Addicted Again!
Before jumping into Farm Frenzy 3, I reminded myself not to get hooked. I didn't want to be sleeping, dreaming, eating and thinking about FF3 all the time. But seriously, how could I not be addicted when the game is just so adorable and FUN?

The new FF3 is awesome and I daresay it is the best version of this captivating time-management series. Basically you have to manage five different farms in five countries and my favourite is the snowy country, which I refer to as Eskimo World! Picture 95 fun-filled levels and 30 wacky animals to fend for including walruses and llamas! Does it get any more interesting than this?

I think not...unless you count slot machine rvm of course! You know how much I love my slot games so it's always a pleasure to discover new fruit machines online. The site I visited last night offers a comprehensive guide with ratings for the best online casinos, poker rooms and gaming sites; giving you the convenience of narrowing down your choices to the best and most-recommended places to play whenever you feel that casino itch! 

I made a beeline for the slot room and was immediately transported on a whirlwind ride to the most amazing slot adventure! Indeed, I was bedazzled by the endless selection of shiny new fruit machines; each one calling out to me to give them a go. Frankly, if it weren't for my farm animals reminding me that they have yet to be fed and protected from the menacing white bears over at Farm Frenzy 3, I would have definitely stayed at my casino longer! 
So how are you spending your time tonight? If you're up for some fun, why not play some slots? Let me know if you WIN too, have fun!

So how are you spending your time tonight? If you're up for some fun, why not play some slots? Let me know if you WIN too, have fun!
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O =-O =-O
Mariuca! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
hehe so cute la this farm animals waiting to be fed :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
interesting game eh? :)
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
i got no PB la Mariuca :(
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
8-) 8-) 8-)
I was having dinner.. lol!
Recent blog:=- How Babies and Kitten Can Look Similar
i think i'm gonna Zzzz early tonight *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
wah! fun ke?
Recent blog:=- How Babies and Kitten Can Look Similar
fun games!
grandpa passed away 2dec
they all be back esok
Monica Meow 1! :)
Good morning Monica! :)
So cute I tell you aiyooo cows oso I like but my fave still the walrus LOL!
Damn interesting la, I was at my farm just now ho ho ho! Now taking a break it seems!
U know la dis one small PB…but today LW gave me DPB Mon! Maybe ul get one too woo hoo! :)
LJ Meow 2! :)
What’s for dinner LJ? I tot u going out for din din?
Wah 12.22am only wan to sleep edi?? :( So fast lol…
Abaden LJ! I wrote abt it so that means sure la FUN!
TH Meow 3! :)
Thanks for chopping ladies, enjoy ur night playing games! :)
My condolences to you again TH, may your grandpa RIP….
Hope you’re keeping alright sweetie, spend more time with Sean to lessen the pain okay, hugs! :)
Tapau back dearie.. mommy tired after hospital visit
Hahah.. ok ok.. fun then!
Condolence to you TH…
Rest in peace to your grandfather.. and hugs for you!
So what u had LJ? I had lemak cili api ayam from laksa shack… ok la..not bad..but not pedas at all…
U finished Burger Shop 2 edi LJ? ;)
I had ikan siakap masak tiga rasa, cendawan goring, and tom yam.. yums!
Not yet lah..
Sedapnye cendawan goreng……
Ok have fun whenever u play then… am still DL Boldie can u beat that, so slow… u checked out the new link I gave u edi? Silly mininova closing down I think…
Mmg sedaps GP.. tak cukup tadi..hehe
Yeap I did.. thanks dearie.. it works.. am dl too.. so many to dl ni.. hahah
Kata nak tidur LJ hahahaha!!!
Hahaha.. tulah.. ingat nak tidur.. but got work lah.. how?
I am DL my new sitcoms too LJ! Woo hoo!
Oh got work!! So no sleeping early then eh? Me just finished playing massage game! :)
Eh GA only 10 epi only for season 6 lah.. so sedih
Ok cannot continue edi.. too sleepy.. nite nite sweetie!
U mean 10 eps for the entire season or got some more???
Ok LJ, note note for real, see u in a few hours! :)
So far only 10 and then like no more to dl.. it stopped somewhere in nov.. not sure if they break for thanksgiving and Christmas.. sometimes tv shows does that kan
Ok nite nite for real.. lol!!!
Ohhhhhh definitely just a break LJ, sure will continue nanti…. I still haven watched GA!
Good morning Mariuca! :)
got walrus some more? :-D
small PB oso tak ada huhuhuh!
lol Mariuca! i fell asleep last night!!! :-D
arrghhh! *runs around amok pulling hair* more farming games! Thereis so many in Facebook, I am so scared of it hahaha.
But that does look cute. how do you grow thing sin such a cold place? :P
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday : Random
WOw the graphics in this game look amazing! where can I try it? :)
Recent blog:=- OM-in-training
The graphics are amazing Vera!!! This is seriously the best FF version ever and I’m having so much fun with it! You can try the game for 10 minutes for free at Then you can buy the game if u like of course… have fun! :)
LV!!!! This one is definitely better than the FB Farmville and what not! Well to me la… FB games are not as fully functional as PC games so you get to enjoy a whole lot more with this one. Try la! So cute and so fun I am sure u will be hooked too… if u love time-mgt games as much as me! :)
He he I slept late, then just only woke up Monica! Morning!
I got la small PB… so sad la RM dis month!!! And I doubt BV will give me after I angrily rejected their last PB cause they were asking for 8 links and I angrily declined in my decline box he he he….
Yeah got walrus!!!! Hahahaha so cute I tell u, but so expensive to buy walrus.. 10k! :)
Rise and shine Monica, I bet u were an early bird today cause u slept early!
lol yalor i tot i wanted to drop ec last nite...mana tau i was yawning
non-stop....didn't go out for supper oso :-D
Wah! Didn go out for supper oso??? That means sure sleepy to the max lol! Well at least u got ur beauty sleep! :)
yeah didn go out for supper oso! lol don't know why so sleepy :-D
walrus so exp one!!! :-D
Nemind… sleep is good too esp now that ur hair is soft and silky! Hahahahaha!
wahh 8 links? crazy meh!!!
hehe morning Mariuca! :-D
Ha ha ha cause it’s huge!! Cow oso expense! Mooooooo! :)
Dats why!!! So I angrily declined yeah la cause how many times edi u wan to give me this type of many-links PB??? :(
hahahahha eh u know wat the hair stylist told me.... lack of sleep can cause
dandruff build up! wahhhh i takut edi R keeps reminding me to zzz
early waturfak...
Wat time u woke up today sweetie? 8am is it?? :)
ROTFLMAO @ waturfak hahahah must pronounce properly oso dis word then only funny hahaha! Aiyooooo can cause dandruff some more?? Ok ok u waaaaaaatch me sleep at midnight today… as if!!!! ;)
hahahh then meow how much? :-D
i don laik many-links PB oso!! :(
yeah around 8am!! :)
Wah so early 8 am… I slept around dat time!
So irritating right… lain la if u offer me 50 bucks then fine… I don mind giving u 8 freaking links.. but ten bucks then ask for 8 links, so not worth it if u ask me….
Meow how much what eh??????
u said cow oso expense mah so Meow how much? :-D
huh? ten bucks only!! so not worth it!!!
yeah i woke after 8 hrs of Zzzz ;)
Ohhhh hahahahahahhahhaha so cute asking abt meow hahah! Oh meow is 2500 only and they serve to collect the eggs, wool and what not from the other farm animals! Woofs 2600 and they chase away the bears LOL!
hahaahahahhah yalah he knows i hate dat thing that's why ask me to sleep
early! lol!
Dat is why I got angry dat day and angrily rejected them! Think I’m so gullible ah wan to trick me to do PB with 8 links for 10 bucks only? Now way! :(
8 hours is good…maybe I’ll sleep for 8 hours today. :)
hahahahahhhhaha so cute la this game!!!! got woofs some more :-D
So cute la R ha ah ha, so R sleeps early I bet cause gotta go to work!
LOL exactly mon! So damn cute, even my macho guy fren is hooked on it… coming to my house to play FF3 it seems ha ha ha!!
wahh yr macho guy fren oso hooked on it!! ;)
yeah he sleeps quite early! :-D
Yeah!!! Coming here just to play FF3 cause he got no PC or lappy at home, blh? Hahahaha!
Sure R got no panda eyes cause sleep early, cayala R! :)
yeah esp women!! at least eight hrs of sleep is needed...
Hahahaha! so kesian one no PC or lappy!
he is dark mah got panda eyes oso cannot see lah hahahahhaah!!!
I’m so gonna sleep 8 hours tonight!! :)
Yeah sanggup come here to play hahaha, lucky living nearby! Dat day I was playing FF3 on my lappy, then he was playing FF3 outside on B’s PC and B was playing his PSP hahaha…all busy playing game!
Eh R dark meh? Not so dark la huh…plus he’s a guy, sure won worry so much if he has panda eyes!
hmmm i think quite dark lor LOL!!!
wahhh all busy playing game! :-D
now i feel a bit sleepy edi...
He he…. Tak notice his so-called darkness la hahahaha….
It was games galore that night!
Yeah sure will feel sleepy cause woke up early kan… maybe u can take a cat nap before dinner Mon?
Hey! Thanks for informing me about the comment thing on my blog. I checked out the settings and I can't seem to find out what's wrong. =O
Anyway, Lokii's fine thank you for the concern. I was really worried. =((
I cab see Marzie is addicted again LOL. Thats ok because there are a couple of games on FB that i like to play to. Even if i really dont have the time hahahhahaha ;)
no cat nap but i i slept like a log Mariuca :-D :-D
Thanks, I'll check it out :)
Welcome Vera, have fun!
Time to wakey wakey Monica….
LOL yeah Bill! I am no longer addicted to FB games now though… but who knows later right?
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