Stressed to the Max!
What a tiring stressful day it has been for me! And I don't mean tired from work or cleaning up my home; more like mental exasperation and fatigue with the blog issues that I blogged about last week. Somehow or other, the missing comment syndrome (MCS) I am having with JS-Kit has escalated into an even bigger mess for me today and it has affected my main blog! And once my main blog gets affected, I get really upset so that was the last straw! There's just so much I can take and being ridiculed with terrible service from a program that guaranteed my satisfaction is something I refuse to accommodate, which saw me writing an angry complaint letter to JS!

I didn't feel much better after pouring out my frustrations in the email so I visited some Online Casinos hoping to enjoy a little distraction from the headache that was bugging me all day. The casino machines helped a little but I was still very much frustrated; even the new slot machines and poker tables did nothing much to assuage my anger and exasperation at such incompetence! I just could not concentrate on my casino games so I wrote another angry complaint directly at their support site, which got me a response later in the evening.
We are sorry you are experiencing the issue. There is a known issue (occurred at this weekend). At this moment we are working hard to solve the problem ASAP.
Despite JS apologizing for the inconvenience, I am still unhappy with this response for it is redundant! Every time I file my complaint with JS, I get the same reason so you see why I'm frustrated. I have to get angry every few weeks when the same MCS problem becomes too hot to handle and when I finally pour out my heart and soul to JS with hopes of getting a remedy, I am fed with the same silly excuse, which I am having a hard time accepting!

At this time of writing, my blogs are still having commenting issues and the only thing I can do right now is apologize to my readers and commenters if you're having difficulties commenting. I apologize if some of your comments mysteriously disappear. I'm currently looking into other commenting platforms to be used for my blog but for now, MCS is here to stay. I seriously have no idea if the missing comments will ever return or they'll be gone forever. I don't know if the situation will get better or continue deteriorating but I do know that I have been promised a solution for months now and so far, nothing much has improved! Thank you for not giving up on not only Meow Diaries but my other two blogs as well.

Okay, it's time to forget my stress so if you need me, I'll be at the casino; angrily playing my slot machines! Master needs to de-stress!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O
Hugs Marzie!! :* :*
:-P :-P :-P
:-P :-P
yay!! meow 2! :)
noooooooooooooo (in slow mo...) eiishhh..
congrats Ane, Lj and jean.. lol :-D :-D :-D :-D
oh dearie.. i hope the online casinos can cheer you up ya... hugs... once I evaluate the rest.. i'll let you know :) hugs!!
hi marzie! im here just to chop.. M is using the comp. c ya tmr! :)
I have given up on JS and thought that the best thing I could do to deal with MCS is just learn to deal with it, and hopefully they'll resolve this soon, or else, here we come disqus.. :-D :-D
Ane! Meow 1! :)
Thank you Ane, I need lotsa hugs cause still a little stressed thinking abt JS! :(
Oh don't fret Marzie! Hugsy!! :-D here, I brought you a warm apple pie! :-D enjoy, I also bought kittie treats for your cuties of course! :) hugsies kitties!! :*
LJ! Meow 2! :)
Wah Jean!!! Meow 3! :)
Thanks for chopping ladies! Adding points now, meow! :)
Hey yah kitties, master needs a a big hug, so let's all give her a big warm, fuzzy, cuddly hug! :-D :* :* :* :*
yay for meow 1! :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Karma by Alicia Keys**
don't think about it anymore Marzie!! I do my best not to, and it hasn't stressed me out lately and I try really hard not to look at my empty blogger dashboard!
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Karma by Alicia Keys**
Yay Ane! 6 points already! :)
hey Rizal!! :-D Thanks! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Karma by Alicia Keys**
Yay Jean! :) 4 points edi!
He he takpe Rizal, u dah 7 points, currently my number 3 TFC, tied with Shemah! ;)
Thank you dearie, pls let me know ur findings later. Am open to anything that works 100% and of coz yg can reply by email huhu! And yay for my casino games! :)
Aloha Jean, thanks for chopping! Say hello to M for me. :)
LOL @ here we come disqus!!! Bem will be happy to have some new disqus friends Ane ha ha! I will try harder to not let this get to me Ane, but today was just too much and I blew my top! :(
Yay, thanks for the warm apple pie Ane! AM having a caramel frap now, yum! Oh the kitties thank you for the treats too meow! :)
Oh thanks so much Ane! Master does need a big warm, fuzzy cuddly hug!! MEOW!!! :):):)
Meow Ane! Am posting at MPG next! ;)
Oh no poor Ane and her empty dashboard!!!! Big hugs for u Ane! I will do my best to ignore MCS too sweetie, just gets so stressful sometimes. Needed to bitch! ;)
Woohoo!! :-D really?? 6 points?? I can't believe it!! :-D this calls for a
dance!! :-D
I know how that feels Marzie, I was like that after I got my own domain for
LATM and JS wouldn't cooperate, so I literally didn't even want to go online
because I was too upset, I gained 5 pounds in that 3 days!! Stupid JS!
oh gosh! you are gaining on me.. =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
Thanks for listening Ane, and now I’m even more upset JS made u put on 5 freaking pounds…although u are SW so u shld put on some flesh! ;)
Yeah sweetie! Currently at 4th place, go Ane go! :)
problem is, ane is gaining on me.. Oh no!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
i have a disquss account too, for commenting on friends' blogs. kekeke.
if only disquss has Comment Luv. sighhh!!
Recent blog post: Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
Ohh yeah.. and i lost hundreds of comments too for 3 of my posts after changing to
Sigh... :(
Recent blog post: Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
=-O =-O =-O
Mariuca! Hugs!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Fraser's Hill - Day 1
are they fixing it now? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Fraser's Hill - Day 1
You should try the disqus comment system. That's what I use, and it (1) Looks better and (2) has no glitches.
and now that i read the above comments, I see it was already suggested. But I'll still chime in and say disqus all the way!
Recent blog post: I hate shopping
Thanks Tellie, I’ll look into Disqus again. I want something good and def no glitches! :)
Hey Tellie, thanks for stopping by. Disqus is on the list, that’s for sure. And u can reply by emails too right, which is great. :)
I received another email from JS today Mon, it seems they’ve fixed it. My posts are showing comments now, phew! :)
Thanks for the hugs sweetie, so angry last night LOL!
Monica! :)
yay glad to hear that they�ve fixed it Mariuca! ;)
So far so good Mon but we’ll see! Hope JS won let us down. :)
Alamak sedihnye Rizal, sayang hilang comments kan?
I have intense debate acct it seems Rizal, bila I apply pun tak tahu LOL!
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