Mailbox Mystery!
Remember my post on missing mail and possible tampering with our house mailboxes? Well, my hunch just got stronger recently when I went to pick up my mail and discovered not one, not two but three torn envelopes! It was almost as if someone was trying to reach inside the contents of my mailbox but far.
Since I'm living in a condo, we don't actually have the typical wall mounted mailboxes right outside our door so everything is located downstairs in the mail room. I was in a hurry so I didn't check my mail immediately that day. It was only two days later when I browsed through my stack of mail that I discovered the three ripped envelopes! Now who would do that and three ripped envelopes does not make it a coincidence right? Unless of course, my mailman was so careless and accidentally tore my envelopes open, which I seriously doubt.
Anyway, the ripped envelopes were junk mail so they weren't important. I was worried because I was expecting my first cheque from Churp Churp and that I can't afford to lose. The amount may be small but the trouble to get another cheque mailed my way is the hassle I am avoiding. Fortunately, my CC cheque arrived two days later and I did not get any more torn envelopes after the first incident.
To be on the safe side however, I'm going to change the lock on my wall mount mailbox. But in order to do that, we'd have to file a report with the management office and what not, which is actually the most tedious part. Oh well, these are just some of the condo-living woes I'm facing and hopefully there would be no more torn mail after we change our lock! I hope you're enjoying your weekend and thanks for visiting me today.
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:* :* :*
Looks like someone thinks you are receiving cash in the mail! LOL!
Yeah better change the lock. Good luck on the most tedious part! Haha
oh that sounds awful GP.. are you the only one affected by it dearie? any other complaints ke?
Have a good weekend! : D
how i wish we can have mailboxes outside out door kan? lol!
so fast this foong.. lol!
As usual I am late.. huhuhu
oh no no no, just like my sister's mail! someone s always opening her mail! she lives in a condo too..
Perhaps someone was scavenging around your mail?
I do hope that whoever is tampering with your mail gets caught, I mean even if it is just junk mail, what if the culprit chanced upon a check or something, right? tsk tsk, what is the world coming to?!
Hey Marzie!! Remember that someone ripped my mail and stole the contents -- the souvenirs from Japan that you sent to me??? >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o It must've jutted out from the mailbox or something.. but people are just so cruel. That's one of the things about condo living. Everyone's mailboxes are all in the same mail room and you never know who it could be. So evil. I hope they leave your mail from now on.
Our mailbox in KK is only a slit through the wall.. and then it drops like 1 foot down to the holding box. That way no one can reach in and packages that don't fit will be given to us by hand. If only we can have something like that..
Foong Meow 1! :* :*
Foong SSG! =-O =-O
:* :* :* LJ Meow 2!
I tak perasan got complaints or not but rem last time got shoe thief? hopefully no mail thief la now! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Tell me abt it!!! So convenient kan, tak yah go downstairs to mail room! :* :* :*
:-$ :-$ :-$ Come to me money!
That happens a lot of here in the states. People try and get into your mail to steal your money, check or even your personal identity. Its bad you always have to be careful and always watching. ;)
Thanks Foong, yeah very tedious la wei, sure kena isi form, wait for approval bla bla bla.... :-E :-E :-E
U too Foong, weekend almost over sigh... :-P :-P :-P
And Ane Meow 3! :-D :-D :-D
Thanks for the chop meows! :-D :-D
U made it in the nick of time Ane, yay! :-D :-D
Wah really Ane? Dis first time for me actually, hopefully it was just an accident... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* O:-) O:-) O:-)
Perhaps perhaps but there's a security guard on the floor actually so I'm hoping again.. it was just a one-off incident.. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
That's dangerous.. Yeah, changing locks is a definite good idea.. Maybe these ppl knows you get money in mails (altho cheques) and want to make life a little hard for u.. :(
touch wood!! he he let's hope that will never happen...da cheque bit that is and yeah I don't want to see any more torn mail after dis! O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-)
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o Of coz I remember Shemah! Hugs!! For us lol! Lucky my book from Fida arrived safe and sound.. ni recently je this happened before this semua okay, so hopefully no more incidents yeah? O:-) O:-) O:-)
I wish we have mailbox right outside our door ha ha but poor postman, how to cover all floors...just makes more sense to have dat mail room for condo ppl like us.. :-E :-E :-E
Always on the lookout, that's right Bill. And I should make it a point to check my mail daily instead of every few days too, thanks mi amigo! :* :* :*
=-X =-X =-X I sure hope not Bella...will get the lock changed asap! Thanks sweetie! :* :*
:* :* :*
oh no got mail thief! :-E :-E :-E
that's so inconvenient kan everytime have to go downstairs to mail room .. =-X =-X
enjoy your weekend Mariuca! i woke up with sore throat today FML :(
8th? hehehe..
owh, tu memang menyusahkan tu. Harap2 kejadian ni tak berulang lagi la. Leceh tu kalau surat penting tak sampai atau cek hilang.
Selamat Hari Ahad Marzie :)
Yay! I got the chop! wooHoo! :) very lucky nooo indeed!
Yay! :)
My sister's mail have been tampered with numerous times Marzie, it's a good thing they are mostly bills.. She has reported it and have changed locks 3x already but somehow someone still manages to rip open her mail!
I hope it doesn't happen again Marzie!
aww.. so sad Shemah never got her souvenir from Japan! :( :(
:* :* :* :* :*
oh i hate lost mails!
we also don't have that wall mounted mailbox. :-P :-P
oooops, correction! we DONT have a mailbox! >:o >:o >:o
so i don't have any idea if i have received all the mails sent to me >:o >:o >:o
but i would hate it more if my mail envelopes are open! >:o >:o >:o
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It is good idea to file the complain against it and changing the lock is fair. But i'm wondering why any one doing this? I guess some one deeply taking interest on you. Be careful. Also, in the mean time can you please check out my online store of e-juice and related equipment and share your feedback on it? Here is store url -
Looks like someone thinks you are receiving cash in the mail or having a good crush on you! LOL!
I hope however is doing your mails, gets caught. no matter whether it is junk emails or anything else, no one can tamper your private stuff.
Kindly review my site -
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