Clingy Chubbs! *
Out of my three fluffies, Chubbster is the clingiest! The first night our kids came back from the Pet Hotel, Chubbs followed me everywhere; almost as if afraid he'd be left behind again. He snuggled with me for hours and refused to leave my side. How absolutely nice to feel needed and loved like this. Love you Chubbs!


:* :* :*
:* :* :*
Chubbs! 8-) 8-)
aiyo so manja Chubbs! :-D :-D
awww..poor Chubbs.. scared of being left behind! =-O =-O
auww! it always great to feel loved and needed! :* :*
maybe he doesnt like the pet hotel hehe.. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
which now i felt so disappointed with my superior right now. feel like leaving here asap only. sigh :(
meow..dont be afraid k..hugs! :* :* :*
:* :* :* Monica FC and first chop this month, meow! :* :*
:* :* :* Caroline!
I'm here Aunty C!!! Hugs! :* :*
Chubbs mmg manja with me, tak blh lepas! :* :* :*
Yeah Mon, Chubbs kan very scaredy-cat, poor thing! :-P :-E :-D :-D
Of coz he doesn't like the Pet Hotel cause kena masuk 'bilik' kan, so no roaming around freely like at home! Poor Chubbs he he... hugs! :* :* :*
LOL I like ur comment Mon ha ha, no choice but to leave them at PH when we go away, Benji and Phoebe of course not as affected as Chubbs..hugs for all my kitties! :* :* :*
Indeed sweetie, and I get that from my meows, truly a wonderful feeling! :* :* :*
Eh what happened since the last time u story abt ur job? Still there or leaving soon? Hang in there okay? Hugs! :* :* :*
Pretty babies you've got there... i know how its feels when our kitties purr around us... just love being loved :)
Aww cute Chubbster.. So goody2 love to cuddle2.. Ni yang lagi nak cari kitty for BB ni.. Coz he likes to be cuddled.. LOL!!!
aw that's really sweet
remember the kitty i found outside our house Marzie... I named her Fritzy... but my Auntie asked me if she can have the kitty... huhuhu just can;t say no to her so i gave Fritzy away :'( :'(
but i know Fritzy is in good hands... my Auntie is such a cat lover... she has 5 or 6 cats i think... yeah she's a cat woman hahaha
Awwww... that is soo cute.. love lah chubbss... is it normal for him to act like that GP? kena abuse kot at the pet hotel?
Hey Nisha, thanks for visiting my babies here, they truly are wonderful loving companions, meow meow! :* :* :*
Bella!! Found a parsi meow for BB edi or nooooot? Ha ha Parsi sure manja and sure BB semakin manja dgn u nanti hahaha! :* :* :*
Thanks BD! :* :*
Cute name BD but oh nooooo, so no more meow at home? Maybe another one will drop by your home soon LOL! :* :* :* :*
I once had to give away my cat too, cause i had a cat overload... 10 kitties living inside my room so I had no choice but to give some away, surely a sad occasion ... :'( :'( :'(
Of coz tak kena abuse la, u know how Chubbs is.. very clingy, scaredy-cat, nak dengan master je, meow! :* :*
so cute! .... I mean the cat! :* =-O
ok... the owner too :) :* 8-)
aww... manja nya chubbs!! :)
and master looks so comforable wt chubbs! :-D
love yr photo, dear! :* :*
Chubbs mmg manja dengan Master, Jean! :D
Comfy cause Chubbs is soft and fluffy hehehe!
Thanks woman, have a great weekend! :D
Thanks Michael, Chubbs is cute n fluffy but of course! ;)
Ha ha, thanks Michael, u are adorable! :)
So sweet! Haha. Chubbs is so manja! haha
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