Hot Cats!
Though it's been raining most nights since last weekend, the weather is unusually hot during the day. My cats are feeling the heat too and I see them lounging around in the oddest places to cool down.

That's why I'm contemplating on getting a new fan for our living-room. Our single ceiling fan is no longer sufficient to keep my fluffy kids happy and comfy and I'm sure they will welcome another fan in our living-room, which is huge by the way.

The Mika Aire Concept II ceiling fan is a best-seller for Minka Aire. It's available in a 44" and 52" model with 3 concave blades set at a 14° pitch to offer efficient air distribution. I'd have to get the contractor to install the new fan but if it will take away some of the heat we're currently facing, it's worth the money. Plus, this fan is easy to set up; requiring 75% less time and labor to assemble compared to the conventional ceiling fans. 
Available in white, brushed nickel, maple, mahogany, and oil rubbed bronze, this fan comes with a remote control, which is perfect for lazy me. All Minka fans also come with a 110% Low Price Guarantee!

Available in white, brushed nickel, maple, mahogany, and oil rubbed bronze, this fan comes with a remote control, which is perfect for lazy me. All Minka fans also come with a 110% Low Price Guarantee!

=-O =-O =-O =-O
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
love Pheeb's tongue.. and they also sleep on applicances eh GP?
they're damn cute cooling from elsewhere!!! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Now my kitty very smart.. if I let them loose.. they wont sleep.. the moment I put them int he kitty room.. all sleep so soundly
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
clever they are LJ! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
Woo hoo LJ Meow 1! :)
Yay GG Meow 2! :)
And Shemah Meow 3! :)
Thanks for the speedy chop meows, love ya! :)
yayks! thanks GP! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
NP GP! :) ;)
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
Morning GG!
to sleeeeeeeeeeep or not to sleeeeeeeeeep!?!? O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-)
Recent blog:=- I Miss You: Incubus
Hehehhe love Pheebs’ tongue it seems ha ha! Yeah lor cannot do anything abt her tongue lol…yes LJ Benji has chosen the microwave as his new fave spot now! ;)
He he my cats oso feeling the heat GG, so hot nowadays! Meow!
Wah so cool la like dat dearie…cause they all know they have their own room now! Some more got window and netting, so ada air, I really love ur kitty room… :)
meow meow GG! :)
I agree cats are clever!
Thanks for chopping tonight GG! Lucky u haven slept eh? :)
Welcome GG, u still third place, go GG go! :)
No sleep GG, he eh he! Why wan to sleep so early lol!!
8-) 8-) 8-) GG
BM! how's yah? :*
yeah GP! huhuh! got 3rd owredi..and oct is coming to an end! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
I wish it was hot here it is starting to get cool. Yuck i hate the cold LOL. Have a great one Marzie Meow Meow :) :)
i dunno! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D lazy completing some PB! lol! *DONT_KNOW*
Morning Bill! :)
i need a new fan also marzie.. i look like phoebe too kalau dah panas... just much much less cuter! LOL!
indeed! even i, i used to take shower thrice a day! :-P
my mum's kitty died when i arrived home GP! :'(
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Good job on all the chops GG, I still got more to post for Oct meow! :)
Let’s trade places Bill, I wan me some snow!! :)
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P BM!
GG is lazy doggie today he hehe… me too got some PBs to do GG but wan to eat first…. Thinking what to have for dinner now…
Hahaha…tensi la panas semacam nowadays, don make me install aircon in the living room la! Poor cats all hot so they hang out in my room mostly, got AC there… meow! :)
WOW shower thrice a day….must be damn hot that time GG!
How come GG??? How did ur kitty die?? Old age is it? Oh no….hugsy!
YAYKS! hope to chop GP! coz be back to busy life starting nov. 3..but still hoping to chop! LOL! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O u haven't had dinner yet?!?!
just dun like the airconditioner turned on GP..i better chose to take shower. ;)
throw me some snow GP,, :-P
still looking for some dresses online and pairs of shoes..heheh!
GG busy bumbles he he, study hard GG! :)
I haven had dinner yet cause I woke up so late GG!!!
Shopping tonight GG, wah $$$$$!!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
thanks GP! ;) ;) ;) ;)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) you prepared somethin? me? just had pizza, thick crust!hahaha! :-D
we do not know..maybe old age..we're not sure.. :'(
No GG going out to buy later he he, wah I wan pizza!!!! Extra cheese pls!
Oh poor thing…. Hope ur mom is not too sad? :’(
got mine extra cheeeeeeeeeeez! hahah! so yum yum!!! :-P
she's looking for new pets from shops right now GP..she doens't wan my Kenet (doggy)..hehehe! i even asked her to take care of my pet, but she refused. :(
Extra cheese is a must for pizza!
Whats ur pet GG????
O:-) O:-) O:-)
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
LOL @ I'm hot Master! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
Meow Monica! :)
Phoebe demanding it seems Mon he he! :)
Well they are wearing fur coats... ;)
Stop by and take the "Cat or Meatloaf?" quiz I made. It's super cute!
Recent blog:=- Two Cats Tuesday: Pop Quiz... Cat or Meatloaf?
:* :* :* :* :*
mine is doggie! her name is kenet! ;)
Kenet is a girl doggie? Maybe can show her pic or have I seen it at ur blog before??
Hey GG!
I had fun with ur cat or meatloaf quiz, Cute! Thanks for the invite, meow! :)
Welcome GG!
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