De-stressing Sunday!
What a stressful week I had! B and I were both really busy; him with last-minute work stuff prior to his Cannes trip and me helping him with errands whilst juggling my home business. Even now I still have several online assignments to do as well as another translation job from my client. I don't usually work on weekends but this particular client is really nice and I always go out of my way to meet her expectations.
The last straw came when my friend Shemah sadly told me somebody stole the Tokyo gift I mailed to her house! The idiotic thief managed to retrieve the package from her mailbox and tore the envelope open to snatch what's inside and I'm so angry for Shemah right now!

So you can see why I need to immediately de-stress and all I want to do is relax; forget my worries and clear my mind. It's times like these I wish I had one of those crystal singing bowls or Gongs, which is a great way to help you meditate and relax. They're a little pricey but the effect they play to soothe your weary mind and soul is priceless, so it's actually a pretty good investment. 
Crystal singing bowls and gongs are increasing in popularity thanks to their healing properties; the most important is their effect on our aura. Vibration from singing bowls and gongs posses a unique, almost magical ability to find the centre of the aura to return balance to our body. I really wish for a vibrating gong right now so I can close my eye and shut my mind from any thinking or worries and just allow the soothing sound from my magic gong to flow through my mind body and soul for ultimate inner peace.
It sounds like the perfect remedy but since I don't have a singing crystal bowl or gong I'll have to settle for my PC games to help me de-stress. I bought several new ones last week so you know what that means - see ya in a few hours and happy Sunday!

Crystal singing bowls and gongs are increasing in popularity thanks to their healing properties; the most important is their effect on our aura. Vibration from singing bowls and gongs posses a unique, almost magical ability to find the centre of the aura to return balance to our body. I really wish for a vibrating gong right now so I can close my eye and shut my mind from any thinking or worries and just allow the soothing sound from my magic gong to flow through my mind body and soul for ultimate inner peace.
It sounds like the perfect remedy but since I don't have a singing crystal bowl or gong I'll have to settle for my PC games to help me de-stress. I bought several new ones last week so you know what that means - see ya in a few hours and happy Sunday!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
:* :* :* :* :*
i think i need that too GP! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
damn busy and stressed at school.. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
can't even sleep early because of lots of "must-read" school stuffs.. >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
:* :* :* :*
OMG!!! someone stole Shemah's package?? that's awful.. !!
did she lost the whole thing?? poor shemah and i understand your frustration daerie!
happy sunday dearie!!
hie LJ!
Recent blog:=- Exam Schedules
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Exam Schedules
That is awful, and, yes, frustrating... :(
Recent blog:=- Tales of FanTails
Mariuca! i just came back!! :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Martha Stewart flower arrangements
hehe the singing bowl is here! :) ;)
Recent blog:=- Martha Stewart flower arrangements
huh? somebody stole Shemah's gift?! =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Martha Stewart flower arrangements
:* :* :* :* :* GG!
Recent blog:=- Pretty Baby!
Morning GG, Meow 1! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Pretty Baby!
You too GG? I hope somebody buys me one cause I got no money la GG to buy a crystal singing bowl he he! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog:=- Pressie from Aussie! **
Poor GG, when is ur next semester break?? Go for vacation okay? :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
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What time do u sleep nowadays GG? U night owl oso? :-P :-P *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Zesty Pick-me-up!
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Happy Birthday Love! ***
:* :* :* :* :* :* Morning LJ, Meow 2!
Recent blog:=- Happy Birthday Love! ***
Yeah LJ!!!!! Just now Shemah told me at TF, bodoh la the pencuri!!!! Shemah showed me the envelope pic, koyak! Angers only me thinking abt it, I susah payah beli untuk Shemah, wrap nicely all and some freakazoid stole it!! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Spider Veins!
Yup! Envelope was empty,some more took the stuff then leave the envelope, boleh???? >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Raya Garden Shopping
You oso =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O GG? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Raya Garden Shopping
Hepi Sunday dearie, take it easy this weekend no need to do makeover all lol! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The Perfect Printer!
Hi Tes! Tell me abt it, my poor friend, I am so angry for her! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Forgetful Me!
Monica! So late u got home, where u went la? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Forgetful Me!
Singing bowl sent me reminder edi, dats why kelam-kabut do this just now hohohoho! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog:=- Forgetful Me!
Some stupid thief stole her gift Mon, so sad for Shemah! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- What's Your Name Colour? **
yalor I reached home around 6am! we went to sri petaling for supper :-P
so bad lah dat thief!!!
Ohhhhh what’s nice to eat in SP?
Dats why!!! Can tear the envelope and take out the stuff!!! Cause Shemah wasn’t around kan during Raya, she was in KK…poor thing… :(
we had dim sum and lo mai kai just now! :-D
how can the postman do dat!!!! :(
Hmmmm what’s lo ma kai??? Dim sum yummy! I feel like having nasi lemak bungkus now… breakfast time mah!
Not the postman…someone else! I think the postman inserted the envelope in her mailbox but it was sticking out or something, not all the way in so the pencuri must’ve pulled out the envelope and stole the stuff before nicely stuffing back the empty envelope! :(
hmmm it's like sticky rice chicken lol.... wah u not sleepy ah? ;)
ohhh i tot the postman! the pencuri must be staying around there lor!
I was sleepy earlier but having hot tea now… :)
I think so too! Cause nobody around during Raya kan, everibodi balik kampong so the pencuri took advantage of dat!
ok enjoy yr nasi lemak ya ;)
Shemah is staying in condo is it?
Where got eat nasi lemak, wan to zzzz edi ha ha…maybe after I wake up!
Yeah in condo….
eh u oso wan to zzzz edi haha ok cya sweetie ;)
I think I will zzzzz at 10 am, nite nite Monica! :)
ok nite nite Mariuca! ;)
i can't open your blog GP! just replying thru email!
hope someone could give me one!hahah!
maybe october 10 the last day of final exam..wohooooooo!
See ya later Mon….zzzzzzzz
Lucky can still open box to comment one time, then can reply by email GG…dunno what’s wrong…
He he! Ask ur BF to get u one la GG lol!
Ohhhh good luck then GG, sure will pass with flying colours so don worry!
that would be one great prob GP..dont have bf..hahah!
Alahai, Kesian shemah
Jangan tensi2 hari ahad yer marzie.
Rizal selain dari "de-stress", rizal pun nak "De-Tox" kesan kelazatan makanan raya
hopefully GP! crossed-fingers!
yeah! good enough!!! :)
i usually sleep at 3 am, wake up at 5 am..huhu!
wah, itu bekas menyanyi.
Kadang2 bila hantar surat, memang kena hati2. Rizal jarang alamatkan bungkusan hadiah ke rumah, selalu ke pejabat.
Bukan apa, takut budak2 nampak, saje suka-suka nak buka sebab bungkusan tu memang nampak mudah hendak diambil.
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS On Live Blogging : jogging
i couldn't post a smiley!!! :( :( :(
How come no BF GG, u too busy studying lol!
Wah 2 hours sleep only GG????
Tak suka la budak2 nampak pas tu ambil barang org lain! I pun shocked when Shemah told me it was my pakej yg kena sabotaj huhuhuhuhuh!
I see ur smiley GG….
yep GP!heheh! even cyber BF, nothing! LOL!
yep GP! actually, am sick now..huhuhu!but still trying to move..
i just copied the smiley from the email too!hahah!
LOL @ cyber BF, nothing!!! I can’t wait for u to have BF hahahhahahah!
U should rest then GG< sleep for 5 hours after u take meds, then wake up sure feel better!
LOL tenkiu Rizal, kena GALM down sikit…and memag cian Shemah! :(
hahha! just give me one!just cyber BF!hahah!
thanks GP..maybe just after the finals week.
Cyber BF come to GG!!
wahahahah! LOL!
GG exams over edi??
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