Garfield Chilling! **
I thought Benji was the laziest cat around but not anymore after seeing this video! Check out the Garfield cat in this short video clip and the way he's chilling out on the sofa. He turns to look at his Master for a moment but nonchalantly turns back to the TV without a care in the world. It's adorable and he looks so humanlike. All that's missing is a TV remote control in one hand and a drink in the other. Otherwise he's a purr-fect picture of relaxi-taxi laziness!

:* :* :* :*
meow!! :)
OMG!!!!! Garfield is real.. lol!!!
I love this video GP.. Smokey loves to watch tv too but not in that position.. lol!
Yeay FC.. can i have LJC today GP!! Muahxx!
hahhahhhaah so cute la that garfield meow! :-D :-D :-D :-D
he looks so humanlike indeed!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
LOL! That's some funny stuff! Now it's a good thing you didn't post this on Monday because Garfield hates that day! LOL!
awww! that is the cutest thing ever!! :-D
Cats are known to be lazy eh Marzie... :) B calls me a cat sometimes because I'm lazy like a cat, and because I nap a lot... LOL :-D
I've seen this video, really there are cats that truly look like Garfield!
Wait till you see my Garfiled, his name is Rusty@Garfield. Will put up his pic in one of the Fluffy Friday for you guys to see, but his tail is quite short, size, colour looks like Garfield.
I will put up your other badge on my latest post "Clickbank" ok? The next round back to normal I will then put up your Meow Diaries' badge if you come to comment, ok dear, good kan, tak kan always ada Meow Diaries aje, got to have a good exposure for all your 3 blogs right even though you ni dah memang famous lah, hehehehehe
tapi baik hati lah! I like you.... :) ;) 8-) :* :* :* :* :* :*
Too funny! I'm thinking they should have laid the remote next to him on the sofa to go for that total "man kitty" look ;)
:* :* :* :* Monica Meow 1!
Morning Monica! 8-) 8-) 8-)
LJ Meow 2! :* :* :*
LOL indeed so cute la da title, I LOL when I read it... real indeed! :) =-O =-O =-O
I love dis one too dearie, Benji is the only one who sits like this sometimes when relaxing on the sofa, but tak la sampai watch TV hehehe so cute la this cat! :* :* :* :*
LJC it is LJ, sorry for the only replying comments! :* :* :*
So adorable right Mon? Looks so lazy! I love! 8-) 8-) 8-)
LOL like ppl like dat hanging out on the sofa... so clever la dis meow! :* :* :*
Ha ha glad u enjoyed the video David, this cat is too darn cute for words. I bet his Master loves him to bits! :* :* :* :*
Ha ha I bet ur kids will love dis one too Ane, thanks for viewing this adorable meow! :-D :-D :-D
thanks sweetie! :* :* :* :*
Morning Mariuca! 8-) 8-) 8-)
You need ur cat naps Ane what with the new job and 2 kids to handle right? So sleep away he he, meow! :* :* :*
Sure Lil' takde hal with the rotasi, I prefer it that way too yay me for chopping he he! I still haven joined that clickbank, nanti I check it out.
Ohhhh I can't wait to meet ur Rusty, just posted this week's FF and hopefully we get to see ur baby then! meow :* :* :*
He he he he yup the remote is missing Jen, and this cat is just too cute for words! Picture of pure Garfield laziness, meow! :-D :-D :-D
Morning Mon! Hey what happened to ur complicated PB la? Didn see at TUO oso???
Welcome Mon… it’s me that has no chops at TUO yet dis month! :(
i posted my complicated PB edi mah last mth and they paid me oso! LOL!
Thanks for the Garfield chop ladies,meow! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
yeah so adorable!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
HAH??????? I totally didn see it, which post eh? But yay for completing the complicated PB sweetie, ka-ching! :-$ :-$ :-$
this one sweetie!
hahahha yalor ka-ching! :-$ :-$ :-$
I wan to squeeze squeeze this fluff ball! Wanna hear her squeal he he…
yalor u still makan telur at TUO :(
Ohhhh the devil post hahahahah tak perasan la this one is the complicated PB, dat means I’ve seen edi and commented yay! :)
I no wan makan telur at TUO la, grrr…. Must get the next chop!!
Got it Mon, thanks! :) Didn realize this was the complicated Pb and congrats for getting it done on time! :)
yeah must get the next chop or else makan telur again...
hehe! eh this mth no PBs lah!! :(
Aiyooooo Im not at my lappy all the time nowadays… always miss ur buzz2 huhuhu hope to get the next one, don care!
Last month My RM not even 60 bucks okay??? So sad me too not many PBs this month…!! :(
yeah the devil post is the complicated PB! LOL!
same here! and no PBs fm LW oso :(
Me too no PBs from LW… but I got one from BV for meows… another one Im gonna reject cause again asking for 8 links..tsk tsk tsk….
Looks like it wasn’t that complicated after all sweetie, good job! :)
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