Shiny Mini Blogs on my iPhone 4!
Now that B and I are iPhone 4 users, one of our criteria when choosing eating places is FREE wi-fi. So nowadays whenever we ask each other the tired question of '"what's for dinner tonight?" it will be followed by "anywhere so long as there's wi-fi'" We love surfing (free) while dining. I'll be busy tweeting and checking in on 4 Square while B plays his favourite online games before our food arrive. As you can see, I am obviously not over the coolness that is my iPhone 4!

Truly the best smartphone for yours truly, I try to maximize whatever features available and I especially love viewing my favourite blogs on my iPhone. They look like mini blogs and I can view them easily, whenever or wherever! As requested by the lovely Monica, here is a picture of her blog captured on my iPhone 4. Can you recognize some of the other blogs here as well?
So far, I am 100% happy with my iPhone 4 and despite the many other models and brands in the market, I am sticking to my Apple. I hear the iphone 5 is coming out soon and naturally I'm curious to find out what it has in store for us. Meanwhile, I spotted the SE Xperia arc and though I am not a fan of Sony Ericsson, this one sure looks promising. Check out the features of this smartphone, what do you think? 

* 4.2 inch LED back-lit multi-touch
* 480 x 852 pixel resolution Reality display
* Sony Mobile BRAVIA Engine for crystal-clear colours and crisp images
* 8.1 megapixel camera with up to 2.46 times smart zoom and touch focus, LED flash, and geo-tagging
* HD video recording (720p)
* MP3 player and an FM radio
* 8.7 mm thick, weighs 117 grams
* Up to 7 hours of talktime or 16 days on standby

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I know all of the blogs shown here..and i know why my blog is not here.. coz mine is phone version right.. not so!!
TUO!!!!! =-O =-O =-O hahahaha...
though actually can switch easily.. hehe...isn't it apparent i want my screen shot here too.. lol!! ehehheheheheahahhehhehheh
wahh so nice la haha of cos i can recognize all the other blogs here..Rizal's ikan bakar looks so yum :-D :-D :-D
thanks sweetie! i now know how TUO looks like on ur iPhone!! :* :* :* :*
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
:* :* :* :* :*
mini blogs are looking cute.. :D :-P
i have captured pics oso while viewing blogs on iphone..
but i have probs on commenting..coz most of the time i need to log in. :( my bad :'(
=-O =-O =-O GP and Tito B dining on free wifi..same with us. LOL! *high five* :-P
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
happy iphone-ing GP! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
hmm why dont u just sign up for the unlimited data plan so that u dont have to rely on finding free wi-fi..? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Ha ha why? Dat one only for Digi… Maxis takde… cause I bought ht ephone on its own so can’t take the Data Plans…
Mon, that is not ikan bakar but Ikan Goreng Berlada actually. Still ohsemly yummy. Whoaho :-D
Owhhh.. awesome. They all look cute. Super sharp, cute and crisply clear on phone.
1. TurnUOff
2.Ane - Life According to Me
3. Haaziq : Hot Shit from Here.
4. Me! Me! Me ! Me!
Se Ezperia Arc? 4.2 in? I ve tried E7 that comes with 4" And Amoled CBD. 4" is quite big, and i wonder how 4.2in would fare.
Is hp screen going to get bigger and bigger? I hope no bigger than 5" or else that would fall under tablet - err mini tablet, then so hard to bring. so hard to keep and to take out during those spontaneous must click moments. Hehe.
Wah HD recording.. yeah even N8 comes with HD recording, but a 3 minit video will cost you around 250mb of storage. Hehe.
I can see that you are obvioucly not over the coolness of your IPhone. Hehe. Musti lah since your cross the bridge from proprietory phone to the land of Smart aka OS phone. Hehe.
It is like having a mini computer with you everywhere right?
Ehh i think you should opt for a data plan? but then kalau makan2 selalu pergi tempat ada wifi, tak perlu kot.
I opt the Digi Smart Plan which comes with 3g data plan, And last month, after much tweeting, emailing, surfing, gravitying (twitter, FB and finally start 4squaring), Live blogging, Picture flickring (suka-suka je semua nak ing kan?), they only consume me around 2200 gb, and that after downloading 4 HD games of 130-200mb each. But thats me la.
Haaziq, however cannot go for the 3gb quota.. hehe.. sebab with maxis, you have to pay for that extra once you reach the quota. Hehe : )
Viva la HP - nampak sangat kita ni semua kemaruk baru pakai hp sentuh2 ni kan? LOL.
malam ni belajar komen trial n error pakai phone. hehe
That's so cool! I love Apple gadgets! Unfortunately, I can't have iPhone 4 as I just got my Samsung Fascinate just last year. I still have to wait for the contract be up and I am ready to get the iPhone. What I have is an iPod Touch.
:* :* :* LJ Meow 1!
:* :* :* Monica Meow 2!
;) ;) ;) ;) And GG Meow 3!
Thanks for the iphone chop ladies hahahhaha! :-D :-D :-D
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