EM, than you for dropping daily here, and I hope to see u back next month... :-D :-D :-D
No worries sweetie, enjoy and happy dropping! :* :*
Cheers BD! Thanks for dropping here too! 8-) 8-)
TGIF BD, weekend is here! :* :* :*
Awesome Bella, I wish u luck and happy dropping, sometimes I too find it hard to drop daily... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* ;) ;)
Meow meow meow Rizal! :* :* :*
I last month paling teruk ever since I joined EC i think ha ha, just got no time and then Pinky pun rosak.. so maybe dis month will drop better... :-[ :-[
I wish the same for u Rizal, cheers to May! 8-) 8-)
Rizal! What happened to Blackie, hari tu you tak habis citer pun....where is Blackie?? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hi Lainy! Thanks so much for always dropping here... I hope to see at least one of ur blogs on my TD list next month, happy dropping! :* :* :*
Me too wondering ni.. hopefully Rizal will story us soon…
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