Time to Snuggle! **
When Benji was a tiny fuzzy baby, he used to love snuggling with me. Maybe it's because he was really small and helpless so he didn't have a say as to where I placed him whenever I wanted to snuggle. He was also a sick little meow but we got through it fine in the end and now Benji is the fattest, most fluffy of our three cats! 

He still loves to snuggle but no longer with me! Benji now loves snuggling up to B every night when he comes home from work. All B has to do is call his name and he'll come running like a doggie and jumps on B for an evening snuggle! I get a little jealous every time I see Benji snuggling with B and not me.

We love having a fat cat in the house; Benji is such a delight to watch and play with. Whatever he does; he looks adorable, even when sleeping. It's a wet rainy Tuesday here and the weather is perfect for some cuddles. I miss snuggling with my fluffy fur ball so come to Master, Benji!


=-O =-O =-O =-O
ahh so cute lah Benji when he was a baby! :* :*
Recent blog post: Fraser's Hill - Day 1
Monica! Meow 1! :)
Morning Mon! How is ur day so far sweetie? :)
He he thanks Mon! So cute and small la Benji last time, now like a big fat lion MEOW! :)
Morning Mariuca!! so far so good dearie :* :*
Recent blog post: Fraser's Hill - Day 1
haha yalor like a big fat lion...lagi cute!!! ;)
Oh good to hear dat Mon! Guess what la? I didn go to the bank Mon!!! Hohoho nemind, tomo for sure I’ll go he he!
Mon 10 points edi here, tied for top spot with Debbs! :)
Hehehehhe I love la Benji looking like a big fat lion, lagi cute cause this lion is harmless he he he! MEOW!
:-P :-P
yay! is it double joy for me today, marzie?
still got peluang or not? *DONT_KNOW*
benji is so cute...the cutest among all i guess...with his fluffiness... ;)
oh u didnt go to the bank Mariuca?! hehe u cou;dnt wake up is it ;)
of coz harmless lion is cute!! MEOW! :)
Yay Jean u made it! Meow 2! :)
It is definitely double joy for u today Jean ha ha so cute! :)
I’ll put up TGB here today Jean! :)
Terlambat sikit sudah Marvic, lama tu takde org chop tadi! Hugs! :)
Hola Marvic!
** post la this one sweetie, hugs! :)
Thank you Marvic! Benji mmg cute, I will force him to snuggle with me tonight he he!
ROTFLMAO!!! Ahem, yeah la Mon, I got up so late today huhu! ;)
LOl @ harmless lion!! Thanks sweetie!
zzzz early tonight so that u can go 2moro! ;)
I’ll try Mon, tomo if I go oso it will be lunch time, hopefully can wake up by noon LOL!
Some more raining today, harder to wake up mah lol!
so nice to zzzz lah today!! :-D
Tell me abt it, going out for dinner soon but dunno where yet…
same here lah sweetie! going out for dinner soon but oso don know where :-D
Ok Mon, leaving now, see you later. Have a good dinner! :)
so cute!
benji is way too adorable for words.
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Meet Shaggy
haha! YES!!! sudah lama no double joy for me!! now is the time again for me again to do the celebration!! woohoo!!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
watch me do the HP dance, marzie! :-D 8-)
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
yay!! thanks, marzie! TGB is looking just as lovely in yr green meows~ :*
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
that's right! im meow 2! woohoo!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
benji is so cute la!! hehe jeles over B huh! so cute la u! :)
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
u makes me want to buy a meow too la, marzie! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
but i scare of all the cat's fur la. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
and somemore i got two doggies already.. hmm... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
or can i kidnap benji, pheebs and chubbs for a week ar? lemme play wt them first. haha :-D :-P
Recent blog post: Biggest Mango I've Ever Seen
I love the first pic. Its a comforting pic to look at :)
:* :* :* :*
Awww so cute... GP.. perhaps it because they both have B as initial kot.. get another cat and name her.him M.. mesti snuggle with you..heheh
Recent blog post: Daddy Sold His Car!
I'm sure Benji loves you as much dearie.. hehe..
Recent blog post: Daddy Sold His Car!
oohh! what a cutie!! :* :* :*
I love to cuddle to, but I cuddle with a chubby wubby and not a furry fur ball.. Cause Lucas is kinda tubby.. :-P
Cuddling and some snuggles will surely cheer me up when I am down, Ane! GO huggy with Lucas today! :)
Thanks Ane, meow!
Sure or nooooooot LJ, he doesn wan to snuggle wuggle with me! Come here Benji!
Ha ha don tell me I have to get another cat with a name starting with M dearie LOL! Takpe, Benji can bermanja with B, I’ll force Phoebe to huggy me he he!
Morning LJ! :)
Oh me too Janice, I heart the first pic. Benji looks like he really sayang me then hehehe!
2 cute doggies Jean!
Can use the lint roller to remove the cat fur Jean, meow!!
LOL! Get a meow Jean! Sure cute one!!
Yeah jelesi la me Jean when I see Benji always “dengar kata” when it comes to B, but with me he don wan to snuggle wuggle! He he it’s okay, I can force Benji to cuddle with me! ;)
Yay for Meow 2, Jean! Hugs! :)
Yay, TGB looks right at home here woman, next chop I put AGP! :)
Jean!!!! Long time haven seen u do the HP woman, oh so cute! :)
Congrats Jean, sure hope u can chop some more before the month is up! :)
Meow! Thank you LR, I love my Benji!
Thanks TH, meow!
Hope u had a nice time with R sweetie. :)
aww so cute and sweet!!! :* :* :*
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so cute wan hug
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