My Other Collection
Good morning peeps! Instead of working on my newly-received job, I decided to re-arrange my fridge magnet collection first! Besides perfumes, I also collect fridge magnets from all over the world and I just spent the last hour polishing and arranging them neatly on my fridge door.
The latest fridge magnets to my collection come from Monte Carlo, courtesy of B. They're casino fridge magnets to be exact; can you spot them in the display? This one here looks so real I almost feel like I'm in a casino right now, playing slots to my heart's content!
I'm thrilled to see my fridge collection shaping up nicely. Thanks to B's many trips abroad and friends who contributed to my collection, the ones you see here are a mere fraction of all the fridge magnets I already own. B says the new casino magnets serve as inspirational souvenirs for me so I'd continue believing that I too would be able to visit the huge fancy Monte Carlo Casino one fine day!
Meanwhile, I have my online games to keep me company and my latest craze is a cool new site which gives excellent Casino Reviews for both online and land-based casinos. Usually most casino sites offer review for online games but hardly any information on real land-based casinos like the one B visited in Monte Carlo. If you're a newbie, spend some time learning how to play some of the more popular games like Baccarat, Bingo, Blackjack, Craps, Keno, Roulette, Slots, and Video Poker. I don't know how to play Keno but according to my friend Jean, it's really fun so I'm very interested to learn now!
Established since 1998, lists down the most comprehensive list of casinos from Las Vegas and Atlantic City. The first casino I visited was the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City and I had a blast my very first time there. I did not win but it was fun to see my Korean friend playing big and winning big at the Blackjack table!
Did I not tell you casino games are the most entertaining? Good luck peeps and have fun!
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-
:* :* :* :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Morning Mariuca! :)
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
8-) 8-) 8-)
woweeee so NICE..i love it!
and you're right.. it feels like casino lah!!
wow i love the casino fridge magnet! 8-)
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
Monica! Eh still dropping ah???
Monica Meow 1! :)
Lj Meow 2! :)
Woo hoo and Bill Meow 3! :)
Thanks for the early morning chop meows he he! :)
Yay thank u LJ hahahahha when u going to start ur koleksi woman?? :)
Woo hooooooo!!! It does feel like a casino in here LJ hahahhahaha, can’t wait to go to the real casino…dunno when..maybe go to Sing when it opens there yeeha! :)
Morning Mon!!!
fridge magnet is a good souvenir to get when visiting a place :)
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
Yeay Meow2!!!
Thank you Monica, I oso love my new casino fridge magnet, so cool eh? Too bad B didn’t buy me a toy slot machine or something he he! :)
finished 300 edi! :-D
Ahha.. slowly slowly.. now I got a few edi.. but scared want to put on the
fridge.. coz all ceramic kan.. if fall.. I cry!!
Yelah.. that would be nearest for you guys kan.. lol.. I think kalau opening
SG.. I also want to go!! Yahoo!!
LOL @ ur Rudolph title Mon, so cute! Oh yeah!! And it’s easy to bring home cause not heavy, I love buying fridge-magnets on vakasi! :)
Morning LJ!! ;)
I haven put up ur badge for MM chop LJ, wait seminit ye? He he….
Finally finished Mon! So nice u can sleep edi!! :)
LOL how many u got edi, no need to sayang2 one LJ, just display like me hahahhaha! I wan see! :)
Yahooooooo indeed LJ!!!! I wan to go Sing for the weekend when the casino opens, bila ye? Next year kan???
I say I missed the chop by a mile....darn LOL CHeers GP and nice collection you Monte Carlo is so cool...Cheers!! :)
Recent blog:=- Hello Dolly!!
thank you very much or should i say meow you very much LOL 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday
No probs dearie.. take your time :-)
Haha..nanti I put up and take pic and then bring down lah.. lol!
I think so.. estimated lah.. once I know I let you know ok
Hiya GK!!!! Wah long time no see you!! How are ya!!??
Morning GK!!! Hahahaha u missed this one GK but thanks so much for coming over to check out my collection! Wat’s for brekkie GK? Hungry here!
He he welcome Bill, thanks for the chop! :)
I put up edi LJ, LLP as requested! And updated my FCSB, now tinggal MPG MM post I haven put up badge phew!
Ok ok…can’t wait to see A KOLEKSI from LJ he he!
Wokay, lemme know cause keen to celebrate casino opening in Lion City lol!
GK busy bumbles!!
no need toy slot machine! just go to the real casino :-D
LOL R oso called me Rudolph! Grrrrrrrrrrr i hate my nose!
hahhahaha LJ! why put up and take pic and then bring down lah
Hahahhaha I wan I wan to go to a real casino Mon!! $$$$$
LOL Lj scared her magnets will fall and break hohoho!
Still terrible is it Mon? Try my rekomendasi cream later… :)
u know just now he force me to drink celery + green apple + cucumber +
bitter gourd + one more don know what = juice!!! yikes!
Aiyo u mean drink that for the zit??? All sounds okay except the bitter gourd bit, pahit! :(
yeah for the zit! LOL! i don like celery and bitter gourd!!!
I like celery, B hates bitter gourd!! I don mind eating it but don go out of my way to find them of coz lol….
Wow! what a collection, nice. If it make you happy, yes it's good to go on collecting. Anyway, when seeing each of these collection, it will bring back good memory of places you visited, right?
I have my collection too but not as much as yours since no chance of travelling these days, will travel again somedays when I settle with most of the rescued cats and start working again.
Have fun, be happy and have a great day my dear Meow cat friend.
Meow, meow, meow from me and all my cats.
My meow regards to dearest LadyJava and all in this FCC .
;) 8-) :* :* :* :)
I like your fridge magnet koleksi... they all very pretty-pretty! :-D :-D
wah... panjangnya your To-Do List.. but I kenot read la... blurrr... hehe
wow what an artistic arrangement Mariuca!!
lol...if I had that many magnets I'd be tempted to arrange them too :-D
Recent blog:=- Baby Ballerinas has opened.....
i miss this chop! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
gratseeeeeeeeeeeeee te mon! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
hola GP! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
U missed this one tho sweetie, hugs!
Hola GG!
Thanks for coming by this post too GG, hugs! :)
Thank you Kim! I still have plenty more I have yet to arrange, so this is just a portion of my collection woo hoo! :)
Thanks Nessa, when can I see your koleksi? I’m sure u have a koleksi right heh e… LOL that to-do list B filled up before he went to Cannes, actually it’s emergency numbers and what not ha ha! :)
Exactly Lil, the magnets serve as pretty reminders of my vacations so of course I will continue to collect more woo hoo! I hope u get to go on a vakasi soon Lil’ u deserve a nice long break for taking good care of your many cats, hugs! :)
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