Fluffy Kitty Cats! **
B took some lovely shots of two fluffy new kitties at the Pet Store when he bought cat food recently. I adore kittens and since I did not tag along, B snapped these pics for me. Is he trying to entice me to get a new kitty with these adorable pics or what? Come to Master fluffy white and grey kitties! 

=-O =-O =-O
sooooooo cuuuute!!! :) :)
come on lah marzie?? what's another baby?? LOL! add one more lah!! :)
awww... such cuties!
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Super Lucas*
I agree with Shem, LJ has 7 kitties, I'm sure you can manage 4... :-D
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Super Lucas*
hahahah yeah marzie.. you know you want to... !! LOL! :)
They look so tired :D
Recent blog:=- Chp 274. The importance of referrals
LOL Sandman Meow 1! Chopping like nobody’s business woo hoo! :)
Yay Shemah Meow 2! :)
Thanks for chopping meows! Shemah, any particular blog u wan here today or u wan me to choose? :)
So cute kan…aiyooooo I like both, how like dat!! :)
Hi Ane! They’re adorable right? I’m sure Lucas will love these pics, meow! :)
LOL!!! I wan I wan to add one more Shemah, but no space edi hahahahaha! :)
LOL @ LJ has 7 kitties!! She has 5 now Ane and she has her own kitty room for them, how nice! I wish I had a kitty room too… :)
Enticing me it seems Shemah oh no! Hahahahaah I am known for impulsive buys ni LOL!
it's okay.. you can choose whichever, marzie! :)
oh yeah.. that's true.. if there's not enough space then the kitties won't
be happy also.. :(
get landed property marzie.. then the kitties can get their own room and
their own garden. Have you seen the houses at south quay?? wooot!! I want!
:* :* :* :*
hahahahahahah okay okay. i'll stop the enticing! LOL! :)
They’re quite active when awake Sandman, tired from eating too much I guess meow! :)
Great lemme see which one lama tak feature here, meow! :)
so cute kitties! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
Yeah some more the kitty condo is meant for 3 not 4, where to put my new meow? He he! :)
I haven seen the house at south quay Shemah, dunno where oso! How much la? I wan to get new house obviously huhuhuh…no money now! ;)
thank you marzie!! :) memang dah lama tak chop here, right??
Meow meow Elai! :)
LOL! I am enticed la but the other day there was a cuter white n grey kitten aiyoooooo dat one sure cannot tahan! But it was 1800! :(
Adorable meows right Elai? How are u doing today? Ready to go to the hospital? Hugs! :)
hahaha how much also i don't dare to find out. It's behind sunway medical
centre somewhere there..
so adorable indeed! makes we want to get a cat too... but no no for hubby, he has asthma :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
not yet ready... no digicam yet :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
Lama gils tak chop here, ur first point this month Shemah and I put up JPP! :)
Ohhhhhh nice is it?? I hope to find something in my current lokasi, love my lokasi actually! :)
wooohoo!! RM1800.. i think J will seriously murder me if i use that money to
buy a kitten.. LOL! cheaper lagi I give birth to buddy.. hahahaah
meow, marzie! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
yay!! thanks for the JPP love, marzie!! :) :* :* :*
yalah.. i would also love something around your lokasi.. last time also i
was staying in damansara when i was still studying in kdu.. I loved it. but
since J is SUCH a subang person and can NEVER go out of subang, then might
as well find something here! hahaah
Maybe when u get a bigger place then can get a kitty cat for u and keep her in a separate part of the house Elai.. I bet ur kids would love a kitty cat too! :)
U planning to get new digicam for the event Elai? I am excited and worried for u too, good luck sweetie. Hope all goes well. :)
Hahahahahahha chepaer to give birth hahah tu la pasal…then someone snapped up that kitty so quickly, next day we went terus takde…I didn bring camera so couldn snap but seriously la..even B was enticed with that kitty! So small some more…not to mensi fluffy! :)
Hi Mariuca,
Nice kittens!
I've been busy, sorry still did not check and follow up with Top Monthly Commenter and November 2009 FFC Scoreboard yet. Really, it is so hectic here, everyday is raining cats and dogs. At time the wild wind blows, two days ago my canvas was blown away to pieces, luckily it did not fall on my neighbour's car, just a few meters away to hit it. Thanks God! It has been raining, sometime heavy, something not so and sometimes followed by nasty wild wind. I'm scare a bit because last year it flooded here, luckily it did not enter my house but outside people were on boats. I will try to post a short story on this soon. :) ;) :'( :( :* :*
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Snap! with "The Power"
yez dear! i need a digicam to document the event.. gotta withdraw my earnings first but too small to buy a digicam :( :( :(
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
Hugs Elai, take care.. :)
they surely do! my daughter even asked me to get one. But i'm afraid what my dogs can do. Safe for them inside the house but a no no..
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
Welcome Shemah, decided to give ur today blog some love! :)
I used to be a Subang person oso but now I love my new lokasi better… SJ is cool cause everything is there…self-contained township. :)
Meow meow LIL! Hey yesterday while having dinner, there was this really friendly stray cat asking for food and B kept on feeding her and she kept on coming back for more, cian…and I immediately thought of u and ur many cats! :)
Wah rainy weather there Lil? It’s been raining here too lately but everything is still cool. Keep safe and thanks so much for dropping by today. Hugs! :)
Oh no…maybe u can borrow a digicam from a friend Elai? :)
dont worry dear! i'd be fine *hugs* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
Ohhhh yeah u have a doggie right? I oso not sure what happens if cats and dogs hang out together Elai…some of them get along fine with each other though…
Good to hear that Elai, congrats on welcoming a new cutie pie soon!! HUGS!
my friend's cat and dog get along so well.. they're like siblings. My
friend's dog will carry her food then put it on the cats bowl and they'll
eat together! LOL! But i think if they grow up together, it'll be easier
right? introducing a new cat to your dog might not be the best idea, in my
:* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Reds
Mariuca! i just came back lah 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- The Reds
the white meow is so cute! r u gonna get one? :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- The Reds
eh don tell me u still havnt zzz yet ah! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The Reds
Wah so clever la ur friend’s doggie!!! Carrying the food lagi! I think so too Shemah, growing up together better kut than introducing a new sibling later on… in fact Chubbs had the most difficult time accepting Phoebe into the family when she first arrived, meow! :)
Meow meow Monica! :)
Wah so early u went out Mon? I woke up early today woo hoo!
MUAHAHHAHHAHAHA I wan I wan to get one Monica, but like I told Shemah, no space la for new meow now huhuuh…dis one slightly cheaper than the one I mentioned to u that day! :)
Oh really?? chubbs jeles of Pheebs?? awww..!! Both also mommy and daddy
I zzzz early yest Mon and woke up “early” too! :)
yeah coz i woke up early today! :-D
hahah ok get a big hse first then only get another meow ;) how come this one
is cheaper? coz it's smaller ...is it?
oh finally u get a good night's zzzz!? ;)
Ah tu la, Chubbs selalu bully Pheebs but she will bully him back, so cute to see her chasing Chubbs! :)
Fur Ballz!!! :):) They looks so lazy and Garfield like...sleeping all the time...but being cooped up in a little cage does limit their options until a new master comes along...
U went out for makan2 Mon? I am hungry thinking abt food that’s why I’m asking hahaha!
No la the other one was even smaller than these two but I think it’s the breed…so this one slightly cheaper but still in the beribu range! :(
Hahaha finally!! I went to my room and fell asleep immediately, B was still inside my office doing work lol!
Fur Ballzz! :):) Poor little guys just sleeping and waiting for a new master to come along and rescue them...in the meantime...sleeping away like Garfield! Cheers! :) and Happy Friday!
Recent blog:=- Hello Dolly!!
ohhh! lol yeah i woke up terus go makan at MD :-D
go eat sthing first lah sweetie!! now i need my coffee ;)
oic! the other day we saw one white woof oso in the beribu range...so
freakin cute lah omg! R wanted to buy but i said NOOOOOOO!! :-D
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
woot! now u're fresh as a daisy, hard as a rock! ;)
Wah so fluffy!! i like!!
LOL @ sleeping like Garfield hahaha, so cute eh GK? When u wan to get one for Ellie?? :)
I am having coffee now too Mon! I had edi sweet bun…I oso feel like cooking something nice this weekend…hmmm what shall I cook??? :)
Hey Mon, u tried the KFC breakfast edi or not? I got the flyer and now I am enticed to try the nasi lemak there! :)
hmmm i don know how to cook.. oh how abt mud cake for dessert? :-P
KFC nasi lemak? nice meh???
Eh why u said noooooooooo!!! Hahahahah aiyoooo some more I bet u didn take pics to show me! I like la white cats, fluffy or not? :)
Meow meow LJ!! :)
Not to say fresh as a daisy la but feel better than yest…so tired and sleepy, wan to walk oso no energy ha ha!!
Fluffy-wuffy la LJ, I oso like!! :)
Ha ha ha so cute la muG cake for dessert….sick and tired of mug cake edi actually haha, I’m thinking I wan to cook NL for B… hopefully can get ingredients. Sometimes hard to find daun pandan..
not cat lah! puppy!!! :-D
I dunno!!! Cause I just got the flyer like two days ago and since then I can’t stop thinking abt it hahahahha… Got other breakfast sets oso…surely I must try but must wake up early cause breakfast ends at 11am. :)
yeah i didnt take pic coz i oso dare not go near the puppy..and R was busy
playing with the puppy :-D
aiyo so kesian lah walk oso no energy! lol!!
LOL! ok no mug cake! hmm u mean nasi lemak?
Oh sorry Puppy!!!! Hahhahaah then ok la u said NOOOOO hahahahhahahhahahahhha!!!! Scared la puppy! :)
LOL how much was it Mon and what type? Fluffy type I like..and small of course. :)
Hahah tu la funny la me complaining to B abt being tired and cannot walk yest hahaha!
Yeah nasi lemak!
i've never tired KFC breakfast sets...eh no need to wake up early lah coz
most of the time u zzz after 11am mah....
hahahahahha i oso scared puppy :-D
if i can have a puppy, i'll get a puppy.. LOL!! :)
i dunno what type wor...looks like pekingese....it was running around the
shop....yeah fluffy type and small! very very cute..
shemah, u love puppy oso?? ;)
wah so pandai lah u can make nasi lemak oso!
Hahahahahaha must wake up early to try KFC brekkie set…or maybe B will buy for me while I zzzz hahaha!
lol then B didn't ask u go and zzzz kah?
eh yesd i didn't drop 300 lah :(
So cute la R wan to buy puppy immediately! If he buys puppy, then u have to jaga the puppy while R works hohoho!
Wah Shemah so brave! :)
Wah running around the shop some more yowzaaa! If me, surely scream edi lol…
LOL sure la can make nasi lemak! Easy only..u can try cooking for R one day, surprise him!
He asked me to go zzzzz many times but I didn wan to zzz so early hahaha…
hahahah dat's why i said NO. i dont even dare to touch how to jaga!
hahahhah i know u oso takut puppy :-D
i love puppies... but we cannot keep.. :( so have to just look and admire
U scared if u touch, it will bite u is it Mon? Cause that’s how I feel lol!
Small and cute oso I scared mah… he he..I mean I won go near la, just admire from far hohohoho!!
U not scared of puppies Shemah? Good la u… but ur allergies…puppy oso fluffy! :)
hahah not a surprise, but a shock!!
no Mariuca! i feel very geli like dat hahahhaha!!
yalor me oso just admire from far! wnat to touch but scared how lah..
hahah tu lah. cannot keep furry animals. keep fish only lah. and turtle. or
snake. EWWWWW!!!
LOL!! Don la shock R with a surprise meal, but I bet he will be all smiles the whole day! :)
Ohhhh geli….. for me I feel it will bite me! :(
I won touch la, too scaredy-cat to touch…no way! Hohoho…nemind no need to buy doggie all tell R, might as well save the $$ for ur pink Christmas laptop LOL!!
i zzzz early last nite coz i wanted to wake up early and clean the hse! mana
tau i woke up late oso :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
oh u keep fish and turtle? my fish all mati edi :-[
Snake?? Oh no!!! I think fish je la ok for ur situasi Shemah lol!
Wah Mon clean up house today lol… my house pretty clean today so no need to clean much. Feels good oso to see it so clean. :)
hahahah i oso want to see him smiles the whole day! :-P
Maybe u can cook something really simple like fried rice!!
no Mariuca i haven't cleaned the house yet coz i woke up late!! lol...
LOL too late to clean mah…5pm edi, clean tomo la! :)
yeah im doing my laundry now + dropping + clicking+ replying comments :-D
i wanna try cook but he always says no need lah!
I dropped for meows and MPG edi, now dropping for WOAFS! Then I will reply comments.. :) Dropped all my cards at TUO edi too yay!
LOL he says only no need but deep down inside sure he wants to taste ur cooking hahahah, shy2 cat it seems R! meow!
eh last Sun i saw one Sony pink laptop! sweet!!!
Wahhhhhh Sony good or not for lappy? I’ve never used a Sony!
i oso don know but my friend, a computer expert said, for lappy toshiba is
the best...
hahaha aiyo no need to shy2 cat lah R!
Is it??? My dell is pretty good actually, I mean Im happy with the performance and what not… Once my fren oso used Toshiba…and she said it was pretty good too… :)
Ha ha ha ha ha…sure R will LOL if he sees this conversasi abt him here!
yeah according to him Toshiba is the best in terms of durability!
i'm oso quite happy with my lappy but not happy with the color hahhahahah!!!
Now ur using what brand Mon? Yeah colour is very important right? :)
LOL! later i'll tell him abt our conversasi! :-D
Ha ha ok sweetie! Still dropping like mad panda here and a little sleepy oso…
i'm using acer now. yeah colour is very important, for us lah :-D
Nice colour will inspire me…so yup must choose the best colour!
i'm also using acer right now.. :) J bought for me christmas 2007, very
guy-ish specs.. dolby home theater digital surround sound and stuff.. but
luckily still pretty to look at. black, shiny and sleek.. so far so good
lah. haven't had to send in for service yet.
Phew, I oso haven had to send in my Pinky for service yet Shemah! So far so good. :)
It's so adorable! I like the gray one. :-D
buzz2 Mariuca;)!
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