Fluffy Friday #3 **
For a tiny cat, Phoebe is really fluffy! This seems more apparent when she just had her Diva Bath so every time she comes home to me from Diva 9, I can't resist grabbing her in a bear hug. See how fat and fluffy her legs are?
Happy Fluffy Friday!
Happy Fluffy Friday!
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:* :* :* :* :*
oh my Pheebs.. gomoiz Pheebs!!! lol!
i can see how fat and fluffy her legs are GP.. aiyohh so cute!!
I still up to my ears in codings.. will get to FF for sure but maybe later on ah.. :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* :* LJ Meow 1!
He he he gomoiz away, I oso cannot tahan see her like dis, smells so good too! :) 8-) 8-) :* :*
Yay tenkiu LJ, I oso love her fat fluffy legs, nice to hold and squeeze, meow! :* :* :* :*
Oh no u just got home terus buat coding dearie, mana tak headache, take a kit kat break LJ, tomo cuti yay! :-D :-D :-D :-D
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Meow! :* :* :* :*
dropping ec...see see got now post! :-D :-D :-D
*new :-[ :-[
Phoebe?? how come tiny Phoebe had suddenly grown to a big meow? =-O =-O =-O *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
=-O =-O =-O =-O yay Monica Meow 2!
:* :* :* :* Meow Mon! Phoebe waiting for u here it seems lol! :* :*
Eh u didn get my meow2 at TUO?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
I dropped 300 edi for WOAFS, the other 2 not yet! :-E :-E :-E :-E
Hahahahahahah eh where got big meow now? Hahhaha so cute la.. big meh Pheebs in this pic??? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Happy Fluffy Friday! :* :* :*
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh supa fluffyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.. hahhahahaa.. she's so cute laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa send her to me laaaaaaa
Happy Fluffy Friday Phoebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
no, i didnt get yr meow2 at TUO!!!
Yay Phoebe waiting for me :* :* :* :*
yalor so big lah Pheebs in this pic!! i tot it was Chubbster :-P :-P
LOL @ thinking this was Chubbster!!! Different kaler meow mah hahahhahaha! :* :* :* :*
Yeah, Pheebs no wan to sleep waiting for Aunty Monica,meow! :* :*
Happy Fluffy Friday Mon! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Hahahhhahah Anny!!!! Thanks sweetie, so fluffy la my baby, I love!!! Ah sure or not u wan me to send her to you, can handle her fluffiness or not? LOL! U got two fluffy doggies edi to jaga! 8-) 8-) 8-)
U didn't get my meow meow at TUO???? Oh no, how come like dat? >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Happy Fluffy Friday Anny, Phoebe hug! :* :* :* :* :*
Another cute little fluffy friend very adorable Marzie :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The Social and Responsible Blogger
Phoebe has the same kind of fluffy legs as me :D
Hooray for Fluffy Friday! Today is my son's eighth birthday.
yeah i didn't get yr meow meow at TUO! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
hehe so cute lah Pheebs no wan to sleep! :* :*
I am putting my Fluffy Fri. post on at
I aplogize, I tried to put the code on my blog for the Fluffy Friday and it didn't work so I do not have a post for this Fluffy Friday. I should have tried it before I posted. Sorry.
I like that the cat pic again! Too cute and fluffy!
Nice one Mariuca! ;) :)
What a beautiful kitty I'd want to squeeze it as well...
Dorothy from grammology
Hi Marzie!
Wow! Looking at her legs nobody will believe that she is just a meow kitten. So fluffy and soooooooooo cute, love to cuddle her. I remember seeing her pic when I first spotted you blog, I though it was only a toy and not real kitten.
I have a few fluffy cats too and at the moment one fluffy kitten I call Oscar. I will try to post perhaps any moment to join you guys even though today is Saturday 'cause you have not close your link to this post yet, right?
Bye my dear friend..
Love and hugzzz :) ;) 8-) :* :* :* :*
Hey Marzie.......
that a really fluffy cat.....how do you do it....?????
Diva Bath =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
I like the sound of it :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Macam tuu nak kena mandikan Blackie dengan Sessi Handsome Bath.
Semalam, masa tgh buat kerja, sekali ada bau busuk, tgk blackie, kat sebelah. Buat tak tahu. Pandang kali kedua, aiyoooooo ada taik cirit lekat kat ekor dia. Rupanya dia sakit perut lepas melepas cirit kat tandas, tapi silap tembak kena ekor.
Kelam kabut angkat dia balik cuci ekor sebelum dia calit semua katil. LoL.
Fuhhh selamat dan nasib baik bertindak pantas. Ha Ha
Kaki Phoebe memang gumuks dan fluffy. Geram.
Kena dandan kat saloon tu. :-D :-D :-D
LOL Rizal!!!!!! Ada bau busuk tgk Blackie kat sebelah hahaha so funny! I paling tak minat bila dia org cirit birit aiyooooooo, that was the time I had to mandikan Benji by myself tu! Satu rumah bau aiyoooooooo! ;)
He he Phoebe tgh meragam ni, kena hantar sunat lepas B baik nanti. Mmg best to hold her fat leg, geram mcm drumstick! :)
He he he I use a special shampoo Hitesh he he he….;)
Yay thanks Bill, this is Phoebe my youngest baby cat,meow! :-D :-D :-D
Yay, like drumstick like dat right Pebbles? And oh so fluffy, nice to grab and hold! :* :* :*
Happy Fluffy Friday and Happy Birthday to ur son Anna! :* :* :*
Hey Marg! 8-) 8-) 8-)
No worries sweetie, glad we got it sorted out for u, Happy Fluffy Friday! :* :* :*
YAY for Phoebe being fluffy and cute, thanks David! :* :* :*
LOL squeeze away Dorothy, she won mind so long as it's not too hard, meow! :* :* :*
Hey Lil! Gemuk kan kaki Phoebe, geramnye!!! Yay for thinking Pheebs was a toy when u first saw her pic hahahhah I love it! :* :* :* :*
Ooooh I haven seen Oscar yet right? Wonder how fluffy he is and what a cute name! :-D :-D :-D
hi .... and the meowers are soooo cute....
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