Cat Crazy
I love my cats so much that I sometimes treat them like my babies! I guess only cat lovers can comprehend this uncontrollable need to pamper and shower our cats with love and affection by giving them the best of everything like a cat stroller! 

What do you think of the blue stroller? I would love to get one so I can take my cats out for a walk on a nice day. I'm sure they would love it seeing they're house cats and they do not leave our home unless it's a visit to the vet or something.
The strollers above are built for cats but if you're shopping for baby Strollers, check out the lovely selection I discovered online at Shop Wiki. Don't you just love Shop Wiki by the way? They have everything online. From health & beauty products and arts & crafts to baby products (like Baby Walkers) and pet accessories, Shop Wiki has everything you need. The variety is great and prices are reasonable too.
The strollers above are built for cats but if you're shopping for baby Strollers, check out the lovely selection I discovered online at Shop Wiki. Don't you just love Shop Wiki by the way? They have everything online. From health & beauty products and arts & crafts to baby products (like Baby Walkers) and pet accessories, Shop Wiki has everything you need. The variety is great and prices are reasonable too.

Take this jogging stroller for instance, isn't it cool? I was not aware of jogging strollers until I saw them at Shop Wiki. Apparently they're used to bring your infant along for a jog. The good thing about jogging strollers is that they do not jostle since they're light; equipped with shock absorbers and larger wheels. Faster paces will not shake and rattle the stroller as much so your baby enjoys a smooth ride while you happily keep up with your jogging routine! 
I wonder if my favourite pet store provides jogging strollers besides the usual cat strollers. More importantly, would anyone think I'm a little cat crazy if I actually bought a stroller and jog with Lil' Phoebe in it?

I wonder if my favourite pet store provides jogging strollers besides the usual cat strollers. More importantly, would anyone think I'm a little cat crazy if I actually bought a stroller and jog with Lil' Phoebe in it?

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :* :* :*
Mariuca! eh i tot singing bowls :-D :-D
am i late!?!? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
wah i didnt know meows oso got strollers :-P
Monica Meow 1 for my first post in Oct yay! :)
hi te mon! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
He he haven even wrote for singing bowls mah… must put on my thinking cap first! ;)
GG???????????????????? WAH LONG TIME NO SEE!!!!!! Meow 2 sweetie!!!!!!!! :)
r u gonna get one for Lil' Phoebe? :) ;)
Hahahaha got meow strollers at Pet Safari, crazy right? Hahahhaha so cute!
YAy thanks sweetie! :* :*
GAGAY!!!!! long time no see :* :* :*
hehe ok put on yr thinking cap first! :-D
hahahahhah crazy but cute lor :-D
I would love to get one for Phoebe and take her for a walk, it will be so cute eh? But hopefully ppl won think I’m a crazy cat person la hahahhahahah! Anyway expensive lor…500RM for the stroller!
Welcome! I changed all my badges at all three blogs for my TCM, TCO and TFC edi…only TD haven done! You are my TCM, TCO and TFC at WOAFS, here oso!
Dat’s why!!! Suddenly only GG appeared today, hey GG!!! Got BF edi or not? LOL!!!
I oso got one more to do for SR, but I haven accepted the advertiser’s offer, still thinking hohohoh!
U would think it’s cute la, but sure other ppl think I’m crazy taking my cats out for a walk, some more not even doggie hahahahhahaha!!!
Yeeeha Marvic! Meow 3!! :)
yeah so cute and cool like dat! wahh so exp huh! :-P
Thanks for chopping at my first post in Oct meows, will put up ur links and points later okay? :)
yeehaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! my TD oso haven done! :-D
GG!! where are u sweetie? disappeared edi ;)
why havnt accepted the offer?
Very expense, so meows have to wait while Master makes more moolah, then only can buy stroller! :)
I got new TD la this month…so sure must change badge!
hahah no lah why other ppl think u're crazy? eh so far i've never seen other
ppl go jogging wz meows lah :-D
GG busy studying to become a Doctor he he!
Cause they counter offered me, so lower price…hehehehe…but I think I will take la cause it’s abt rugs, easy peasy mah!
i oso got new TD this mth ;)
HAHHAHAHHAHAH that is why la!!!!!!! Where got anybody jog with meows? With babies go la but with meows??? Hahahhahahahahhaaha!!! Master is crazy!
hi! GP! miss u!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Physician Licensure Exam Results 2009
wow! so fast meh.. i just received ur notification from your FaceBook. LOL.. so lambat lah FB ni
ohh take lah ;)
I got new TD for all three blogs! Got new droppers on my list this month.. :)
hahahhahhhahahh yeah wz babies or doggies got lah! coz in front of my hse
got one taman. and nobody jog with meows :-D
hi te mon!!!! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Physician Licensure Exam Results 2009
Hi GG!!! U back to blogging for real now sweetie?
yeh GP! actually, we'll be having anatomy exam tomorrow,.hehe! studying while tweeting! ;)
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Physician Licensure Exam Results 2009
He he ye ke Haaziq?? Thanks for coming over anyway, how are you doing?? :)
yeah! long time haven't visited here.,.actually, this is still my first time to be hir! :-D
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Physician Licensure Exam Results 2009
They offered me for WOAFS oso, but higher price than I will be tamak and take both, hahahahhahah!
hi gagay!! ;)
LOL @ nobody jogs with meows!! U know how funny that sounds? Muahahhahahahahahhahaha!!!
haie haaziq! ;)
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Physician Licensure Exam Results 2009
i dont have bf GP! will u give me 1?hahah!
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Physician Licensure Exam Results 2009
hahaha! no PBs for me edi ...
hi haaziq!!!
Recent blog:=- Top 10 Physician Licensure Exam Results 2009
i know that sounds funny!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
i am doing fine. Thanks, but busy as usual lah.. Even tonight I am going to my lab to do my final year project. so busy :)
lab at 9pm.. maybe will be back at 11pm or 12am.. waa :'(
Congratz for the FC you guys... :) I'm finally back in Mumbai.
lolz @ cat strollers. cute! :-) So any other plans apart from cats... like... maybe babies? :D
Recent blog:=- Chp 268. Wedding Planner: D-Day!
Good luck in ur exam okay GG? I’m sure ul do very well!
Sure or noooooot GG? He he, thanks for comin over today, hugs!
Hahahahhaha GG!!! If u were here in Malaysia, sure I’d set u up with one of my single friends hahahahaha!
I managed to chop one RM PB earlier today before I zzz…. Casino one mah, small PB! :)
It sounds damn funny la Mon, u making me LOL here! Ppl read oso sure LOL haha!
Oh no the big BABY question from Sandman! Hehehehhehehehhehehe…lemme pamper my cats first Sandman, then we’ll proceed to babies lol! And hey welcome back! :)
Ohhhhh HaaziQ also busy like GG!! Studying away he he, well that’s the life of a student right? I’ll come by tonight to ur place, going out soon ni nak beli groceries! :)
ohhic! i just checked still 0!
hihihi... but do remember that you can't just caress a baby like you do to a cat... :P
Recent blog:=- Chp 268. Wedding Planner: D-Day!
hahaahahahah! btw can u drop ah today?
My LW oso 0! Nothing to chop…..
Hehehehhe of coz I’d like to have real babies one day Sandman, not the furry ones he he! But for now, Chubbs, Benji and Pheebs will suffice! Meow! :)
I haven dropped at all but I can see my widget and it says Drop there so I think can drop, you?
i can see the widget but cannot drop!!!!!!!!!! i don wan to open 30 sites
like yesd wasting my time only :(
lolz. Well, I'm just scared that one fine night your baby is crying and due to force of habit you might pick your baby by the skin on his neck and put him outside your bedroom and close the door.
Recent blog:=- Chp 268. Wedding Planner: D-Day!
He he angers it seems Mon with EC, yeah lor…. No need to drop now, we drop later tonight la, hopefully EC ok edi by then! Am off to Giant now Mon, see u later kay? :)
Hahahahha come on Sandman, do I look like I can do that to my babies? Hahahahahhahaha, I am waiting for u to have a baby first, then we’ll see lil Mariucas and lil Bs running around hohohoho!!!
ohh ok!!! c u later :* :*
I may already have a few that Im not aware of :-P :-P 8-) :-P :-P
Ciao, Me going home. Long weekend. Happy hols Marz. Hugz to you and B.
Recent blog:=- Chp 268. Wedding Planner: D-Day!
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
I love the cat stroller GP.. i saw it in SG for SGD140 or something...
Recent blog:=-
i'm back Mariuca! woo-hoo u're OKB! ;)
He he small OKB only but woo hoo!!!!!!!!! I didn keep track of my RM earnings see2 more than expected lol!
best lah last mth! hehe ;)
Actually last month was my highest earnings ever since I started my PB frenzy yeeeeeehaw!!!!!! :)
same here!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Really??? Then we deserve a round of applause for working so hard last month hahahahahahhaha, this month must do better! :)
yeah!!! we def deserve a round of applause Mariuca!!! :* :* i hope we've
more opps this mth!!
Mariuca, sthing wrong wz Adgi ah??
Me too!!! I haven received anything from the new 3P yet though..dunno how it works oso. :)
Oh no why ah? I haven done my adgi round, lemme login now…
oh i oso didnt check the new 3P lah :-P
ok u login and see....
I cant login to Adgi, server too busy!!!
I guess Adgi is down then, hope okay later cause I haven clicked!
ahh same lor cannot login to Adgi also..
im doing my ec round now...hope i can drop 300 today!
But Adgi usually cepat to fix their server, hopefully won be long.. :)
no la before i went out just now aldy server too busy until now!!!
Im dropping now too…
Is it??? Oh noooooo this is not good news for us, looks like I have to stay up late again to click on adgi.. ;)
:* :* :* :* :* :*
I admire the way you pamper your cats! :) :) :)
been missing chops lately! super duper busy..
lol i have never heard of a cat stroller before. how nice!
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Marzieeee!! I love your eyebrows... pweety beautiful :-D :-D
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recently started reading the blog & i ADORE it !! :)
x Love Lisaxia !!
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I am also a CAT LOVER :)
Nice to meet you !!!
greetings from The Netherlands
Anya :)
Kareltrje =^.^=
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Hey Anya, it’s nice to meet you too and hellllloooo Netherlands! I hope u can leave ur url here next time so I can return your visit, meow meow! :)
Hi Lis, thanks so much and welcome to Meow Diaries! :)
LOL Nessa!!! Tenkiu for the compliment he he…. :)
Hi Tina, how cute are the strollers right?? :)
You busy with baby stuff Elai? :)
Are u Guest Elai?? Of coz have to pamper my babies, they’re so cute! :)
Hi Elai!
Hi LJ, me too!! 140 sing ok apa, go buy one the next time u balik kampong! :)
Meow meow dearie!
Happy holidays Sandman, where u off to?? :)
February 10th, 2010
Dear Mariuca,
This is a shot of Elisabet with a cobra telefon. I am still learning how your comments work.
I can walk with a leash, but then so can the dogs out there. The stroller looks much better and safer for the kitties. I love it.
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