Shoe Thief Caught!
A few months ago our condo management installed new security cameras at various strategic spots inside and outside our building. The main entrance where I have to swipe my resident card to gain access into the building has a brand new ip security camera that greets us every time we walk in so now, all visitors and residents alike are accounted for.
Nowadays, security cameras are getting more sophisticated; both in design and features. I had a conversation with one of the guards and apparently the new security cameras were installed to give residents greater peace of mind after a series of theft started plaguing our condo living earlier this year.

This new system is of course better than the previous faulty surveillance camera and boasts a wireless Wi-Fi transmission so there's no need to install wires to the camera; giving it a clean appearance and adding efficiency to the overall system. Monitoring and recording of activities is done 24/7, which means residents can finally breathe a sigh of relief from the extra precautions we are enjoying with this new system.

I noticed the new cameras started appearing around the same time we residents found out about a particular shoe thief who has been terrorizing residents with his sneaky ways. There's a poster with the thief's picture pasted on every floor of every block, warning residents to be aware of this thief who apparently has a shoe fetish! He looks harmless in the picture, which goes to show you that looks can be deceiving!

Naturally I'm glad our condo management took the extra step to keep us residents safe within our community. And the good news is that the shoe thief was finally caught and handed to the authorities a few weeks back. So now, it's back to happy safe living for me and my kitties. I just hope we won't have to handle another thief with an even weirder fetish any time soon! Keep safe peeps!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

8-) 8-)
Chopppp!!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
surveillance cameras are always good to have :)
Thief with shoe fetish? aiyoh...
lucky not kitty fetish ya!! :-P :-P
TGIF!! :-D :-D
:* :* :* :*
another chop for me??? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
:* :* :* :*
did you get your Ticket Eai ? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Top EC & FCC for September
no ticket yet bill! :( :( :(
Yo GP!! Nasty to have a shoe thief lurking about...I remember once I left my brand new pair of Adidas shoes outside by accident and the very next day they were gone. Geram nya!! Thing was I never keep my shoes outside but somehow I did...ever since then I always remember to keep my shoes inside.
Hope they neb the shoe snatcher and give him a boot up the behind for his misdeeds!
wah no good.. i have thieves.. lucky now you have camera installed dearie.. keep safe!
Bill Meow 1 again, congrats! :)
And Nessa!! Meow 3! :)
Thanks for chopping here meows, and enjoy ur weekend! :)
It’s a must in all public places and homes esp nowadays Bill. Thanks for reading! :)
Aiyooooo kitty fetish! Yeah lor lucky nothing like dat, I’d better make sure my kitties don ever go wandering outside without my knowing, thanks Nessa! :)
Hi Elai! :)
Huhuhu missed this one too sweetie, hope u get the next chop, hugs Elai! :)
Air Supply tickets is it Elai? I love Air Supply!
Morning LJ! Long time no chop huhuhu…:(
How come no ticket Elai? Sold out??
GK!!! Actually, we just realized that B’s work shoes (one of them) is also missing when we packed for his Cannes trip… huhuhuhu but it’s okay got him a new pair edi cause we really did not realize the missing shoes until last week! Btw B oso likes Adidas, his fave la! :)
Tell me abt it, this fella Nampak mcm Bangladeshi or from Myanmar, based on the info on the poster…but lucky caught edi! :)
:* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Mad rush
wahh got shoe thief at yr apt! :( :(
Recent blog:=- Mad rush
Monica! :)
Yeah lor, got pic some more pasted on our bulletin board… huhuhuhu….
>:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Medical Blogging on Vacation
BM is here? >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- 2009 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine
LOL! peace BM! ;)
Recent blog:=- Medical Semestral Break
i miss this chop! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Medical Semestral Break
Hey GG! Ur on ur vacation now??
BM is one of my top choppers here GG he he!
Thanks GG!
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