Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fluffy Friday #60 - Sleepy Cats *

Help me Master, I'm choking!

Phoebe under the coffee table

LOL don't worry, Phoebe is okay. She just looks like she's choking when she's sound asleep. My cats sleep at the same time, more or less. If one is sleeping, the other two will surely follow suit. Sometimes they sleep together but usually it's each in their own spot. So adorable!

Benji on the sofa

Chubbs on my day-bed

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Happy Fluffy Friday!

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LadyJava,  February 26, 2011 at 5:53 AM  

oh so cute.. lol!! wakey2 kitties!!

Monica,  February 26, 2011 at 5:55 AM  

hhahaha love the first pic! so cute!

Monica,  February 26, 2011 at 5:56 AM  

wakey2 meowsss! :-P :-P

Monica,  February 26, 2011 at 5:57 AM  

Happy Fluffy Friday and enjoy ur weekend too! :* :* :*

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:17 AM  

8-) 8-) 8-) LJ FC Meow!

bluedreamer27,  February 26, 2011 at 6:18 AM  

Puss in the boots will be having a movie this year... I'm sure benji and phoebe will love it

bluedreamer27,  February 26, 2011 at 6:18 AM  

good morning Marzie :) :) :) :) :)

gagay,  February 26, 2011 at 6:20 AM  

>:o >:o >:o >:o

gagay,  February 26, 2011 at 6:20 AM  

:-P :-P :-P :-P

gagay,  February 26, 2011 at 6:20 AM  

like tita GG, sleeping anywhere!hahha

gagay,  February 26, 2011 at 6:21 AM  

kyuuuuut kitties!

gagay,  February 26, 2011 at 6:21 AM  

morning kitties!

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:21 AM  

Thanks dearie, kitties no wan wake up and play with me! >:o :-D :-D :-D

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:21 AM  

:* :* :* Monica!

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:23 AM  

Yay thanks Mon, Phoebe looks like tercekik like dat ha ha, choms! :* :* :* =-X

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:24 AM  

Nothing will wake them up Mon.. sometimes food oso won't work ha ha! :* :*

gagay,  February 26, 2011 at 6:26 AM  

tita GG just woke up!!! :-P :-P :-P

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:29 AM  

Happy Fluffy Friday Mon, enjoy laptop shopping with ur friend and R tomo! :* :* :*

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:30 AM  

Ha ha ha what a cute comment and yeah I wanna watch for sure!! :* :* :* :*

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:33 AM  

Good morning BD! Still haven't zzzz or just woke up?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* 8-)

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:38 AM  

>:o >:o >:o >:o GG!

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:43 AM  

Lambat today GG? He he... ;) ;)

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:46 AM  

Tita GG oso sleep everywhere like meows? hahahah so cute! :-D :-D :-D

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:48 AM  

Thankie thankie Tita GG, kyuuuuut! :)

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:52 AM  

Morning Tita GG! :* :*

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:53 AM  

Just woke up? Makan apa GG?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*

Mariuca,  February 26, 2011 at 6:54 AM  

:* :* :* Thanks for coming by this morning GG!

Bella Enveeus,  February 27, 2011 at 1:48 AM  

Awww so cutesies! Phoebe sleep can see tongue. Haha.. Eh seeing your kitties sleeping I oso feel sleepy dy.. *yawn* meow~ :-P

Incik RestNrilekS,  February 27, 2011 at 1:11 PM  

Owhhh tidak... phoebe yang cute dengan muka pesek dan lidah terjelirnya.. EEEEE geeeerraaammmmm..

Benji kalau amik gambar musti muka grumpy. Tidur pun grumpy. hehe.

Wah chubbs, gosok perut chubbs ni best, musti dia menggeliat : )

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