Puss & Master in Boots!
It's a good thing real cats don't wear boots. Otherwise I just might find myself splurging on three pairs for my cats just because I think they would look ultra adorable in boots!

Do you remember the much-loved tale of Puss in Boots, the naughty cat that resorts to tricks and deceit in order to gain power and wealth? This cunning cat also managed to gain the hand of a princess in marriage for his penniless Master. Lucky for my cats, their Master is not penniless so she can afford to buy them all sorts of toys, kitty snacks, kitty clothes and perhaps even boots if she sees a cute pair on her next visit to Pet Safari! 
Speaking of cats and boots, I do love wearing all types of shoes especially dressy tall boots! You can't go wrong with a knee-length dress and cool-looking women's boots. I used to wear boots all the time during my uni days in the US (the good old days!) but since my return to sunny Malaysia, the weather simply does not permit me to don them as often as before.
But wait, that doesn't mean I don't keep an eye open for good ones and I especially love this pair I saw online. Isn't it gorgeous? All I need now is a new little black dress to go with my very chic, very sexy boots!

Speaking of cats and boots, I do love wearing all types of shoes especially dressy tall boots! You can't go wrong with a knee-length dress and cool-looking women's boots. I used to wear boots all the time during my uni days in the US (the good old days!) but since my return to sunny Malaysia, the weather simply does not permit me to don them as often as before.
But wait, that doesn't mean I don't keep an eye open for good ones and I especially love this pair I saw online. Isn't it gorgeous? All I need now is a new little black dress to go with my very chic, very sexy boots!

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Hi Marzie, The cat looks funny.. haha..
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Mariuca! :* :*
=-O =-O =-O
hahahaha so funny lah dat meow in boots! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Sticky days
i wan sexy boots! :) ;)
Recent blog:=- Sticky days
btw i just chopped 2 RM PBs! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Sticky days
8-) 8-) 8-)
wow you would look great in those sexy boots marzie 8-)
Recent blog:=- Another Day To Celebrate
And bill Meow 3! :)
He he so cute eh? I saw only one cat wearing boots when I googled just now, I mean not this pic but a real cat lol!
Is it the crystal singing bowl one Mon???
:) Monica!
This pair costs $450 Mon, expense huh? ;)
Monica Meow 2! :)
Hi Zuls! Meow 1 and cute kan this cat? He he he! :)
Thanks for the speedy chop meows! :)
yes the crystal singing bowl one u oso got? :-D
Yay thanks sweetie! ;)
wahhhh so exp ah?! :-P
Love my boots Bill, thanks! :)
Welcome Mon, meow meow! :)
I oso got but I didn take la cause small PB and then I did twice before..and I can’t chop for MPG, only for the other two…so wait n see first he he he! The other one is webhosting??
So expense eh???? Everything oso pricey nowadays, seriously need to make more money to finance my shopping needs! $$$
yeah the other one is webhosting. both oso i never do before :-D
yeah everything oso pricey nowadays huhuhuhuh more PBs for us plsssss $$$$$$
U never did the singing bowls? I did both twice edi hahahahhahaha, if they give for MPG sure I take! ;)
He he he.. I have 3 more PBs to do now… 2 for BV and the LW one… :)
yeah i never did the singing bowls! :-D yalor i oso remember u did twice edi
yay u oso got so many PBs to do! almost end of the mth edi hohoho ...
Yeah BV sent me 2 new ones today woo hoo! And LW sent me reminder he he… ;)
And last time it was 10 bucks, this time 5 bucks only lolz…
ohhh 5 more days right for LW ;)
yalor 5 bucks only! :-D aiyooooo.....
LOl @ 5 bucks only followed by aiyoooo hahaha, dats why la…RM not many big PBs this month kan? SR got some pretty good opps, try bidding! ;)
Yeah 5 more days for LW.. still got time to play game and drop ec first he he he!!!
yeah RM not many big PBs this month but RM gave us many PBs this mth
compared to last mth! so yay! i havent tried SR yet la :-D
i'm oso dropping ec now ;)
I tot that day u got ur first one from SR? They gave me quite a few big PBs this month! I forgot how many PBs I got from RM so far this month…but am sure it’s more than last month yay! $$$
Screamyx so slow..i cannot see widget oso..and just now I was disconnected for one hour… hope can drop 900!
yeah dat day i got one frm SR but i tak sempat do it! hahah.... so nice lah
RM gave us many PBs this mth!
mine so far ok! hope can drop 300 oso :-D
Tak sempat do the SR one?? Ohhh hopefully it wasn’t a big one yeah…. I hope RM gives us bigger better opps next month, helllloooo October! :)
i can't remember big one or small one...and i don know why i dont really
focus on SR...how's the payment ah btw?
Lucky u Mon…whole week connection sucky…
bigger better opps and more opps! not ONE big opps and then less than 5 opps
for the whole mth...like dat oso no point la right lol
They pay every two weeks…right on time! :)
Ha ha yeah lor… hope RM won disappoint us next month … :)
oh sounds great la pay every two weeks and right on time some more!
Yeah not bad la SR actually… I hope they gimme more Pbs!
This is so so cute!! :) :)
Got all of your blogs done and working on everyone else's if possible and yeahhhhhhhh I got 300 in too!! Love to all!! Hi Monica, I think I missed you today...I sorry!!Hugs!! :) :) :) :) :* :* :* :*
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I'll try to hop over and adgitize you though!! :) :) :) :)
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oohhh i like!!
hahahha.. yelah.. if only cats can wear boots.. i think Benji would look sooo cute in it..heh
I just woke up dearie.. stomach cramps you know.. so slept early lah..hehe
and now must wait for Dr Sharon's call for Awan's test results
yeaa surely so sexy boots
Recent blog:=- Choosing Perfect Color For Small Bedroom
ohhh I love those boots Mariuca :* :*
Recent blog:=- a tour of my studio....
I want those boots!!!
Recent blog:=- a tour of my studio....
Mariuca, sthing wrong wz EC ah?? i can see the widget but cannot see the
word Drop!
Hi Mon!! Same here, I cannot drop la, can see widget but it’s empty right? Silly EC…silly screamyx!
i give up edi Mariuca! i opened 30 sites all can see widhet but it's
Dats why….so frustrating right???? No way I can drop oso, and I still can’t load pic, seriously fed up edi! Might as well we zzzzz! :(
i oso freakin fed up Mariuca! nite2 gonna zzzzz now ;)
your cats are lovely and the boots is fabulous! too bad i'm asthmatic so i can't take care of cats. :(
Thanks Bambie, glad u enjoyed my pics,meow!
LOL @ freakin fedup! Tonight my connection slowish too Mon huhuhuhu
Beautiful aren’t they Kim? Happy shopping! :)
Me too Kim, love the colour and the simple design, love it!
Hey Sugar Cribs, glad u love my choice! :)
Dah dapat test results ke LJ??
Morning dearie, hope ur feeling better today!
LOL @ Benji looking cute in boots LJ! But I think so too muahahhaha, meow meow!!
U likey? Cool kan? :)
Thanks for Adgitizing my blog Jackie, meow!
Thanks Jackie, how are u liking Adgi so far??
He he enjoy the puss in boots Jackie, meow meow! :)
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