Marketing Burst!
If my clients refuse to come to me, then I'll come to them!

Okay, I admit I've not been very friendly to my clients lately. It's been ages since I sent them my usual hello-remember-me flyer. I usually do this at the end of every year but last year I neglected to prepare my brochure and by the time I actually remembered, it was too late to wish them a happy new year.

So right now I am working on a new marketing brochure. I need to bring attention to my freelance copywriting and translation services. With the recession taking place, even my home business is affected. Since the second quarter of the year I noticed that the number of jobs I receive from my regular or new clients has slowed down. A friend of mine working in an advertising agency told me her agency is facing similar fate. Pitching for jobs is still ongoing but actual projects received have dwindled by more than half. So business-wise, it's been pretty quiet for me.

Currently I'm contemplating on the best concept for my marketing burst and I've already updated my marketing list. I have a list of all my clients but some of them are no longer in operation so a fresh new list is what I need. My first batch of brochures will go out to them. I'm also keen to secure new clients and will be looking into other outlets including consumer mailing lists to advertise my business.

The List Company for instance provides effective e-mail Marketing Solutions for profitable e-mail campaigns; allowing you to send fully customized marketing messages to over 40 million consumers in their massive database. Whether it's mass marketing or a comfortable niche audience, the company's list brokers make it their business to get you heard and bring business your way. What's more, you will also enjoy the services of a professional internet solutions team to help customize a program that suits your needs. Your marketing message is guaranteed delivered in a prompt, effective and proper manner.

I'm definitely going to check this out. If it works the way it should, what a great way to get my home business noticed. Here's to new business and more money for me and my cats of course!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

Marketing is always good dearie..
good luck!!!
Recent blog:=- Our New Home
:* :* :*
Recent blog:=-
I hope that your business prospers and grows big this month and all the months to come my friend. :)
LJ! Meow 1 dearie yay!
Hi Bill! Meow 2! :)
Thanks LJ, need to revive my biz! $$$
And Monica! Meow 3! :)
Thanks for the late night chop meows, come back later for more! :)
:* :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Birthday Bash!
Good luck with your home business Mariuca! :* :*
Recent undefined:=-
Awww thanks so much Bill, I hope so too! Need to make more money to get to Vegas lol! :-$ :-$ 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Perfect Score! ***
yay finally! haha thanks sweetie ;) :)
Recent blog:=- The land of the Pharaohs
Thanks Monica, need to pick up pace before the year ends! Come to me :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$!
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins (9) **
:* :* :* Finally ur first point here Mon! :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Birthday Bash!
yalor i missed all yr chops lah lol! :* :* :*
He he don worry sure got more to come, all in draft! 8-) 8-) :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Birthday Bash!
wah all in draft! oh I know! yr TDs, yr TCs....hehe ;)
LOL correct correct ha ha and also my awards!! :* :* :* Dropping ec today? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- My Birthday Bash!
hehe i havnt started ec or adgi yet! working on a new post now :-P
MM post?? Wan to chop!
YES!! :-D errrr where ah?
i mean where is yr MM post?
Oh I was asking u if ur working on a MM post and I wan to chop la! Hahahhaha!
LOL! So far only at MPG, no song for WOAFS yet, some more so many ppl edi on the list! :(
ohhh hahhahhhahahhhahahahahhah!!!! I tot u asked me wan to chop yr MM or not
so many ppl edi on the list? aiyo bottom 3 lah like dat :-D
No la u… hhahahahah so u working on a MM post or what? LOL!!!
Dats why no mood to post at woafs, this week so fast the list filled up! ;)
working on a PB actually lol!!
I got one more PB only! $$
i've 5, remember? :-D
Not expired yet mon? wow can finish or not? Posting frenzy!
not expired yet Mariuca! dat's why lah don know sempat or not ....
All for RM? Wow!!
1 for RM, the rest LW! :-D
Ohhhh don worry sure sempat, LW 10 days mah! ;)
hahah yeah 10 days!! luckily got one topic oso related to my weekend :-D
Oh great, easier for u to finish ur then, good luck! $$
ok done! :-D
Thanks for the buzz2 he he!
I'll be sure to check this company out Mariuca :)
I loved the photos of you and B at Disney world...
what a shame the Kitties couldn't join you ..I'm sure they would have loved it ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Entries for the Win a Free Mini Portrait Competition..
Mariuca! buzz2 :-D
buzz2! ;)
He he thanks for the buzz2 Mon! :)
u're welcome hehe! ;)
I will buzz2 u later okay, dropping while composing my post!
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