September Top 10 EC Meows **
The past week was pure torture in terms of EC dropping. I'm not sure if it's my ISP Screamyx acting up again or it's just EC that's having some sort of problem but either way, I found myself having to refresh all EC blogs over and over again before I can finally view the widget. Even then after I drop my card it won't say Thanks and the lower part of the widget will turn grey and empty inside. I'd then have to refresh the blog again (after the first five times!) and drop once more before my drop is finally counted!

It's really annoying and I end up frustrated and upset for not being able to drop 900 cards for my three blogs. So I apologize to my usual droppers if you have not seen my cards in your Inbox the last week. I hope to drop 900 today but so far it's still slow motion Screamyx for me today, so we'll see!

I also want to thank my Top 10 Droppers in September for their relentless support for Meow Diaries and I do hope everybody enjoyed your stay here last month. Will I see you back here in October? meow!

My Top EC Dropper will receive 1 FOC Ad + 1000 EC Credits

:* :* :* :* :*
Mariuca!! :* :*
:* :* :* :* :*
meow meow.!!!!
congrats to yr TDs!! :)
Recent blog:=- September's Top EC Droppers
sorry for not being around dearie.. busy watching TRUE that vampire.. lol!!
Thanks for chopping ladies, meow! :)
Monica! Sat edi la ha ha!
Monica Meow 1! :)
LJ! Meow 2! :)
Meow meow Smokey da bear!! I put cat blog here dearie! ;)
Congrats to my meows yay! I haven dropped or anything yet today Monica!
Sat edi ah? aiyooo so fast wan! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- September's Top EC Droppers
LJ in vampire mood, enjoyz dearie….haven DL that yet!
me too! some more i just woke up Mariuca :-P
Dats why la tak sempat enjoy our fave day cause busy and now Saturday edi! :)
Wat time u zzzz Mon?
huhuhu Sat edi! enjoy yr weekend k ;)
i zzzz arounfd 8pm like dat :-D
Congrats to all your top droppers Marzie :-D :-D
Thanks sweetie, u enjoy too with R.. :)
WOW zzzzz at 8pm so late!
Hi Bill, thanks and I’m still waiting for Paradise to appear on my widget, happy dropping! :)
no, i slept this morning but 5 hrs only coz i've to go out. 5 hrs where got
enuff for me lah some more got headache so i zzzz again when i came back lor
Ohhh he he sure now fresh as a daisy! Hows ur connection tonight btw? Mine still a little slow….
yeah now fresh edi just now feel cranky :-D
mine quite fast la tonite fuyoh!! :-D
Wah fuyoh fast eh? Im so jeles mine like snail….
hmm maybe u can ask them why like snail??
Malas la u oso know how they’re like, ask oso no solusi, just hafta suffer silently and biatch abt it here LOL!
LOL @ suffer silently! hahah :-D Hugsy Mariuca!!
Heheheh poor me…nemind at least I drop on important blogs he he! Thanks for the hugsy! :)
Recent blog:=- Bring Back Natural Color
Woohoo! Finally made it to #1!!!
Recent blog:=- Bring Back Natural Color
Thank you for the link love. :) :) :)
Recent blog:=- Bring Back Natural Color
Last 2 weeks was a pain in the neck too, over here.
Recent blog:=- Bring Back Natural Color
It took me hours to drop 300, but I'm so happy I made it here.
Recent blog:=- Bring Back Natural Color
I'll do my best for all my blogs to make it for October. Gtg now. Happy weekend sweetie! meow
Recent blog:=- Bring Back Natural Color
Happy October! Meow! 8-)
Recent blog:=- The Kermie Butt Dance
Yayy i didnt get redirected to the page anymore. was wondering what was going on and now I finally get to comment heheh. Hope things are well over there. right now am just sitting at home still drying out a lot of my clothes using a fan since another typhoon has hit our shores. Luckily enough though it touched the northern tip of the philippines. But it seems we have a lot more people to help and we are all still recovering from the last typhoon. sigh. Keep praying for us oki :) xoxo
Recent blog:=- Food Friday on Empty Streets: French Apple Tart
Hi Mariuca,
same here... also problems with EntreCard Dropbox... but i don't reload the whole page, i just click in the widget (if it's visible) and then click on "This Frame" -> Reload Frame
it's faster :)
By the way, why can't i show anymore one of my blog posts... only my tweets are shown in the CommentLuv?
been having the same problem with my other blog ...
I currently hate EC !!
morning Mariuca! buzz2;)
Thanks for the morning buzz2 sweetie!
Ur on EC Lis? I could find ur widget earlier… :(
Hi martin! U too having probs dropping EC? Glad to know I’m not alone…it’s better now but some blogs are still not showing widgets, dunno why…anyway I’ve been dropping at ur blogs so yay! :) Oh comment luv is working just fine here Martin, hopefully that was a technical glitch and nothing else. :)
Hi Metz, I think the problem was with dropaholics and I hope everything is okay now. How are u coping with the situation back home? Hugs!
Why thank u guest and welcome to Meow Diaries! :)
Happy October Cute, hugsy!
Happy weekend Liza! :)
I’m happy u made it here Liza, CONGRATS to my Top EC Meow woo hoo!! :)
U know, today too I can’t view some widgets, I’ve been refreshing LJ’s blog since I started my Adgi round twenty minutes ago and the EC widget refuses to show up! :(
You’re welcome Liza and enjoy ur credits! :)
Ha ha thanks so much for dropping every day here Liza, u so deserve to be my Top EC Meow, hugsy!!!
Chop Liza! :)
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